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Wondering if any N810 users have anything to report about their experiences with MiFi.

I have an "everything data" plan with Sprint, but it seems as though "everything," "data," "MiFi" and "N810" cannot all be parsed in the same sentence without paying an additional $60/mo.

So I am just researching at this point.

Roger S
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allnameswereout's Avatar
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The MIFI is sold in EU for 300 EUR. IMO too expensive. Huewai also released a smaller device. Here (Dutch) is a use case of someone who used the MIFI with an iPhone in Italy and Germany. If anyone is interested in translation I'll gladly translate it (Google Translate version). The MIFI goes for 400 EUR together with Eye-Fi, a SD + WiFi card for digital camera. Combined you can upload your photo instantly to the internetz.
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Last edited by allnameswereout; 2009-09-15 at 01:34.
Posts: 253 | Thanked: 104 times | Joined on Aug 2008 @ Midwest, USA
I've personally pondered using mifi vs using a usb wireless card. The drawback to the mifi would be having to carry around a larger device in addition to the tablet. The drawback to the usb card could be driver issues...Still, I bet you could do something like what they did with the N810 here to house a USB wireless card internally:

Or this thread:
allnameswereout's Avatar
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Originally Posted by neatojones View Post
I've personally pondered using mifi vs using a usb wireless card. The drawback to the mifi would be having to carry around a larger device in addition to the tablet. The drawback to the usb card could be driver issues...Still, I bet you could do something like what they did with the N810 here to house a USB wireless card internally:

Or this thread:
The MIFI is pretty flat. It is the size of a credit card? I don't think it is that heavy?

One of the advantages of the MIFI is that you put it somewhere (e.g. near a window) and then you connect to its WLAN (10 meters). If you are in a building with not so good 3G in some parts this can be pretty useful. I spoke with the guy who imports the MIFI to Europe (he is too zealous about his product but thats understandable). His example was that he'd be in a pub and put the MIFI near a window. Well, I, for one, would not prefer to put my mobile device out of my reach or even on table in a pub. I had to put my mobile device sometimes on a Nokia loader in past, and it just doesn't feel comfortable.

My main beef is the price. I find it insane. And probably, you cannot use the SIM to phone. What is interesting is that its build on Linux, so it has to be partly open source. It also has a lot of hardware not necessary for me. Such as GPS.

Some people have managed to get 3G working on USB lan, but you need a USB powered hub then. If you're more a static traveller (don't need to have 3G on battery) you might as well get a Fonera 2 then. This puppy also supports USB 3G sticks, and will use it as backup. You could use it in car too, together with the lighter power.

(As owner of iPod touch I must admit it might be interesting to combine, if I were interesting in using my iPod touch more seriously. (I'm not ))

In Spain and UK you can get MIFI with telco contact (subsidized).

The Huawei E583X (i-Go) should be sold too, it is competitor of MIFI, but I haven't seen it sold yet.
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The Mifi itself is a great device, and nearly worth the cost they ask for it. What's the killer is the "gut your skull" data plans that rob you blind and then some. It's almost like the carriers don't want to do high speed mobile internet, and yet since the users want it so badly, the telcos are going to give it to them anyways, and then punish them by making everyone pay through the teeth with ridiculous prices in order to get it.

That'd be like having a grocery store that doesn't want to carry Milk, but since so many people want it, they carry it, and then charge you the ridiculous price of $50 a gallon for the "privilege" of them offering the milk that you need which they don't want to carry. This is more or less the same thing.

The other possibility is that they see this as a cash cow by gullible people willing to pay the ridiculous rates for the "convenience" of mobile broadband. Either way, the cell companies are happily gouging us, and regrettably enough, end users are more than happily paying those prices whether they want to or not. Honestly, I'm really stunned that nobody has started a pitchfork and torch brigade about this by now, save for maybe a handful of power users. Talk about the bleating masses, aka the sheeple. (rolls eyes)
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Wanted to re-use this thread - but in regards to the N900 ...

Since the N900 is tied to T-Mobile, can we not use the Mifi (on Sprint or Verizon) to use as a 3G modem - and keep the N900 always on connected to Wifi over the Mifi (for those not wanting to switch to T-Mobile for fear of bad voice data coverage for some areas) ?

Will always on over Wifi be more of a battery drain on the N900 than always on over 3G ?

Also there is the donwside of carrying another extra device and also the Mifi doesn't last a full day on battery either .

So will the N900 be usable with the Mifi ?

Worst is the outrageous data plans with the Mifi.

data plan, mifi, n810, sprint, tethering

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