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scanman717's Avatar
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granularity is not the best, but at least I now have near real time weather on my GPS.. I spent lots of time driving (about 3,400 miles in the last month) and having an easy way to see where I might run into weather is great...

Two last things.....
1. An overlay with nautical charts would really rock since I am an avid boater.. I already have this on google earth via a third party overlay.. I will have to try it and see if it works.

2. Any chance of displaying Distance from Beginning or Distance to end (choose between) in one of the corners of the map screen??

Thanks again for all the hard work of the community...
sondjata's Avatar
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
For those looking for a weather overlay, here's the URL format to use for the Weather layer:

It's not the fastest web server in the world, and its granularity is a little limited, but it works.

Drawing the map sure gets slow with two layers, though....

Yeah, but if you want to do a quick weather check before leaving for a trip it would be usefull.
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unfortunately I'm getting errors downloading weather maps. at first I thought it was the lack of weather where I am but I went somewhere where it was raining and saw nothing.
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me too, i just get the hourglass flashing for a bit, then nothing
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Weather only works in the US for example (I see the hourglass, then nothing for both weather and traffic here in the UK), it does probably mean that there are no maps (even if there is weather) at your location
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i am in the US, there is weather (tropical storm fay!)

i checked all over the country, didnt see any weather anywhere
scanman717's Avatar
Posts: 74 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Florida
Double and triple check the link.. I had a heck of a time typing it in properly and there is no error message to let you know that you got it wrong... I just checked and it is working... I am right outside the of TS Faye now and it actually looks kinda cool viewing it on the tablet...
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yes i checked and doublechecked. its definatly correct.
is there anything else im suppose to set on that box?
scanman717's Avatar
Posts: 74 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Florida
I have mine set for the CacheDB is on my external SD card, autofetch 10 minutes, Layer is Visible checked.. That't is....
Posts: 91 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on May 2007
me too... i thought maybe i was out of memory or something, but i moved it to the sd card.

the google traffic works fine


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