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You guys have it lucky. I had to wait for a year before the N810 was available here, in limited numbers, and not directly from Nokia. (For various reasons, it wasn't possible to order out of the country).

I'm hoping that since the N900 has phone capabilities and that we're a very Nokia-centric country, it will make its way sooner. *crosses fingers*
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Totally not worth staying up for. Like I want to sit there at 4 in the morning for some Nokia VP to admonish me about my bad music habits and spend an hour demonstrating how the N97 can use Facebook. The hour should've been spent describing the new open source cellular revolution that is the N900 and Maemo.

Or about how US users are still screwed. Either or.
Ryan Abel

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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
Totally not worth staying up for. Like I want to sit there at 4 in the morning for some Nokia VP to admonish me about my bad music habits and spend an hour demonstrating how the N97 can use Facebook. The hour should've been spent describing the new open source cellular revolution that is the N900 and Maemo.

Or about how US users are still screwed. Either or.
Yeah, I also had a feeling that nothing revolutionary new was exposed there. We've all seen it already.
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Originally Posted by Reggie View Post
N900 most probably will cost zero when subsidized by carrier.
That's impossible Reggie :| for a ~500 device to reach zero is almost impossible. at least 199 with heavy plans.

but anyhow it's a top performance device, and it will be at a reasonable price with plans I believe.
Marcelo Eduardo
OpenBossa Labs @ INdT, Recife Brazil
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Originally Posted by nowave7 View Post
Yeah, I also had a feeling that nothing revolutionary new was exposed there. We've all seen it already.
And that is why I think premature leaks are baaadddd.

It had some interesting points for me, since I live in a "emerging market".

And I guess Maemo will get all the fireworks it deserves at the Summit, after all, the event is Nokia World, and Maemo is just a part of it, not all of it like the Summit will be.
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Originally Posted by mrojas View Post
And that is why I think premature leaks are baaadddd.
It's not just the leaks, it's also an official announcement of N900 a week before NW09. Had they just waited for a week, it would have been much more interesting, unless they have something really interesting to show tomorrow.

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I watched most of the videos, and:
It is an impression or effect of Clutter had a problem with Vsync and lack of fluidity?
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I waited up for OPK's and Anssi's speech but I soon realized the tone was going to be S60 based. Nokia higher ups still seem to not be too happy about the thought of ditching Symbian or being told to ditch Symbian by the mainstream press so they are focusing on how much they are changing it. This is fine but as they are announcing software upgrades to all their S60 v5 phones, they talk about the 5800 and how much they improved on it by replacing it with a new device!! This is after touting how many devices they have sold etc etc, they were saying if you want an improved experience buy a new device! N810-N900 I can understand but 5800 - X6 is not right however you cut it. I dare say our buddies in cupertino would probably not do that.

Instead as GA said earlier they could talk about how much maemo/linux/foss community means to development of their biggest 'current' open platform and contrast that against EVERY SINGLE OTHER major device manufacturer. They could talk about how their hardware from top to bottom is still light years ahead of everyone else etc.

I also don't like how the whole step 4 thing went down, it could have been said in the context of 'look at this amazing device its crazy how much better it is than EVERY OTHER DEVICE out right now' and then talked about how things were only going to get better as development continues on the platform. Instead of essentially telling the mainstream to wait till step 5. I thought that was strange.

Anyway I'm still first in line for the N900 when it officially comes over here but I wasn't extremely happy with the keynotes.

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Originally Posted by korbé View Post
I watched most of the videos, and:
It is an impression or effect of Clutter had a problem with Vsync and lack of fluidity?
I noticed that too, specially when many browser windows are open. Hopefully will get fixed soon.

On the other hand, it seems Nokia still has one interesting announcement to do (hints from Eldar).

Edit: Another thing to be considered, is that so many "experts" have declared the death of Nokia because S60 UI is not 3D; that it was necessary for some parts of the keynotes to be reality checks - and with a bit of mea culpa on top.

Last edited by mrojas; 2009-09-02 at 14:43.
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I'm going to say this... with the X6 and N900... Nokia's entire lineup just got more attractive.

If anything, this is that "turning the big ship around" that's been hinted to around these parts. I can't call this "exciting news" but to see more than one phone that I'd consider for use/owning made by Nokia is unprecedented for me. Usually it's the top of the line or near it. Now, there's more than one option that captures my attention.

Just sorta sad that the X6 doesn't run Maemo. For a moment, I thought it did though from the screen shots.

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