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Posts: 21 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2008
Hi I have a ukmp on my nokia 770 and I am having trouble viewing it.After downloading the videos it will say play back ready but it never did play I checked it in my memory card its in there but it seems like it cant not play the video on ukmp dark.Please help.Thanks!
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2008
youtube video playback is very stable with the Canola + the youtube plugin for canola. It worked for me every time without any problem. First the video will buffer for sometime depending on the length usually 1/4 of the video, then canola will load mplayer automatically for the playback. Try this method it will work for you.
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Once you have downloaded videos with UK tube, you can use mplayer or MediaBox or UKMP for viewing them. I think Canola has some trouble listing them for playing (their media scanner doesn't know .flv), unless you downloaded them with Canola.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2008
hi thanks for the says ready for playback what will i do next.i could not see it in the memory card?

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