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Its interesting to read all of the responses here I have just slogged through the entire thread. It seems that if Nokia had maintained a 4 inch screen there would be a lot less complaining, but something makes me think that is wishful thinking. Anyway here is my two cents.

Users on this forum are of a very specific type, this being very picky, very savvy, intelligent developers and gadget hounds.
In my specific case I am not very intelligent, I'm slightly savvy, I am not a developer but I am a gadget hound therefore I can find a small place here but 90% of the time I do feel that discussions are taking place over my head as I don't like to do anything from command line. Contrast this with my real world where I am considered one of the most 'techy people' in my immediate circle, if anyone has a question about anything tech related they come to me any advice about phones, computers, websites etc they come to me.
NONE of my friends have an N810 or N800 or have even really heard about it apart from one person and him only because he is one of the actors in the N810 promo video found on the device however nearly 40-50% of them have iPhones.

When they come over to my house I am always doing something neat with my tablet streaming music, or controlling my PS3 or my computer in the other room etc, they all always ask if its a phone, and when I tell them it is more like a minilaptop they play around with it for a minute or two and then finish nearly uniformly with the statement, "Nice toy, it would be great if it was a phone".

Ladies and gentlemen this is who Nokia are targeting with the N900. You and me had many years of great utility out of 770's and N8x0's and have created a useful position for our tablets in our lives. For the majority of the market IMHO I believe there is no position for a small handheld device like this that can't be replaced by a recent smartphone or a 10 inch netbook. Now with a smaller more pocketable size (yes 3.5 inches is more pocketable) and 3G data and voice all of these people can consider using this software instead of Android, WinMo or Mobile OSX, which I vastly prefer because for the most part you can stick desktop applications with hildonizing directly onto the device. I love that I have Transmission running and OpenOffice and GIMP its really amazing to have these experiences at a mobile level. This will in turn grow the community and perhaps spur even more application porting from the likes of people who work on Jailbroken iphones etc.

I have a 5800 XM which I have been using for the past few weeks leaving my N810 at home and have really loved having my twitter client running, and access to a nice large screen (versus the standard 2.4 inch mobile screens). However when I get home I switch immediately to the n810 because I love the maemo environment and all my applications on it. If this rumored N900 is true then I am in heaven because I can finally ditch the limitations of mobile phone OS's and have the best OS always in my pocket at all times.
I also don't envision stopping using my N810 or N800 either, Mer will keep these devices current for a while to come.

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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
I don't understand....why cant they just say one word?
I can see both sides to this one. There's a very fine line involved.

And before I expand on that, let me say this: over a year ago I had the wonderful opportunity to meet qgil in person. He was a very gracious host and took time out to show me around his work center.

But at first he was resistant to the idea of sharing much information here, which I did not understand at the time but eventually came to understand that time (or timing) was the point: given the sensitive nature of this still-not-completely-established commericial/open source hybrid business model, communication had to develop much more slowly than anyone here wanted-- me definitely included.

But to his credit, Quim eventually accepted my suggestion, joined the community, braced himself for a virtual backlash, and started engaging.

No one was happier than I.

But as his involvement expanded here and more was revealed, we quickly got past the 80% that Nokia could relatively easily reveal and into the 20% that is either going to be tough or impossible to divulge. I think most can understand where I'm coming from with that.

However, that said-- I still believe Nokia as a corporate entity dabbling in open source operating systems (which is now including S60) SHOULD offer a very high level roadmap as I described before. IMO, that's essential for continued community developer engagement.

Peter, ragnar, Quim, take this to heart (and I'm sure you already get it): continual developer interest maintenance is absolutely essential for not just software survival but hardware as well. If very large software/hardware release gaps are allowed to persist, and become the norm, the products will lose momentum and developer interest will shift elsewhere.

After all, what did all these talented guys do before internet tablets?
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Originally Posted by mobiledivide View Post
Its interesting to read all of the responses here I have just slogged through the entire thread. It seems that if Nokia had maintained a 4 inch screen there would be a lot less complaining, but something makes me think that is wishful thinking. Anyway here is my two cents.

Users on this forum are of a very specific type, this being very picky, very savvy, intelligent developers and gadget hounds.
In my specific case I am not very intelligent, I'm slightly savvy, I am not a developer but I am a gadget hound therefore I can find a small place here but 90% of the time I do feel that discussions are taking place over my head as I don't like to do anything from command line. Contrast this with my real world where I am considered one of the most 'techy people' in my immediate circle, if anyone has a question about anything tech related they come to me any advice about phones, computers, websites etc they come to me.
NONE of my friends have an N810 or N800 or have even really heard about it apart from one person and him only because he is one of the actors in the N810 promo video found on the device however nearly 40-50% of them have iPhones.

When they come over to my house I am always doing something neat with my tablet streaming music, or controlling my PS3 or my computer in the other room etc, they all always ask if its a phone, and when I tell them it is more like a minilaptop they play around with it for a minute or two and then finish nearly uniformly with the statement, "Nice toy, it would be great if it was a phone".

Ladies and gentlemen this is who Nokia are targeting with the N900. You and me had many years of great utility out of 770's and N8x0's and have created a useful position for our tablets in our lives. For the majority of the market IMHO I believe there is no position for a small handheld device like this that can't be replaced by a recent smartphone or a 10 inch netbook. Now with a smaller more pocketable size (yes 3.5 inches is more pocketable) and 3G data and voice all of these people can consider using this software instead of Android, WinMo or Mobile OSX, which I vastly prefer because for the most part you can stick desktop applications with hildonizing directly onto the device. I love that I have Transmission running and OpenOffice and GIMP its really amazing to have these experiences at a mobile level. This will in turn grow the community and perhaps spur even more application porting from the likes of people who work on Jailbroken iphones etc.

I have a 5800 XM which I have been using for the past few weeks leaving my N810 at home and have really loved having my twitter client running, and access to a nice large screen (versus the standard 2.4 inch mobile screens). However when I get home I switch immediately to the n810 because I love the maemo environment and all my applications on it. If this rumored N900 is true then I am in heaven because I can finally ditch the limitations of mobile phone OS's and have the best OS always in my pocket at all times.
I also don't envision stopping using my N810 or N800 either, Mer will keep these devices current for a while to come.
I cant reiterate any more than this:

We are really happy with the n900 as a maemo phone. Absolutely happy. What we are asking is details regarding the maemo 5 internet tablet.

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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
I cant reiterate any more than this:

We are really happy with the n900 as a maemo phone. Absolutely happy. What we are asking is details regarding the maemo 5 internet tablet.
Sacchin007, there will be a nice device for you to use that will be 4-5 inches and probably exactly what you are looking for soon, there have been many announcements of Mid devices recently and the work on porting Mer to Smart5 shows the possibilities. The only thing is that device may or may not come from Nokia.

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Ok, the potentially smaller keyboard nad the 3.5" screen are somewhat of a bummer, but here is the worst 'spec' :

* T-Mobile International: July 2009
* T-Mobile USA: August/September 2009
* Middle East, Asia, South-East Asian Pacific: July 2009
* Europe: October 2009

Arrgh - I will NOT buy a device that requires a contract or that is carrier locked! If I wanted that I'd just get the n97 ( or Pre, or Iphone, etc, etc. )

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Originally Posted by sachin007
We are really happy with the n900 as a maemo phone. Absolutely happy. What we are asking is details regarding the maemo 5 internet tablet.
I'm not happy with this Maemo Phone if it does not have multi-touch OR D-Pad OR Track-Ball.

Does anybody know if it has Multi-Touch because D-Pad seems to be out and no Track-ball? Also is this capacitive (I assume only the capacitive display can have multi-touch, correct me if I'm wrong).

Originally Posted by Architengi View Post

1) Is this device a capacitive display (more friendly for finger touch) like iPhone or is a resistive display (more nail and stylus friendly) like 5800 XM and N97?

2) Is this device multi-touch?

If the device is capacitive with multi-touch then the lack of D-pad is ok, because the device can be controlled for directions from touching and multi - simultaneous touch on the screen. Still, a track-ball like G1 was good (and it does not need so much space like the D-pad).

Nokia should have a 5" to 7" tablet based on Maemo ASAP (Apple is preparing a 7" iPad) for a big segment of customers who want an Internet Tablet device in between the laptop and a smartphone as size. With a large 5"-7" screen, students and many people who use it badly for editing documents, video-editing, programming and even watching a video or TV (you know all protable DVD players have >7" screen size).
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Originally Posted by Architengi View Post
I'm not happy with this Maemo Phone if it does not have multi-touch OR D-Pad OR Track-Ball.

Does anybody know if it has Multi-Touch because D-Pad seems to be out and no Track-ball? Also is this capacitive (I assume only the capacitive display can have multi-touch, correct me if I'm wrong).
I am not happy hardware wise.... i am happy for maemo. Hardware wise i really don't care. As big a nokia fan i am... once apple offers multitasking there is no way maemo or nokia compete with it in phones.
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Okay, thanks to benny1967 and his deep knowledge of the Hildon spec I'm going to back off my insistence on a nebulous 100,000 foot hardware roadmap.

With a mature, broad OS framework, such a thing *can* become largely moot. I don't think Fremantle is it, but I'll bet Harmattan will be (disclaimer: I have no usable knowledge of Harmattan scope, capabilities, etc).
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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
I am not happy hardware wise.... i am happy for maemo. Hardware wise i really don't care. As big a nokia fan i am... once apple offers multitasking there is no way maemo or nokia compete with it in phones.
I would have argued against that 2 years ago.

I won't now.
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The device described by this leak/rumour is no tablet in my book - its a smartphone, and a rather bulky one at that (thickness). And while bringing Maemo (Linux) to a smartphone is a nice development (Linux on E90 form factor some day?) a device with these specifications is no replacement for the internet tablets. The screen is simply too small and the keyboard seems to be a step backwards as well from the N810, and apparently no stylus either. Thats just going way too much into the wrong direction.

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disapointed by nokia, dpad, maemo phone, my tablet is crying, n900, nokia gets it wrong, openmoko, rover, rx-51, rx-71 needed, screen size, smartphone, t-mobile

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