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I would kill for an app that let me cue samples from my N800. I'm just imagining a simple GUI, maybe 3 rows of 5 "buttons," with each button assignable to an mp3 or wav file from the SD card.

Thanks for reading.

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Originally Posted by nistco92 View Post
I would kill for an app that let me cue samples from my N800.
Have you looked at PyAno and PyDrum?
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Those are definitely the right idea, but something that was assignable would be much more useful.
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Originally Posted by nistco92 View Post
Those are definitely the right idea, but something that was assignable would be much more useful.
Did you see that PyAno allows you to load sets of twelve wave files? Do you need the ability to swap out samples on the fly?
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This is what I came up with. It is written in Python so you need to have it on your tablet.

Download here


Unzip it to your memory card
Run Utilities/Terminal
And in terminal run:

cd /media/mmcX/mSampler/
That is it
Remember to replace mmcX with proper card name (mmc1 or mmc2)

I know that the code is ugly, but it works for me

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i dezipped the folder on my mmc1...

i have python 2.5 runtime instaled and worked whit others application...

but when i launch the mSampler, Sampler Started appears at the rigth top corner...but nothing happen...

any clue??
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I think what he's effectively looking for is a kind of soundboard application. And I've actually been thinking that *I* would love that for on-the-go podcast hosting where I'd like to be able to queue up sound files ahead of time to play during the show (ie: to play news bite sound clips, sound effects, etc.). These other appd like PyAno and PyDrum aren't very good soundboards--they appear to be intended as instruments.

Also.. HUGE thanks to fuutott for that app.. I haven't tried it yet but it sounds like the right idea!

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i dezipped the folder on my mmc1...

i have python 2.5 runtime instaled and worked whit others application...

but when i launch the mSampler, Sampler Started appears at the rigth top corner...but nothing happen...

any clue??
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Hi I haven't been checking this thread for some time so sorry for the delay. Does it say anything in the console. Any errors/warnings?

I am thinking aboult rewriting it in vala instead of python so it will be a bit faster.
And i will try to get it in to a package so it will install like any other program for maemo.

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