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So it looks like the kernel is 2.6.27, so the first thing we need to do is get that kernel (and any associated drivers, such as WiFi) running under Maemo 4.
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kinda makes me want to sell my n810w and wait for the n900 to come out. any guesses on release dates?
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Originally Posted by Picklesworth View Post
Something tells me the iPhone Linux project could get us a decent reverse-engineered PowerVR driver down the line, so I too am holding out hope.
unfortunately, i am not hopeful, we could get decent hw 3d support.

some chips are designed to be unusable without some secret knowledge. this info you receive only if you licence the technology.

nokia probably wanted to save money and considered 3d support unimportant at the time, so they decided not to licence 3d, imho.

(the same way you could in the past buy multi-processor workstation, with only one cpu working, another cpu(s) where only functional after "upgrade", even if it was only sw upgrade)
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I really don't get the negativity... So what if Fremantle won't run on our old N8x0-s? For my beloved n800, Diablo does the job, letting me read ebooks, listen to music, watch videos, rdesktop onto my server to do stuff on a powerful machine, etc. I'll be able to go on doing all those things even if my n800 never ever gets another upgrade. Sure, diablo ain't perfect, but it ain't all that bad either, and the software we already have for it is great.

Do we only want OS-s that run on obsolete hardware? Backwards compatability is nice in theory, but rarely really works out. I want great new hardware, and great new software to run on it, optimized to run on that hardware. If that means
having to eventually stop -upgrading- my old machine, so be it.

Look to the possibilities and the future, not to the past!

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i feel somewhat cheated since i just bought my n810w. i guess that's what i get for not doing as much research into the device before buying.

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Originally Posted by gonzo1082 View Post
i feel somewhat cheated since i just bought my n810w. i guess that's what i get for not doing as much research into the device before buying.
Whilst I see your point on one hand I have to say, on the other hand, you've got the benefit of having just tapped into a fairly mature ecosystem of good apps, and can look forward to at least half a year of use before any new hardware comes along. If you'd waited, you'd be without for that time.

The existing software and hardware is -good- and won't get any worse for having a newer, shinier bigger brother. And I think there's going to be a lot of community-support for the n810we for quite some time, seeing as how there's a lot of n8x0-s out there already, in the hands of loving owners.

I've enjoyed every single day with my n800, and if I lost it, I'd buy another one directly, even knowing that the "n900" is on (the far) horizon. It's that good.

Hope you enjoy your new machine as much as I've enjoyed mine, and that the cheated feeling eventually goes away! They're lovely little toys!

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Great news, just right time for my blog superpost =)
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Originally Posted by gonzo1082 View Post
i feel somewhat cheated since i just bought my n810w. i guess that's what i get for not doing as much research into the device before buying.
Why? Does your n810w do what you want it to do now? Will it stop doing those things when the N900 is released?

I can't count the times I've bought a laptop or television, dvd player, etc, where something better didn't come out (often for the same or less $$$) a month or two later. But what I bought scratched an itch when I bought it and continued to do so for quite a long time.

It's the nature of electronics in general, and computer systems are extremely vulnerable to this "planned obsolescence".
Mitch Thompson, Helotes, TX USA
N800|2x 16GB SDHC|PDAir case|i737 BT GPS

"There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and BSD. We don't believe this to be a coincidence. " - Jeremy S. Anderson

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I am a new user of these nokia tablets.
3 weeks ago i finally bit the bullet and decided to buy the n810. IT cost me almost 500.00 after taxes
then a week and a half ago they release the wimax edition. .
I go and i look at the nokia website for the tradeup program and all i can get for my tablet now is 120 american dollars.

Now i am reading on this board (which by the way is top notch) that the next version of the software will come out but will not be supported by the current tablets hardware..
Apart from the fact that i am loving every minute with the tablet, I can't help feeling dupped in everyway.. sure i might have been one of the last ppl reading these forums to purchase a nokia tablet , late , way late in the game but there has to be some understanding from the manufacturer.. If not a promise of future compatibility with the hardware , atleast one hell of a price break on thier "old and soon to be outdated hardware"...

as for the researching of this device .. i exhausted myself learning as much as possible on the features.. but never did i encounter a website , blog, review indicating that this hardware is about to become obsolete..
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I'm really curious about the "license" change....
I got the feeling in the thread about using maemo on the (open)pandora there was not much understanding about my reservations, but it looks like this was picked up after all...

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