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lcuk's Avatar
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i buy monthly licenses of wayfinder as required (2 so far in the last 12 months)

I dont see the point in gps for most day to day driving, but think its extremely useful in specific circumstances.

As an app developer myself I don't have a problem with paying for the license, the only thing I object to is the online activation.

I very nearly didn't get where I needed to go the other week because it would not accept the license key my missus had purchased that day because the tablet had no configured net access.

Of course, if there are viable alternative applications I will use them, but until that time the commercial developers will get a small amount from me when I need their help
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Originally Posted by Iceman1962 View Post
If they can make Palm OS run on the N810 with Garnet VM and the Garmain IQUE ( Like the IQUE 3600 ) ran Palm OS 5.2.1 and had a built in GPS why can't they make a free map software for the N810 instead of that OVER PRICED WAYFINDER. I love my N810 but I think its a rip off that they expect us to pay for Navicore Wayfinder Software for the price if the software you can purchase a better, faster GPS. But I wanted it built in. But not to get screwed in the end with having to purchase an Over Priced Software package. I hope someone comes up with a solution to this.
Since you want it so bad why dont you make one and share it with with the rest of us. I'm sure it's not that hard you seem like a smart person and since you came up with the idea YOU NEED to come up with the solution. I'm sure you already know this also but verify it's GNU and make sure there are no bugs or errors with the program and the maps.

Since I volunteered you just like you volunteered others I can't wait for the hardware and software support that comes with it, please iclude your 24/7 support number so if I do have problems you I can contact you for assistance.

Thanks Again for bringing this to everyones attention and helping out the NIT community with YOUR generous offer on the free GPS software.
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Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post

Note, my license was unlimited (Navicore 2007), but its activated for 3 years. Whatever. In 2011 I might be dead anyway.
Hey, you're right! Game's over in 2011
But I think in 2 years navigation systems will be a little bit more advanced so it will be time for something new anyway

(this will help to convince my wife to allow me a new gadget )
ongo bongo!
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Originally Posted by Picklesworth View Post
I think it's pretty low that WayFinder already has all the right maps and things downloaded for free, but you need a subscription fee for access to a feature that happens entirely on the client side. They rely on those subscriptions to pay for the maps downloaded by free users.
I don't know about you, but to me that sounds mighty stupid. Time for a new business model.
There are no "free" users of Wayfinder, excpet for the free 5-day trial subscriptions. I much prefer the pre-installed subscription model with map updates to buying a separate GPS device. Most of the big GPS players are pushing HW and I prefer that someone is willing to enable the app as SW on a relatively open platform.

OSS is another option, but you can't justifiably complain because someone hasn't developed what you want for free.
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Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
Nokia Maps works like this too. Many proprietary applications require a license to work with features which work on the client side. Incidentally, .................... navigation package for your phone.
It is a pity that Nokia Maps and TomTom are not available for the tablets, it is only for Symbian and Windows Mobile (yes Nokia Maps too !).
I have both on my Nokia E70 and TomTom is better than Nokia Maps, the latter is rather crappy.
BTW, Wayfinder is from Vodafone now.
Nokia N810 FW version 5.2008.43-7
iPad 2 (iOS 4.3.2) Macbook Pro (10.6.6)
Nokia 5800 phone FW 62.0.0125
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Originally Posted by skatebiker View Post
BTW, Wayfinder is from Vodafone now.
Now, you must have news or haven't read the news article carefully. Last time I checked, approx 2 weeks ago, it was an offer by Vodafone; not a finalized sale.
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Posts: 348 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on Dec 2007
It's easy enough to write a program for any OS, but the map data isn't free, and has to be purchased from NavTeq or another company. It's the data that costs, and nobody can or will provide that for free. It's possible to get some vector maps for free, from the census bureau, but it's not current and doesn't have road direction data, so you can be routed the wrong way down a one-way road. The cheapest and most convenient and reliable solution is a standalone mapping GPS, which you can get for less than $100 these days. I've given up on PDA mapping, because it's just too inconvenient and expensive.
YoDude's Avatar
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My wife has a TomTom PNA (standalone) with the same screen size as the tablet. Poking around in it's files, it looks to me to be linux based for armel.
If someone could get to root on the thing, TomTom could pro'ly be recompiled for the tablet.
allnameswereout's Avatar
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Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
My wife has a TomTom PNA (standalone) with the same screen size as the tablet. Poking around in it's files, it looks to me to be linux based for armel.
If someone could get to root on the thing, TomTom could pro'ly be recompiled for the tablet.
See OpenTom.

This wiki tries to provide information about the TomTom GO family, a linux-running all-in-one car navigation system. Please make sure to read the OpenTom:General disclaimer, in particular the paragraph about no warranty and no liability.
Includes hardware information.
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Posts: 28 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Sep 2008
Originally Posted by Iceman1962 View Post
...N810 instead of that OVER PRICED WAYFINDER. I love my N810 but I think its a rip off that they expect us to pay for Navicore Wayfinder Software for the price if the software you can purchase a better, faster GPS...:
Originally Posted by bongo View Post
Just buy an old version for nokia 770. I found mine on ebay for 30€ (around 40$) and it works fine
I agree with bongo, don't pay an outrageous fee for a subscription license from Wayfinder. Get a cheap Navicore license off of ebay and be done with it. I got one from ebay and activated my N810 for dirt cheap, a fraction of the cost Wayfinder wants. It works awesome, even with the current release of map

Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
I believe that if one could get anything free then there is nothing wrong in getting it for free. Considering the crappiness of the gps in the n810 it is okay to crack wayfinder. I dont really understand how wayfinder charges more than 100$ for a yearly service. 100$ gives you a dedicated gps with far better routing, and gps sensing..... so no one is really going to buy that happily. And on top of that if you consider that nokia may replace it with nokia maps... there is no way you would buy the 3 year license.

That is why i have been using the libmac spoof for the gps function. Then it makes my n810 worth for the price...
So what happens when you spoof someones MAC out of their free 5 day trial? Then you are not screwing the "MAN" but some poor end-user.

I know it'd be hard to get someone's MAC address, but it's possible. And the more people that spoof their MAC's to get free trials the more chance some legitimate user will get screwed. So don't be cheap, get a cheap Navicore license or a stand alone GPS... or pay Wayfinder.

Your theory about believing that if one could get anything free then there is nothing wrong in getting it for free makes me wonder...

Free "crack" anyone?


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