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I think mine was a leftover from uninstalling with an alarm set. For some reason, the fix-alarm failed to show anything to fix, even when run several times with no alarms set, some alarms set, etc.

Anyway thanks for letting me know I got the right idea.
*Consumer*, not a developer! I apologize for any inconvenience.
My script to backup /home and /opt
Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant, Huawei S7, N900(retired), N800(retired)
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tjutzu - I'm with Ciro on this, I have no idea why it wouldn't work on a 770... I assume you've got OS2008HE running on it? My only guess would either be some hardware-specific code somewhere, or a problem with one of the libraries not being the same... anyways, new version is much more portable and should hopefully work there... I'll see if I can test it on my bro's old 770 at some point once it gets a little further along..
Yes, I am using OS2008HE in 770. I tried to install flip clock again yesterday but for some reason installer complain that packages can't be found when I start the installation from downloads page. For some reason the repository is not taken in use. I need to play more with this to figure out why the repository is not valid.

On N800 Flip Clock is working OK as long I don't switch out from full screen mode. Switching out from full screen will freeze python. The same happens with mClock so I assume the problem must be on python side. I guess I need to re-flash the device and re-install everything to fix this problem.

- "Automatic screen dimming based on time of date and position"; this I'm not so sure about... seems pretty complicated to get working properly for everyone, and I really don't see it being worth the work at this point...Interesting idea tho!
Not to be taken too seriously Device location is stored in clock settings and perhaps it could be used. You need to define there your home town. In most cases the latitude is is near enough to tell day length on current area.
On N810 light sensor can be used to detect the light condition but there is no light sensor in N800.
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Originally Posted by jolouis View Post
Okay lots of questions to answer here!


Ciro I'm going to need those amazing design skills of your again at some point buddy, the new version of the app is slowly coming together but to get some of the functionality and changes I'm just kind of making up "cheap knock-off temp graphics/screens" for some things, so once I get it all sorted it would be awesome if you could do up some proper graphics to replace my crappy ones ;-)

Thanks All!
Im still on board : are you planning to use a single png or discrete multiple pngs like before? We could create a template for the single bitmap solution so anyone could easily substitute the graphic
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Flip Alarm Clock - 3DMania Theme - Synesthesia - Deluxepain
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Originally Posted by ciroip View Post
Im still on board : are you planning to use a single png or discrete multiple pngs like before? We could create a template for the single bitmap solution so anyone could easily substitute the graphic
At this point I'm running with the multiple discreet images approach as it seems to make more sense; that way you can have digits that are different sizes, for example, and not have to worry about padding them in a "master template". However a good solution might be do create a single template and then "web slice" it up so that it will save out all of the distinct images for you? I'm coming from a web background, so I'm used to doing this in PhotoShop or Fireworks sort of apps, but I think these days a lot of programs support this feature?... Anyways shouldn't be too difficult to figure out, once I get things a little further along I'll send you some info on how the themes are structured right now and we'll come up with cool way of making it all work!

Big question right now is I'm thinking of moving to a 3 -screen approach: Main clock, then go "up" for clock settings, or "down" for alarm settings; does that make sense? Just the more I work on it, the more "clock" stuff seems unrelated to alarm things, and there's just not enough screen space for all the options. Even on the alarm page, for example, we could make the days of the week buttons a bit bigger it'd be a lot easier to press with your finger, etc ... I mean that's all handled by themes, so we can do whatever, but in terms of basic organization I think 3 screens makes more sense. Let me do some more playing with it and let you guys know how it works out... I have to say though it's looking pretty cool right now...

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Originally Posted by jolouis View Post
...However a good solution might be do create a single template and then "web slice" it up so that it will save out all of the distinct images for you?...
while the developing procede the discrete images solution is the best approach but once sizes of the single parts are decided a single image is sure more easy manageble for whoever would try to modify the graphic whitout have to worry about filenames and coords; but that mean having to write a routine that for splitting the image. I have wrote a rudimental tool for this kind of thing for other projects Im working on so maybe everything could evolve in an import program.

Since we keeping everything always so 'low level' (not a lot of dependencies) do you think the thing will run in maemo5/N900?
Happy sunday
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Flip Alarm Clock - 3DMania Theme - Synesthesia - Deluxepain
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Here's a bug report, and a plea for help...

The other night, I was laying awake and saw the N810 crash in Flip Clock. I wasn't touching it, but something must have forced it out of full-screen mode. It just did it and locked up. So, I closed Flip Clock via the program manager X (If I remember correctly - I was half-asleep) and went back to bed.

Last night, with a nearly empty battery, I realised that the N810 was locked in insomniac mode. Resets nor an uninstall and reinstall of Flip Clock cleared it.

So, I'm assuming that Flip Clock modifies some system config file and keeps a backup. When exiting, it just puts that backup back in place (well, that's how I'd do it anyway) I'll assume further that the backup version now has the insomniac data locked in it.

So, my questions are: what file? And, any idea of the original N810 settings?

Any help appreciated...


EDIT: Okay, I got it, after reading through the scripts. I'm not sure if it's the right way, or the easy way, but it works.

I edited and set:
originalDim = 300
Which should be about 5 minutes; seemed about right to me.

After starting and stopping Flip Clock, the screen blanked as expected.

Last edited by fixerdave; 2009-08-30 at 19:31.

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Dave - Sorry about that, the "stuck in insomniac mode" is the biggest issue people have with the app crashing and being stuck there. The thing works just as you expect, reading your current value and storing it for later re-use when the app exits; however you took the long way of getting to the solution! All you have to do is open the display properties (the little picture of the sun on the task bar) and go to "display settings...", then change the brightness period and switch off display drop downs back to normal. All Flip does is modify these values directly.
Sorry about that one, but for future reference!

Since we keeping everything always so 'low level' (not a lot of dependencies) do you think the thing will run in maemo5/N900?
Oh definitely this will be rocking on the N900/maemo5... and it will look great, run amazingly... we can even make a Maemo5 theme for it if we really feel like it to make it more integrated!

As a general update, I've accomplished some good stuff today:
- Fixed some memory leaks that I had, so app is nice and quick and stable
- Migrated all of the maemo/tablet specific code to external file, which is only included if compiled for maemo... so (drum roll), I've managed to compile it on my Ubuntu laptop here and flip runs perfectly fine! I haven't gotten to alarms and stuff yet, but since I've got separation now, should be easy to keep it going for everything moving forward.
- Mood stuff is all working/pretty neato... haven't touched the old N810 LED code yet, but that can be an extra little thing once basic functionality is up.

Next step is to start working on the alarm/alarm scheduling stuff... I'm not sure how to create "configure" directives for compiling just yet, but that's part of the long term plan so that you'll be able to compile the app for whatever...

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I've run into a problem with FlipClock in the last few days. When an alarm is triggered, and FlipClock is closed, two instances of FlipClock open and attempt to play the song for the alarm. The tablet then stutters while this happens.

The problem seems to only happen some of the time. Other times when it goes off it works fine and only launches one instance of the app.

The problem started happening after I reflashed and then installed Maemo to the internal card of my n810. Its the first time I've done the OS clone so I don't know if that would make a difference or not.
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So the latest version is completely stable now?

My first experience with this was a horrible, searing crash from hell. *lol*

I've been wanting to reinstall this for quite some time but I'm waiting for it to be rock solid and stable before trying once more.

I don't care about the extra fluff everyone is requesting just as long as it wont make my tablet go into seizure mode again.
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Hm, I've used Flipclock in the past and I like it. However, lately it won't open. Nothing happens when I try to open it. I've tried uninstalling, downgrading, upgrading, etc. No dice. Any ideas?

clock, flip clock

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