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iirc, gtk, and by extention, pygtk, will be turned over to community, kinda like how Qt is on current platform.

as for how easy it is to go from pyGTK to pyQt, no clue...

Heh, i was wondering a bit why the gps way of getting my location was giving me a slightly different daily solar track then when i did it by hand, but now i see that i got my longitude and latitude reversed.

anyways, now that the ini is in a much more accessible place, and one have the ability to write to it using the menu, i guess there is no biggie to have a configuration window.

only "bug" then is that using the on-applet buttons to change modes seems to not be reflected in the menus. so that turning text on or off using the buttons will not alter the state of the checkmark next to the text flag in the menu.
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Originally Posted by tso View Post
only "bug" then is that using the on-applet buttons to change modes seems to not be reflected in the menus. so that turning text on or off using the buttons will not alter the state of the checkmark next to the text flag in the menu.
Yep, that bug is also mentioned in the README. I lost a lot of hair so far on that one -- in fact I went through the effort of changing 'global' variables to proper 'self' variables to help solve that one, but it didn't help. The 'menu' section seems *unaware* of the current mode set using buttons -- but the reverse is just fine!
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Thanks for the update Darren. I installed the new version from extras devel with no problems. I chmoded my .ini file and now my GPS position is saved to the .ini file. Great!

I checked out the planet and star labels and my only suggestion is to up the magnitude on the stars that get names to make it a little less cluttered. It looks like all the stars shown are named so it may not be possible.

Anyway, this is a great applet that has a permanent spot on my NIT. Thanks for all your hard work!
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Originally Posted by slick204 View Post
Thanks for the update Darren. I installed the new version from extras devel with no problems. I chmoded my .ini file and now my GPS position is saved to the .ini file. Great!
Thanks for confirming correct installation from 'extras-devel' and ability to 'Save' by 'chmod'. Did you find old stuff 'left behind' in '/usr/lib/hildon-desktop' that you needed to clean up yourself? I would have guessed that the application manager would first 'delete' and then 're-install'...

I checked out the planet and star labels and my only suggestion is to up the magnitude on the stars that get names to make it a little less cluttered. It looks like all the stars shown are named so it may not be possible.
Right now, the names of *all* the 94 (?) built-in stars for the PyEphem library are being displayed. Without the ability to 'zoom' (like MEphemeris has), it is bound to get crowded. Are you suggesting some controls to limit magnitude -- or some hard cut-off value?

Anyway, this is a great applet that has a permanent spot on my NIT. Thanks for all your hard work!
Thanks for the feedback -- it helps to make the hair-pulling a bit more worth it If you have other ideas that 'make sense' for an applet like this, please suggest them.
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I updated it and looks better and mchronos.ini is now in ~/.mchronos which is better.
- it is soooooo slow far slower than the previous version. The buttons below respond after more than 20 seconds.
- at this update (and previous ones) the location is reset to some US location 49 N 98 west.

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Originally Posted by skatebiker View Post
I updated it and looks better and mchronos.ini is now in ~/.mchronos which is better.
Glad you like it

- it is soooooo slow far slower than the previous version. The buttons below respond after more than 20 seconds.
I haven't personally noticed any change in the speed of the app. Again, I would need to get feedback from others on their own experiences. Back in message #41 of this thread, you also indicated a slowness problem, but no one else was able to confirm. I will agree that the 'button' presses are 'unreliable', so perhaps use the 'menu' buttons if you can to see if that helps.

- at this update (and previous ones) the location is reset to some US location 49 N 98 west.
Well, yes, the 'default' lat/long is (and always was) stored in the 'ini' file, so you would have to change that to your own personal preference (see README). Otherwise, the package default is near *my* location
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Originally Posted by darethehair View Post
Glad you like it

I haven't personally noticed any change in the speed of the app. Again, I would need to get feedback from others on their own experiences. Back in message #41 of this thread, you also indicated a slowness problem, but no one else was able to confirm. I will agree that the 'button' presses are 'unreliable', so perhaps use the 'menu' buttons if you can to see if that helps.
Clicking on the ten blue small buttons responds very slowly thai is what I mean.
Which menu do you mean ?

Originally Posted by darethehair View Post
Well, yes, the 'default' lat/long is (and always was) stored in the 'ini' file, so you would have to change that to your own personal preference (see README). Otherwise, the package default is near *my* location
Is it not able that the mchronos.ini retains the personal settings when already set ?
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Originally Posted by skatebiker View Post
Clicking on the ten blue small buttons responds very slowly thai is what I mean.
Which menu do you mean ?
Have you looked at the README file? One of the major changes to the most recent version is the introduction of standard Maemo-style menu options, as an alternative to using the fake 'buttons':

Home -> Applet Settings -> MChronos

Is it not able that the mchronos.ini retains the personal settings when already set ?
I am not quite sure what you mean by this. If you edit the 'mchronos.ini' file manually, it will certainly preserve whatever changes you make. If you make changes inside the applet itself, then you can also use the 'Save' option in the menu. If you don't do either of these, then the settings will merely be read as-they-are the next time the applet restarts.

EDIT: Don't forget the instructions in msg #73 about changing the permission bits on the ini file:

chmod 777 mchronos.ini
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Last edited by darethehair; 2009-07-24 at 17:20.

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Posts: 542 | Thanked: 117 times | Joined on Sep 2008 @ 52 N, 6 E
Thanks a lot, I didn't realize it, this works MUCH better !
I updated via the update function of the Application Manager so I didn't notice any README.
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Posts: 273 | Thanked: 104 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Manitoba, Canada
Originally Posted by skatebiker View Post
Thanks a lot, I didn't realize it, this works MUCH better !
I updated via the update function of the Application Manager so I didn't notice any README.
Glad you like the effort I made to learn how to do that crazy menu stuff

The location of the README is mentioned in #73 ('/home/user/.mchronos'), and the reminder that the README is also available on my software webpage is mentioned in #78 (
There is nothing more dangerous than a bored cat.

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