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When my Palm TX died, I was excited to get the Nokia N800 and run it with the Garnet VM. I'm happpy with Garnet VM for some of the Palm apps that I have but majorly disappointed with the basic PIM apps and the Hotsync process. Mark a recurring task complete on Garnet VM and it loses all recurring information on Outlook. Hotsync takes forever. And how about the 'oh, I think your store might be corrupted so I am giving you an empty one!'.

So I decided to write my own. I have finished the first versiun of zTodo - a palm-like task manager and zSync to replace hotsync with Outlook. I am currently working on zCalSync (to sync outlook with GPE Calendar and zNoteSync (to sync Outlook with mNotes). I would be interested in an existing contacts manager that could be used to sync with Outlook. I have successfully dumped Outlook contact info into Claws mail contacts, but I find Claws mail contacts limited. Firstly, you can't search on contacts. Secondly, you can't launch it as a standalone application, so it takes to long to look up someone's phone number.

Anybody know of a better contact manager and integrates with Claws mail, but has the ability to add fields, search on contact and launch as a standalone app? Maybe I will have to tackle zContacts as a new app.

I'm also thinking about syncing the Outlook inbox with claws mail. Basic messages are no problem, but it is the attachments that cause some programming challenges. Thoughts?

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I aplaud your contribution. I've long waited something to sync with Outlook.

However in that wait, I've started exporing Windows 7 and linux (puppy linux) and cross platform applications like OpenOffice or in actuality Google. I've recently started using mCalendar. I believe they are working on a contacts program/screen to work with Google contacts. I don't know if your zSync would be able to work with their database, but that would be a huge leap! Alteratly if your 'zCal' would also have the ability to sync with Google. Hope this is somewhat helpful.
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Originally Posted by View Post
I have successfully dumped Outlook contact info into Claws mail...
Thanks for your work! Please contact and try to align your work with upstream development.


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