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* 4.3 inch touchscreen
* Wimax, Wifi and Bluetooth
* Dual cams ( 3M + 0.3M pixels )
* Micro SD
* TV out
* Windows Mobile 6.1 with Opera web browser

possibly Arm based.. if under 500$ i would definitely hit it

(sidebar) why is near impossible for anyone to make a smooth-surface device?? When they indent(?) the screen in that manner, it makes it unnecessarily difficult to reach certain cornered icons on a touch-based device UI(with a finger)

The few that have this, work extremely well.. and no reports of screen damage that i know of(Touch, Touch HD, iphones & touches).. and it looks so much better IMO.

/end mini rant
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Originally Posted by Phen0m View Post reports of screen damage that i know of(Touch, Touch HD, iphones & touches)..
There must be little intersection between the people on the mailing lists I follow and the people you know.
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STOOOP! you forgot the most important fact:

"Oh, there’s one downside, it runs Windows Mobile 6.1… can we at least upgrade it to Windows Mobile 6.5… please?" (

So no true competitor unless you would be able to use some kind of linux on it!
Posts: 1,950 | Thanked: 1,174 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Seattle, USA
I didn't know the N810 was being cloned! It looks like a Windows clone of the N810, the only advantage (from what's in the article) being the TV out.
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if its cheap, and works with redfly, im game
Posts: 44 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Dec 2008
6.1.. yes its horrible, however 6.5 isn't THAT bad(even for a beta).. there are some guys working on it @ XDA, im running it on a Mogul(titanium and animations disabled), and its no worse than 6.1 at the moment..
Which means it will surely surpass it by the time its device ready.
buuut if you're comparing it to the linux's of the world, then yes it's probably pretty bad.
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I'd take the worst linux distro (and I won't fire up that holy war by expressing an opinion/preference!) over the best Windows version, any day!!
N800 / OS2008
Now running Canola-free (by invitation) since 2215 UTC 21 May 2008.

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Posts: 165 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jul 2007
True competitor? More like clone. Did Samsung make it in China so Nokia couldn't sue them for direct copying? It even has the cursor pad in the same place!
Posts: 422 | Thanked: 244 times | Joined on Feb 2008
WinMo is a hideous piece of crap. Every year or so they release a new version of it that is just as bad as the old version, but with minor gui updates.

I had to suffer it for many years until I cottoned on to maemo. No one should have to use WinMo unless they have been convicted of a particularly heinous crime.

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Posts: 99 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Mar 2008
whats so bad about winmo? does it crash a lot or something?

This device looks pretty nice actually, what the n810 should have been hardware wise

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