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I just did a test of the application Orb (used to stream videos, etc.) to the n810. Now, I know it's not the best, but it serves my needs quite well. I used to use it a while back, and it worked perfectly. Now, however, whenever I try to stream a video in the .ram (RealPlayer format), the Media Player application does not open (when I used to use the Orb service before, it worked perfectly).

Now I only get a blank page with a long URL when I open a video. Testing a theory, I opened the Media Player and added the long URL as a "media bookmark" (open menu>Clip>Add media bookmark) and the video stream worked fine. I had the application "dbus-switchboard" installed, so I set it to open the Media player to play .ram streams, but it didn't work.

In summary, my n810 now has no application associated with opening .ram files and dbus-switchboard has not helped solve the problem. Are there any other suggestions out there of what I can try to restore the .ram association with Media player? Orb video streaming was pretty useful to me, and I'd love to be able to do it again. Thank for any help you can provide!
Posts: 194 | Thanked: 39 times | Joined on Sep 2008
I noticed that orb now uses their own "in browser" player, I don't like it at all. It takes a long time to load, it was a super slow to load in default browser and a little faster in Tear" but nothing as good as before when it would just play in your set default media player.
If anyone could help with this, it would be amaizing.
Posts: 122 | Thanked: 84 times | Joined on Mar 2009
Surprisingly, I know what you're facing. Look under the Orb settings (found on the page>settings>stream) and just choose a format that is one of either: .ram or .3gp (if you use the file type .flv you get the "Orb player"). You'll find 2 settings labeled .3gp on the settings pageI don't know why, but one of the .3gp settings work, while the other doesn't, so you'll have to experiment. The file type of .ram is the best for the tablets, and it *should* automatically open in the Media player (mine doesn't though ).

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Posts: 122 | Thanked: 84 times | Joined on Mar 2009

I started this thread late at night on a weekend, so I'm wondering if anyone that gets on the forum during normal hours could help me with the problem described in the first post? Thanks!
Posts: 38 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jun 2009
i've found if you change the settings to stream winamp .pls i've gotten the best results... good luck.

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