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munky261's Avatar
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Everything works great, except theres no icon showing for the videocast feature, just blank space and the label. I can still tap where the icon would be abd it opens. Any ideas?
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Originally Posted by thaibill View Post
I had a similar problem. I used the red pill mode to get rid of lightmediascanner-ogg. Then Canola installed without incident using the package manager. Loading Canola, an error appeared suggesting to run Canola-Cleanup. Re-installing Canola, was successful along with configuring Canola.

I was happy to see cover art appear for audio albums I couldn't find before. Everything I tried works. Great work, guys.

Am using a 810 with the latest SSU.

Marcelo, I have the same questions posed last year. Any hope for a Canola release for the 770? Any hope for PC x86 desktop release?

Hi Thai :

For the last questions:

770: well just too much complications to make it work there, but..
now with next version (finally) being opensource, it will be easy for more people to do that.

Desktop release: there was already one, available in the website. It runs on ubuntu x86 versions I used in my eepc, but ok there was small problems to configure scanner, but again being opensource will make it even easier to take to other platforms where you have python and EFL.

Marcelo Eduardo
OpenBossa Labs @ INdT, Recife Brazil
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Originally Posted by lfelipe View Post

could you please tell me which tablet and which OS version you're using ? You're most likely missing the /etc/osso_software_version file, which probably got erased somehow, and canola2-cleanup uses it in order to figure out which platform you're running.
I am getting the same exact error when I try to run Canola cleanup.

I have the OS2008 latest firmware installed on my N810 (Hardware : RX-44) - I had Canola 2.0 beta 10-maemo3 version installed and running so far on my IT.

The message does indeed say
/etc/osso_software_version : No such file or directory

What am I supposed to do now to cleanup and install the beta 11 version ?
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Originally Posted by handful View Post
Hi Thai :

For the last questions:

770: well just too much complications to make it work there, but..
now with next version (finally) being opensource, it will be easy for more people to do that.

Desktop release: there was already one, available in the website. It runs on ubuntu x86 versions I used in my eepc, but ok there was small problems to configure scanner, but again being opensource will make it even easier to take to other platforms where you have python and EFL.

I already use the ubuntu x86 version. I was hoping it could be made beta 11.

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I upgraded to beta 11 today, and it looks good. I do wish that I could just back up my podcasts list instead of my whole db. I have some files that Canola continues to read the composer line as genre, so I am always interested in letting it start with a clean db to see how the new version does, but am not interested in retyping my podcast entries. Unfortunately I thought I had done a backup this time, but when I went to restore I saw that I hadn't checked 'settings'...(I could have sworn I did, oops...)

If a sample of the files that are reading composer as genre would be helpful I would be happy to send you a couple.

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Originally Posted by handful View Post
Hi Dj, I don't know if I got correctly but did you try loggin in with your user name on the settings menu?

That way the things you create on the site will be available for you.

Let me know if this is what you're meaning, if not we will add to the list.


The plugin is missing the library function as well as the playlist function.

Unless I'm doing somthing wrong I don't see them. Vaglume has it- the Library plays everything you like listening to based on your loved tracks and plays music similar to it. That way you can listen to music from different genres. The playlist is a track list you can create on of up to 200 tracks.
Posts: 73 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Nov 2007
ok...very bizarre behavior. I have added my podcast list twice. Both times it has only remembered the last podcast I entered. It looks like I will have to enter them one at a time.
pycage's Avatar
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Some good and bad things I have noticed with beta 11:

Updating from beta 9 went without problems according to the AppManager. However, when Canola started, it told me to wipe it away completely using canola-cleanup. Did so, and downloaded and installed it all over again. Now it works.

Opening the image browser makes Canola crash frequently. I have a test image in there with 18 megapixels resolution. Canola should refuse to load/thumbnail such a thing instead of crashing.

The UPnP plugin got improved and is now working reliably for browsing the content server. I have only tried with MediaTomb so far, though.

When quitting Canola, atabake remains in memory, eating away several MB of RAM. I have to kill it manually (this was the same with beta 9).

When Canola crashes, atabake and canolad remain in memory and have to be killed manually (this was the same with beta 9).

The Happy Tree Friends videocast contains hires m4v Videos (e.g. HTF_Kringles_Reindeer_iPhone.m4v) which are not playable on the device. OSSO media player refuses to play, and mplayer plays them totally jerky, dropping about every single frame.

Ogg-out-of-the-box still remains a dream. I don't like to use apt-get or search for a package that seems totally unrelated to Canola (lightmedia-scanner-ogg) for getting Ogg support. It should work out of the box. A media player that does not play Ogg or FLAC is near to useless to me, since most of my audio files are in these formats.
(I got Ogg working now, because I knew about the lightmedia-scanner-Canola relation, but many users may not).

If you have a reasonably high number of video files on your device (>150 in my case), you can go make a coffee while Canola-Tuning creates the thumbnails. I think the thumbnails should be created on-demand, not all at once.

Whenever I add new videos and want to have thumbnails created for those as well, I need to go through the whole process of creating >150 thumbnails again. Time for another cup of coffee... :/

Sometimes mplayer is really jerky when playing FLV embedded in Canola or MediaBox. This is especially true when you have run liqbase before and didn't reboot your device since then. liqbase seems to manipulate the CPU scaling governor permanently. I'm still investigating this problem.

Most of my cover art is located in the folder of the songs as PNG or JPEG (e.g. cover.jpg). Canola-Tuning doesn't find any of these. Nor does it find any coverart embedded in ID3 tags. I think earlier versions of Canola-Tuning where better at finding my cover art.

Hardware buttons don't work for zooming images.

Image panning in the image viewer is not kinetic, so doesn't really fit the rest of the user interface...

I think the transition effects in the UI where smoother (more FPS) in earlier versions.

Still no search function...

In my opinion the tree-structured UI is bad. Most of the time I feel like a monkey jumping from tree to tree in a huge media jungle, and occasionally dropping off falling to the ground (main menu), having to start all over.

Russian and Chinese ID tags are now rendered correctly! Great!

Congratulations on the new version!

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Oh, and one more:

Time display on FLACs is broken, showing e.g. 20 minutes remaining for a 3 minutes song. This is mplayer's fault, though.

When mplayer loads the file, it reports the correct time as ID_LENGTH. You have to use this value (if reported) for computing the remaining time. ANS_LENGTH is broken.
fpp's Avatar
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Did it the uninstall-previous + cleanup way, and beta 11 came up without any problems on my 810 (latest OS2008 SSU). Great job Marcelo, Gustavo & the team ! Thanks & good luck with the final OSS release...

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