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timsamoff's Avatar
Posts: 1,605 | Thanked: 1,601 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Southern California
Cool idea for a media player UI:

Play with the real demo here:

Ok, now... Someone design a native app like this for the tablet.

Posts: 45 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Austria
Can't be that hard to implement this feature or am I missing the point?

Nevertheless I would use the buttons like in UKMP or Canola...
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Jan 2007
doesn't make any sense from the usability stand point unless the media player stays in background, but even them, what hapens if you scroll a bar and don't want to change the song?

From another PoV, if you do not have buttons, what do you put on screen?, the video shows the instructions populating the entire screen wich makes a really bad looking player. This is not inventive, mouse gestures are here for good.
timsamoff's Avatar
Posts: 1,605 | Thanked: 1,601 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Southern California
I can think of all sorts of things to put on the screen:
  • Album cover
  • Album lyrics
  • Album info
  • Video
  • Slide show
  • Visualization
  • Etc.
Personally, I would love a UI that worked w/ funger genstures instead of button clicks.

Sevanteri's Avatar
Posts: 48 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Jun 2008 @ Oulu, Finland
I agree.
It would work great because of the touchscreen.

Jolla, The First One TOH
N9, black 16GB
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I think this can be really useful on a small touchscreen. A way to prevent gestures to interfere with the normal gui elements would be to only register gestures while pressing some region of the screen or a button.
wazd's Avatar
Posts: 528 | Thanked: 895 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Moscow, Russia
Gestures sucks. You can't make proper gesture with one hand unless you're a piano man. But you can click the button
Maemo UI improvements blog.
Khertan's Avatar
Posts: 1,012 | Thanked: 817 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ France
Gestures sucks. You can't make proper gesture with one hand unless you're a piano man. But you can click the button
héhé ... True
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Dec 2008
I am not sold on gestures either. give me a player where half of the 'now playing' screen is the album art, with decent sized volume slider to the side of it and the whole bottom has a position indicator with time remaining on the far right and time played on the far left and the rest can be the biggest buttons in the world and still look good.

But on the other hand, if this could be made so that it was a 'global' gesture and one just had to say, for example, hold a hardware key and make a gesture, while using a different program, THAT would be useful. being able to skip, rewind, pause, play, from the web browser with almost no interruption and no teeny-tiny play ff rw icons cluttering up my browser that i could never hope to hit with my sausage fingers anyway, would be a big deal. Can someone get on this now?
timsamoff's Avatar
Posts: 1,605 | Thanked: 1,601 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Southern California
Have any of you used the trackpad on a new MacBook? It's quite an amazing experience.


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