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Thanks for the replies.

I have the tablet running with the RD kernel in rd-mode

./flasher-3.0 --enable-rd-mode -f -k zImage-nitdroid-n8x0_debug -R
And that stopped the crashing. On a side note, I tried rd-mode with the standard kernel, and it was still crashing.

Also, editing default.prop for dns helped. I just put the opendns DNS servers in there and now it it is working fine.

At this point, the device is running in rd-mode with the rd-kernel, the userland is on the SD card, and wifi is working great. The system browses faster then with the default OS and browser. Very good stuff.

I guess the next thing I was going to look around for is someone mentioned an open android market. I will be looking for how to get that installed on here and try out some other applications.

Thanks for all the hard work.
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How many times i have to say this: Solca is making a NEW kind of graohical bootmenu, that will replace fanoushes initfs bootmenu. Be patient

Solcas bootmenu will be completely different and able to load different kernels for different operating systems.

it will be _something_ like this: (PS3 bootmenu)

Touch Book .. do not waste you money on it.

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Man... I hope he would concentrate on the bootmenu more. Really need it.

I'm still having problems with my DNS... I have put the setprop net.dns1 into the default.prop, but it still doesn't work.
I would try the ADB, but it just doesn't work. It just says that no device found. And "adb devices" also just prints an empty list.

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Last edited by Sevanteri; 2008-12-15 at 16:57.
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Originally Posted by meizirkki View Post
How many times i have to say this: Solca is making a NEW kind of graohical bootmenu, that will replace fanoushes initfs bootmenu. Be patient

Solcas bootmenu will be completely different and able to load different kernels for different operating systems.
Yes, sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I was impatient; quite the contrary. "Old, lazy and experienced" (me) = patient. I am currently not a trailblazer, but sometimes I can recognize a treacherous path that others are on. But not to imply anything in this case.

Anyway, if Solca is close to porting GRUB or something like it, everything I said becomes meaningless and I am 110% behind such a task. Sh*t, then maybe it can be ported to all my USB-equipped routers! I guess what I should have said was that such an effort would take someone's full attention, but they would be rewarded by a binary test result: either a current Maemo OS works the same or it doesn't. When it does, THEN I would say it's time for full-bore Android, or mobile Ubuntu, or whatever. In this scenario you would increase your tester base and thus porting alternative kernels/OS's would probably accelerate.
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Originally Posted by Thesandlord View Post
Yes, you can use PPP through USB using the ADB. Look at them acronyms fly!

In other news, the aKeyUI app works, so there is virtual keyboard support for N800!
The unofficial market apps work, but is there any way to put on the real market?
I installed this application (I think) but I don't get a virtual keyboard. Is there some other setup that is required?
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Thanks for all the work Solca!

I tried installing third-part apps and I wasn't very successful. I tried downloading them directly from the browser and installing, but Android crashes. I also tried with ADB (adb install yourpackage.apk) but it crashed too.

logcat says,

E/PackageManager( 671): Couldn't create temp file for downloaded package file.
E/AndroidRuntime( 671): Uncaught handler: thread PackageManager exiting due to uncaught exception
E/AndroidRuntime( 671): *** EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS. System will crash.

but taking a closer look at it, I found that the packets are in /sdcard/downloads/ as expected. I don't know where else it might want to create them.

Any clue?

Thanks in advance
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@cyrus - I don't know, it worked for me. I installed through the device, not adb if that helps.

@kender - How big are your partitions? I have a 1 GB partition for Android, 1 GB for FAT32. 3rd Party apps work fine.

This experience with adb has showed my how crappy the windows cmd program is. After working with Terminal in Linux, there is no way you can use cmd in Windows.
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# df
/: 404502K total, 90592K used, 313910K available (block size 1024)
/: 404502K total, 90592K used, 313910K available (block size 1024)
/dev: 62984K total, 0K used, 62984K available (block size 4096)
/sqlite_stmt_journals: 4096K total, 0K used, 4096K available (block size 4096)
/nit/initfs: 4096K total, 2620K used, 1476K available (block size 4096)
/sdcard: 1018088K total, 412K used, 1017676K available (block size 4096)
/nit/initfs/tmp: 62984K total, 4K used, 62980K available (block size 4096)

I did:
- 1 Gb 1st partition FAT32 (aka. /sdcard I understand)
- 512 Mb 2nd partition FAT32 (not used, I guess)
- 512 Mb 3rd partition ext3 (root (/) of the system I believe)

Sounds like enough to me.
It is a N810 without an external minisd card and with the internal one formatted that way.

Thanks for your interest
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Why don't you delete the 2nd FAT32 partition, and grow the ext3?

1GB - FAT32
7MB - Unallocated
1GB - ext3

Maybe Android is getting confused which partition to mount (yeah, not likely, but...)
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I upload a new kernel and userspace, it fixes some problems reported here (DNS, Home button, etc.) I made several mistakes in the N800 support, hopefully it will be closer to work on those devices.

I'm refactoring the userspace so new NITdroid releases are more in line with the new (unreleased) selector and with user persistent settings (/data). Too this refactoring will permit live updates.

In the meantime report something


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