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My name is Miguel and I'm a Interaction Designer at OpenBossa. I've been part of Canola design team since its first release and from now on I'm going to be around this forum answering your questions and taking notes of you suggestions and criticisms. Also, if you prefer to contact me privately, you may do so through my e-mail(miguel.peres at

In behalf of Canola Team,

Miguel Peres
Interaction designer @ OpenBossa Labs"
- Miguel Peres

Interaction designer @ OpenBossa Labs

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Posts: 80 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jul 2008 @ Seattle
Hi Miguel,
Pleasure to meet

If I could ask, when do you think the full theme documentation will be available?
The psb file is alot of help, but a clear way to create themes for canola would really push it up a notch in my opinion

Great Work on everything, Canola is fantastic

mperes's Avatar
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Hi CleverJake,

I agree with you, the PSD helps but it's not self-explanatory and you must have a running copy of Photoshop to fully enjoy it. Taking these problems in account, We've already started working on a proper documentation and the plan is to release it with the theme maker.

In the meantime, I'll be more the pleased to help you with any theme related problems you may have
- Miguel Peres

Interaction designer @ OpenBossa Labs
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jul 2008 @ Seattle
PHotoshops not an issue (for me atleast) I work at a printshop as a second job
so I have the entire adobe sweet at my fingertips

I get the basic idea idea of replacing the sliced layers with what you want, but at that poitn..i am lost
mperes's Avatar
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Hi CleverJake,

At the current moment the process of creating a custom theme consists of the following steps(not necessarily in this order):

1. Download the template file(PSD) from canola site.
2. Overwrite the images in this template by yours.
3. Export the slices using "Export for Web & Devices..." in Photoshop.

For the following steps you must have a machine with running a linux distribution:

4. Download and install "Canola Test Build" (
5. Compile you theme following the procedures described in this doc:

When the theme maker become available you wont need to go though steps 4 and 5. What you gonna do is compress the exported images from step 3 and upload it to the theme maker site, the server will then compile your theme and and generate a download link for it.
- Miguel Peres

Interaction designer @ OpenBossa Labs

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This will allow you to replace the images, but not the positioning of the elements, right?

I've been playing around with canola a bit, and i like it.
I was pretty impressed by how smooth the main GUI handled the orientation change from landscape to portrait. Unfortunately, this breaks down in the Album and now playing view.

My thoughts about how i could fix this, was to create a custom portrait theme. Is this possible, or are the locations hard coded?

by NsN
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jul 2008 @ Seattle
Originally Posted by No Such Nick View Post
This will allow you to replace the images, but not the positioning of the elements, right?
Yep, this is a themer
thats about it

Originally Posted by No Such Nick View Post
I was pretty impressed by how smooth the main GUI handled the orientation change from landscape to portrait. Unfortunately, this breaks down in the Album and now playing view.
Im not sure what it is youre refering to, do you mean the Xrandr kernel for the 810 that switches when you open and close the keyboard?

Originally Posted by No Such Nick View Post
My thoughts about how i could fix this, was to create a custom portrait theme. Is this possible, or are the locations hard coded?
by NsN
Its not possible to change the location of stuff with using this. This is just a stylesheet, replaces images and icons, that being said, location isnt hardcoded in (as far as I know), but canola is closed source so theres no config file as of yet

Unless this is already what you meant in your second question, you should check out handful's blog post here. for a look at a portrait style canola
That may help

Last edited by CleverJake; 2008-09-11 at 23:21.

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