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Moblin's got a pretty spiffy interface that might work pretty well in that regard.
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Originally Posted by Peter@Maemo Marketing View Post
>Originally Posted by Architengi
>> 2) Is this device multi-touch?
>>> Multitouch? Apple is furiously fighting anyone selling devices with multitouch.

I would be careful about such assumptions. After all this is all biz and Apple and Nokia do play ball (in comparison to some Chinese vendors). Obviously, the iPhone 3G has 3G. And you need access to the 3G IPRs for that. And who is owning a lot of IPRs for 3G? Let's see...would that be Qualcomm and Nokia? Yes.
Nokia is not preventing Apple to use 3G, so why would Apple prevent Nokia from multitouch? It's all biz.
If this device is multi-touch is the device I would buy. Not the new iPhone 3.0 with 256 MB RAM 3.2MP, not N97 with 128 MB RAM 5MP, but this Linux device with 256 RAM 5MP and good OMAP3processor. Because I could have OpenOffice, FireFox, full Flash and other programs not available on iPhone and Symbian. And a very good display resolution 800x480. I would prefer a 4" display instead of 3.5", but even smaller the device is more portable. Good step Nokia. Nokia is still in the game on top of Apple and others!

And yes, if Peter confirms what was my logic that because this device does not have D-pad means it needs to have some sort of directional stuff accomplished with multi-touch, I did a good reverse engineering thinking :-)

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allnameswereout, it's rare that someone can aggregate so many points with which I disagree!

I'll respond to your question about what font fms suggests for e-book reading: I use NokiaSans, 18 point, bold. But that doesn't mean fms does, nor that you should. Likewise you're way off base supposing that screen size and pixel density don't "really" matter to us eBook readers. Maybe it doesn't matter to some of you (which amazes me, but if you say so ...), but I assure you that to many of us it matters immensely.

When you say eBook reading is a niche, I agree with whomever (fms?) said most Tablet uses are niches. That's what's so great about the Tablets: One Device, Many Niches!

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Overall pixel count and screen size makes our NIT are for me the best PDA for ebooks reading. It wouldn't be so good on 3,5 inches.
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Sans 16 regular font myself. Black background, font color may change depending on the reading conditions.

I do love those handy little + - buttons on the N800 fits comfortably in my hand easy to click (or tap) a button and keep on reading. Now if only someone could port PalmFiction to maemo, that was the best ereader I have used.

Hands down the N800 is the best reading device I have used. A kindle will never replace it, why - no back light, I do a lot of reading in low light conditions. I suspect this point alone will keep the kindle from being a breakthrough item.

For the record, I have read at a minimum 500+ books in the last 3 years, exclusively on pocketable handheld devices. It's easy and enjoyable. In that time I have probably read less than 5 regular books.
*Consumer*, not a developer! I apologize for any inconvenience.
My script to backup /home and /opt
Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant, Huawei S7, N900(retired), N800(retired)

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I surely did not by any Nokia device because of Maemo, I bought it in spite of maemo.
To all my Maemo friends. I will no longer be monitoring any of my threads here on a regular basis. I am no longer supporting anything I did under maemo at If you need some help with something you can reach me at or I have disabled my PM's here, and removed myself from Council email and Community mailing list. There has been some fun times, see you around.

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you don't like Maemo ?
penguinbait's Avatar
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Originally Posted by totololo View Post
you don't like Maemo ?
I like that it is Linux and I can make it do what I like.

I hate the interface and always have, but I sure love Linux in my pocket, beats carrying around a furby... Maemo fits my needs enough, but its not ideal.

To all my Maemo friends. I will no longer be monitoring any of my threads here on a regular basis. I am no longer supporting anything I did under maemo at If you need some help with something you can reach me at or I have disabled my PM's here, and removed myself from Council email and Community mailing list. There has been some fun times, see you around.

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Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
The number one thing that I think will affect all of us is not screen size, D-pad, stylus, or keyboard... it will be price.
Not for me (as long as the price isn't something REALLY oddball). I'm pretty sure my biggest decision points will be the keyboard, sync software, and my diet app. Of course, the third one goes away if the android on ubuntu project translates easily to Maemo.
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Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
Trying to play devils advocate to qoles comment but combining the departments will bring exactly what to the Maemo initiative? Not wanting to be abrasive but can you elaborate on what we should expect to see as the new Maemo Devices is to be "even better and faster"? Will we see more community involvement from Nokia employee's? (something that I would love to see), will we see more patches/software? will we see more hardware?
Expect better execution. Nokia (dis)organizational considerations are not something you want to (try to) understand.

There's a thread started for this topic - let's try to put comments there and not in this very long thread.
3-time Maemo Community Council Member
Co-Founder, Hildon Foundation

disapointed by nokia, dpad, maemo phone, my tablet is crying, n900, nokia gets it wrong, openmoko, rover, rx-51, rx-71 needed, screen size, smartphone, t-mobile

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