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In the future you may want to look into either or for uploading pictures from your camera (provided the camera uses SD cards). If it's a DSLR and uses CF, a power injector plus compact flash=>usb (plus USB otg calbe) should do the trick. USB y-cable + usb=>AC adapter (of proper region) works in a pinch for power injection.

As far as wired goes. You can combine a USB otg cable + Linksys USB100M and install a couple packages and that's it. (work in progress)

I learned the hard way, [Navicore/Wayfinder] Map uses vector maps (download all at once) while Maemo Mapper uses raster maps which downloads tiles a few at time. Vector maps are general maps, mostly just street names, green areas for parks, etc. Raster maps are/can be satellite views showing buildings, etc.
Posts: 93 | Thanked: 52 times | Joined on Oct 2008 @ Victoria BC Canada
Originally Posted by wesgreen View Post
did you find the nokia map for japan lacking? the one for germany worked great for me.
You mean Wayfinder? There was nothing for Japan in that at all, nothing that I could find anyway. So, no vector backup. I had to depend entirely on MaemoMapper. If I were to go back next week, I'd take the time to set up Gosmore or something, anything, just for those times when you don't end up where you planned, which is how I like traveling.

Actually, after having cached a bunch of Google street maps before going, and having that mysteriously break the DAY AFTER I got there (grrr), I switched to VEstreet and was blown away by how good they were. They go right down to showing the shapes of pretty well all buildings and appear to be the same as everyone in Japan uses on their in-car navigation unit, when they're not watching TV that is... while driving - but that's another story.

With enough caching, the raster map tiles look great. But, vector does have it's advantages.

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Originally Posted by linuxeventually View Post
In the future you may want to look into either ...

As far as wired goes. ...
Interesting, though I'm not too keen on making the N810 any bigger or heavier than it is already. It's already on the outside edge of "carry everywhere," at least on my scale.

I did look for a bluetooth capable camera, but I wasn't impressed with the camera side of what was out there. I ended up buying a low-light point and shoot with SD cards. Of course, they've now announced some new bluetooth capable cameras (doesn't it always work that way?). I've thought of just using a couple of USB cables with an adapter while putting the N810 into USB host mode, and will probably do just that on the next trip.

Another option I'm exploring, unsuccessfully so far, is locating a bluetooth SD card reader. I think that would be great, having some battery-operated thingy in one pocket that can run an SD card and then make the files on it available to the N810, or any other bluetooth device. Maybe something that had a big whack of storage space on it's own too. It would be an external tethered storage space, that I could stuff the Camera's SD card in without having to muck up the N810. I've found lots of bluetooth card readers, but they are USB-attached to a computer and are both a card reader and a bluetooth dongle. Not what I want.

Sigh, maybe someday.

But, thanks for the link to the SD add-on for the N810... it's something to consider.

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Originally Posted by Den in USA View Post
The NIT is a marriage saver because I am now with my wife each night instead of in the study alone.
That is so much true! I used to stay weekend nights using my laptop at the dinner table while my gilfriend was at the couch watching tv. Now I can sit on the couch too, and read while I pretend to watch tv!

But that means I have to be extra careful with the pr0n, of course.

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You might also consider an Eyefi. The issue with that is it's supposed to connect to a (pre-configured) router. But perhaps if you create an adhoc connection with the N810 (devel_adhoc or create another) then it might work. I don't have one, so I couldn't tell you. Also this thread about ghetto eyefi solution: (note that is NOT what you want, just thought it was interesting while I was on the topic of the eyefi). Too bad such a thing isn't available in a mini-sd or micro-sd form factor or for that matter a bluetooth version.
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SETUP: Nokia n810
Samsung Omnia (vz) with cooked rom running wm6.5
Unlimited data with unlimited messaging

N810 PAIRED WITH SAMSUNG OMNIA (Or other phone with Data plan and wifi)
1. WmWifiRouter on omnia (constant internet for Tablet) ((( A MUST!!! )))
2. Do not have to worry about calling providers lines when using SKYPE on the n810
3. Skype on the n810 paired with a bluetooth headset is awesome
4. Streaming music galore (/Last.FM / Rhapsody/ Shoutcast/) To name only a few
5. Hacks exist to enable to n810 to have stereo sound in bluetooth
6. Real Web browsing with flash ensures that the visited web page will work as intended
7. Best Pocket YouTube Experience ever (With the right YouTube App)
8. Install a traditional OS on your SDHC card (Debian/Ubuntu)
Maybe someting in between (Mer/Android)
Or maybe a "cooked" Diablo ROM, or even a downgrade.

BLACK HAT DREAM (A version of Debian, in your pocket)
1. Can program in linux
2. Excellent for War(Driving/Walking)
3. Can crack WEP and WPK Signals (use at your own risk)
4. Can also spy and cause general mayhem for other wireless signals (use at own risk)
5. Can scan bluetooth signals and attempt to crack them.Programs can automate the process. Log could be sent to a smartphone which could hold additional apps. (use at your own risk)

1. Internet tablet could become a 2+32+64 (98GB) USB Drive (Slave Mode)
2. Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, and a myraid of other usb devices are supported
(Although tricky to get working sometimes) (Master Mode)
3. GPS - The Omnias GPS can be unlocked. I use Garmin XT when Driving and Google maps for transit. I use the N810's GPS when hiking, etc.

1. An accelerometer exists so one can view ebooks/web/etc in portrait mode (search for it)
2. Games are lacking in graphics, but the strategy games are its strength
3. can run Palm OS in a virtual machine
4. Can run many older game consoles on a virtual machine
5. Can communicate with a computer via VNC as an example
5. Claws mail with PGP support is great
6. Don't have to worry about viruses
7. No monthly plan required
8. Almost all the programs are FREE and EASY to get

I run my nice looking action games on my Omnia.
Wesnoth, Chess, etc, on my N810.

I find that a windowz ppc that has unlimited data and messaging, that is able to share everything, (including its internet) with a Linux Box that I can put in my pocket, to be a very strong combination.

Have yet to figure out how to flash or use activesync with this combination, but I am optimistic.

Yes, with a ppc, an n810, and an occasional trip to use a pc, this setup does everything for me.
It can go with me everywhere and the only internet I need is my own and I only pay for one.
Freedom is good! Thank you Nokia!
And all the hackers out there too!

Last edited by znbnz; 2009-09-10 at 11:59.
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Posts: 708 | Thanked: 125 times | Joined on Jan 2007 @ Too Close To D.C
Man you are getting your money's worth from your N810, nice to see!

I travel for a living, alot, aboard. My N810 keep me connected to home for pennies via Google Voice, Sipgate, and Boingo Mobile. I can make calls, sms, email, receive calls and text messaging for pennies a day.

Internet radio provides music (N810 speakers are not bad) or news while I am in the hotels. Or I stream my music or movies from home via Gnump3d on my home linux box. At home in the Washington DC area I use the WiMax network with my N810. I could go on about the different tasks my N810 can handle.

Alot of this is possible due to the Open source and linux community, THANK YOU!!!
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2008
NITs make people happy as i see, i´m happy too.

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