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El mundo reports about speaking with Ari Virtanen. It's in spanish, but let me tell you the main points:

- Better multimedia capabilities
- Integrated camera
- Looking to target the tablet for bloggers on the go
- "Never say never" about the tablet working as a cell phone
- Maybe, it will come in different screen sizes

I think I'm not missing anything important.

Not very exciting as specific improvements, I think, but anyway a revision would be something to really look forward to. I just hope we see another software revision before another tablet is out

Posts: 114 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jan 2006
Originally Posted by joq100

El mundo reports about speaking with Ari Virtanen. It's in spanish, but let me tell you the main points:

- Better multimedia capabilities
- Integrated camera
- Looking to target the tablet for bloggers on the go
- "Never say never" about the tablet working as a cell phone
- Maybe, it will come in different screen sizes

I think I'm not missing anything important.

Not very exciting as specific improvements, I think, but anyway a revision would be something to really look forward to. I just hope we see another software revision before another tablet is out


Having not read the article, yet, I can say...

I don't want a camera in my tablet.
Blogging is NOT the killer app!
Don't need it as a cell phone - I have one of those already.

Yes to:
better multimedia support
better bluetooth coverage (in capabilities, not range)
more solid OS that doesn't decide to randomly reboot w/o an error log entry somewhere to help track down why
A bit more powerful CPU (i don't care what you say about how it's powerful, I just know I watch the CPU load meter rise and sit sometimes while the rest of the tablet locks up until it's ready to move on)

Don't know if another screen size is necessary. This one is pretty awesome.


More yes:
recharge via usb

Last edited by spycedtx; 2006-09-27 at 19:05.
Posts: 97 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Aug 2006
Is it certain that there will be a 770 successor or is it just rumors?
And what timeframe can we expect, a few months, a year?

I will probably buy whatever they throw on the market, even if its just 64MB more memory.
Posts: 428 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ Washington DC
Yes to:
- a usable thumbboard to tap out comments like these on forums and chatting on gTalk.
- more RAM, faster CPU
- faster updates to the browser to support the latest multimedia plugins
Posts: 319 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Apr 2006
Is there away to talk them out of the camera? Please say yes.

If I wanted a picture I'd carry a camera, not some hybred. If it has a camera it becomes useless to me, because I can't have a camera at work.
Posts: 477 | Thanked: 118 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ Munich, Germany
The camera is for video conferencing or little movies for blogging, not really taking pictures, I suppose.

I notice that Ari Virtanen said that they are very pleased about how the 770 is selling. Now, please explain me why, if the device is selling well, we have no competitor and a software that, with the notable exception of the browser, is still a beta version IMHO...
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The camera: In all honesty, the throughput of most of the hotspots I've used can barely keep up with gTalk much less streamed video.
It's one more thing to break and it's useless to me. If they *must*, have it as a plug-in add-on item.

Blogging? Less people do this than you think. Useless to me as well.
Posts: 35 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Sep 2006
Please, Nokia, LOSE THE CAMERA!

Beef up the (computer) hardware instead.

Posts: 209 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Fishers, Indiana
Please no camera! It will doubtless be of a lower quality as well as consuming valuable space that might be used for a larger battery, etc. I would really welcome the ability to use either two batteries or a larger one. If more RAM (or a faster CPU) is added it will definitely need it since more RAM will increase the amount of power needed to run the device, idle or not.

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Posts: 305 | Thanked: 154 times | Joined on Aug 2006 @ Colorado
One thing about a camera: I have been thinking about writing software that will scan a page or photo from waving a lower quality camera over a page multiple times. If the camera didn't make the unit bigger I think that would be a great feature. If the "new 770" is much bigger I would just get a computer like the Sony Vaio UX (1.2 lbs, keyboard, fingerprint reader and TWO cameras) But as twice the weight of the 770 I would rather have the 770.

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