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Originally Posted by tso View Post
sorry to say, but i have yet to see something that could rival the N800...
General Ant. (Ryan) is absolutely correct that adding that radio will ruin the platform.
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Hmm - I have some mixed feelings. On the one hand I often use the N810 on a plane, and while all the other people have to switch off their phone/pdas and haul out their laptops; I use my N810. (Phones arent allowed to be used on flights in my country, but computers are) The tethering-with-phone approach worked fine, but it meant 2 devices. If the N900 gets cellular, then it better be a great phone as well so it can feed off the 'one device' approach. I'm happy to hear about the faster processors. If they throw in TV (monitor) OI'm probably just about there with not carrying a laptop either. Anyone ever consider the idea of a docking station for the tablets? So I just carry my N900 around and plug it into a dock at the office and home to get big keyboard and screen? Of course I would need a proper word processor and spreadsheet......
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Originally Posted by tso View Post
iirc, 4G/LTE should basically be tcp/ip in mobile form, with the phone services as just another set of data streams (as in, a 4G handset would basically be a voip device). as i think about it, could it be that nokia is getting ready for that kind of environment?
Eventually the entire phone service model will be flipped: everything will run on IP instead of the old "POTS" way or the hodge-podge we have now. Nokia would be crazy (as a corporate entity) not to get ready for that.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Eventually the entire phone service model will be flipped: everything will run on IP instead of the old "POTS" way or the hodge-podge we have now. Nokia would be crazy (as a corporate entity) not to get ready for that.
You just told Nokia's eventual strategy for getting past the carriers. I really hope they don't get mad at you for making that this obvious.
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Originally Posted by xxM5xx View Post
General Ant. (Ryan) is absolutely correct that adding that radio will ruin the platform.
I nominate that statement as tablet hyperbole of the year.

And I'll bet you're wrong. Wanna wager?
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Originally Posted by ARJWright View Post
You just told Nokia's eventual strategy for getting past the carriers. I really hope they don't get mad at you for making that this obvious.
If they (carriers) haven't understood that eventuality by now, then they deserve to lose business IMO.

But it sure does seem like the Big 2 (in the US) don't get it yet, doesn't it?
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Originally Posted by ARJWright View Post
All I wonder about at this point is the hardware design and the user interface. I'd like to know those before jumping in the pot that Maemo 5 is super great. Though, it does seem like a nice step #4
Agreed. For a keynote, much of the presentation was about Maemo and how it's built. This is the first public discussion about Maemo 5 and there were four interesting bits in the whole presentation:
  1. 80% of the device's software is now open source. The 20% is comprised of the high-level applications - which Nokia still think are differentiators & valuable *cough*
  2. HSPA in the next device
  3. HD camera in the next device
  4. Nokia aren't interested in other manufacturers using Maemo at the moment.

As yet, we've seen nothing of the Fremantle UI which has a *lot* of work to do. Hopefully, we'll see some concrete details about Maemo 5 during tomorrow's DevSesh and even more during the summit.
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Originally Posted by EIPI View Post
I guess this confirms the speculation over Texrat's previous comment on being blown away by Step 5 of 5. Great news to see HSPA connectivity. I just wonder what this will do to potential N810WE sales - My guess is that people will hold off until the new Maemo device comes out
Some, for sure, but once we have pricing details (for Xohm), those in current Xohm coverage areas may go with the N810W if it's lower or similar monthly cost as 3g data-only access. Even on reasonably expensive devices like this, monthly costs dominate long-term; some people may prefer the notion of WiMAX and saving $x per month over any other N900 improvements they think possible...

Oh, and regarding cost increase from adding radios, it is worth noting that the N810W and N810 had the same launch price. I'm not persuaded it's as bad as some people seem to think, though I still do think built-in cellular is wrong and a card slot is right.

Let's just hope they do it right and do a quad-band with UMTS band IV (T-Mo USA), though, since they're doing it.

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Most of you have no understanding of how the cellular industry drives designs, and it is that force which will ruin things.

As long as Nokia is free to develop the NIT as they saw fit the results are sweet. Once you invite the cellular folks to steer the ship, thing will go to Hell. Good to see Ryan understands this.

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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I nominate that statement as tablet hyperbole of the year.

And I'll bet you're wrong. Wanna wager?
A device that is connected to a data only connection using a SIP for telephony interface and built on a largely open source platform has the ability to take carriers completely out of the mix, though will make backhaul and internet service providers feel even more like the utilities they are but aren't acting like.

This is disruptive technology at its finest.

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