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possessedskier's Avatar
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My N800 went through a phase where it was draining the battery within a few hours while sitting idle. I ended up reflashing and it hasn't done it since.

Mine is on 24/7. My wifi is set to automatically connect and I never use offline mode. I suppose if you had a weak signal, automatically connecting might be a battery drain. My OMWeather updates every hour and the RSS feed reader updates every 30 minutes. The battery has lasted several days when I don't use it and I've used it all day after recharging it the afternoon before.
PC #1 - HP dv2000 Laptop - Ubuntu 9.10
PC #2 - Ubuntu 9.10
PC #3 - Ubuntu 8.04/Windoze XP dual boot
Nokia N800 internet tablet - OS2008 Diablo dual boot to SD - 4gb internal + 2gb external SD cards
lcuk's Avatar
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possessedskier, your experience is similar to lots of people and this is the expected behaviour.

my wifi eats the battery because I run it in ad-hoc mode connecting to a wifi dongle in my desktop pc.
i am told the ad-hoc mode prevents the wifi chipset from entering powersave mode and hence drains the battery faster.

connecting to a proper wifi router in infrastructure mode allows the wifi chipset to enter powersaving and can last for days when idle.
liqbase sketching the future.
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Originally Posted by lcuk View Post
why is it a good thing you waited so long? I kicked myself when I realised how useful they were that I hadn't jumped immediately (it wasnt until the n810 that I got one because before that I saw them as pdas..)
Well I guess I should be more clear, I'm glad I waited until I found the n800 series before getting a pocket pc. In past years I'd looked at palms/blackberries/pocket pcs etc. I'm glad I didn't waste my money of any of those and waited to discover the n810, to me it seems a real leap in the technology.
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Originally Posted by silvermain View Post
If you do a quick press of the power button or ctrl + shift + p you wil pull up the Device Mode menu which will allow you to choose Lock the touch screen and keys, Offline mode, Lock device, Soft poweroff (which turns off all radios and turns off and locks the touch screen and keys) and Switch off!.
Ah ha! This is what I have been missing. I haven't seen this menu before. When I did the control shift p it just powered down. But when I did a quick click of the power button I finally saw the device menu. Although I still don't have the soft poweroff option. I'll give offline a try though.

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Something else I just discovered, Nokia suggests turning off the LED for power savings. When my tablet screen turns off, the led does a slow blue flash. Maybe this is responsible for my power draw. Too bad, I kind of like the LED, however I'm not trying to sleep beside it.
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Strange, battery went strong all afternoon. This evening it started to go down a bit, then after another hour or two it was at half. Then another hour it was dead. Guess there is still something strange afoot...
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Originally Posted by CyberHippie View Post
Strange, battery went strong all afternoon. This evening it started to go down a bit, then after another hour or two it was at half. Then another hour it was dead. Guess there is still something strange afoot...
I found the battery meter not to be very accurate. It shows 4 bars (full) for quite a long time, but when it's going down to 3 bars, you don't have much battery left. 2 bars doesn't mean 50% battery level. I don't remember the actual figures, but it may be around 20%.
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Yeah that makes sense... I guess there is still that shortcoming with lithium batteries, it's all or nothing...

I still have a full charge from overnight. I guess the key is putting it in offline mode...
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See similar behavior with mine. It's a 770 with different OS, but I'm not getting the same standby life as what others report. In use time is great so the battery is still strong.
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Here is an Advanced Battery apps that lets you set different power mode etc:

Another reason for battery draining is caused by the metalayer-crawler. There are many discussion threads, but basically you should be able to turn it off completely by renaming /usr/bin/metalayer-crawler to /usr/bin/metalayer-crawler.deactivated and either rebooting or killing the metalayer-crawler process. If you have big SD card and/or a lot of directories and files, this may be the cause.

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