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I have two N800's which I'm getting ready to sell. The first one has the power button issue where intermittently it will not power on, but powers on just fine if you leave it for a bit. The second which I got as a warranty replacement works just fine. I searched through the forum and I noted a couple posts where it's mentioned that it is curable but without a link to a solution and haven't been able to find any further information.

So what's the word, is it fixable or not?

appreciate any help
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Have you tried updating the software? The fix was shipped at the beginning of 2008. . . .
Ryan Abel
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2007
thanks, it's been probably a year since I've touched either one so it's very likely that I missed an update or two, once the battery finishes charging I'll update both

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