Posts: 7 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Canada
I've seen a new icon for a wifi signal at my workplace. I've tried connecting to the signal and it appears that I am connected, but yet I am unable to go online. What is the significance of the tiny dot above the wifi symbol. I haven't come across such a symbol like that before.

Last edited by videolink; 2009-09-12 at 03:33.
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Originally Posted by videolink View Post
I've seen a new icon for a wifi signal at my workplace. I've tried connecting to the signal and it appears that I am connected, but yet I am unable to go online. What is the significance of the tiny dot above the wifi symbol. I haven't come across such a symbol like that before.
That is for an ad-hoc connection. That particular one as well as several other ones like "FREE WIFI HOTSPOT" are actually caused by a bug in Windows. Trying to connect to one of those ad-hoc connections with Windows somehow causes you to open yourself up as an ad-hoc server with the same name.

Ignore them, you will almost never get online with them.

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verumgero's Avatar
Posts: 221 | Thanked: 43 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Sendai, Japan
I have seen signals with those symbols before and have never been able to get a connection. I didn't know what they were until now. Thanks for the info.

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