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mperes's Avatar
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Hi everybody,

Ian, the programmer behind theme maker, told me that he found some themes in the server zipped with a wrong structure. Taking that in account I decided to write this small guide explaining some missing points. So here we go:

1. Download the design sheet.

2. Download the guideline (optional but recommended).

3. Replace the images in the sheet. Note that some images are going to be resized inside Canola (like the scrollbar) and the graphic needs to be designed with that in mind. Consult the "Stretch axis" column of each image for details. Also, when replacing the images in the sheet make sure to respect the sliced areas (View > Show > Slices).

4. Save your images(File > Save For Web & Devices) using the PNG-24 preset. A dialog is going to appear asking where you wanna save the files. Select a folder and hit the save button.

5. Open the selected folder on finder/explorer/terminal/etc, you are going to see a subfolder called "images", open it. If you properly follow all the step until now, you theme's images are going to be here.

6. Compact all the archives inside this folder(zip or tar.gz). Here lies the trick, compact only the images, not the whole folder. In other words, if your open you zip package IT MUST ONLY CONTAIN IMAGE FILES.

7. Go to Theme Maker site and upload your package.

8. Enjoy your new theme
- Miguel Peres

Interaction designer @ OpenBossa Labs

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munky261's Avatar
Posts: 1,674 | Thanked: 171 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Anderson, IN
One question, I havent seen it brought up do you set the color you want the text font to be?
mperes's Avatar
Posts: 13 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Hi Munky261,

The current version of the Theme Maker does not support modifying text attributes, so, right now, the only way to change the color of a certain string is by manually editing the .edc theme files.
- Miguel Peres

Interaction designer @ OpenBossa Labs
munky261's Avatar
Posts: 1,674 | Thanked: 171 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Anderson, IN
How do I edit those files to make all text a certain color to match my theme?
munky261's Avatar
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Also, I have completed the rest of the theme and I have replaced ALL images in the guideline, but when Im in the audio player and I select a song to play the selection graphic is still bright green. It only does this when selecting a song any other item in the list that is tapped (artist, album, playlist, etc) shows the correct graphic that I made. Whats strange is if I go into the songs through browse by folder, and i tap on a song my background selection graphic DOES show up correctly instead of being the bright green. What is going on here? Do I need another background selection graphic?
munky261's Avatar
Posts: 1,674 | Thanked: 171 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Anderson, IN
These are screenshots of the error in action (Bright green) and the correct graphic being displayed(Dark Green).
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Posts: 38 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on Feb 2009 @ Manaus
hi munky
here is Ian the programmer...let me have a look at this. It seems strange right enough but i suspect it might be something to do with the audio player and its graphics. Congrats for a rockin theme b.t.w...we all loved it here
munky261's Avatar
Posts: 1,674 | Thanked: 171 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Anderson, IN
Thanks I made one thats the same but in the blue and white colors of the "meta" theme. Could it be just a matter of another graphic the same dimensions of bg_list_selection but with a different name? Also, what about icons for the youtube plugin, and videocast? And, what is the method of changing the font color that mperes mentioned in an above post...I dont even use the kobayashi theme I made cause its too hard to read the white text on the light green background...especially in the car, which is the primary place i use canola...i dont even have any cd's in my car anymore...I just use my tablet.
munky261's Avatar
Posts: 1,674 | Thanked: 171 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Anderson, IN
Was also wondering if, whenever text color is able to be the album song list as shown in the screenshot, would it be possible to not have that tinted background for the song list? I noticed there is no color variation like that in the flatblack theme , which is what I normally use.
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Posts: 38 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on Feb 2009 @ Manaus
Hey Munky261,
yes I saw the meta theme too...dude, you rock!
One thing I noticed on your themes was that a preview was not being created. We tracked down why and it appears that the alpha layer was not being set on your .png images. I modified the python script and put something like this:

# convert if we do not have alpha
if title_div_right.mode != 'RGBA':
title_div_right = title_div_right.convert('RGBA')

and it now works fine. Maybe this might have something to do with this weird audio problem. Maybe try again and upload your 'meta' theme and see if this sorts it out. If not let me know and i will look further into this

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