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danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jack6428 View Post
hahaha, just pwned!
I suggest: finish him !!!
friendship! Friendship??

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Ovek's Avatar
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Originally Posted by wazd View Post
The screen is resistive, how on earth Engadget and Gizmodo reviews can be positive?!
Indeed... I can't wait for the staged engadget videos of the unresponsive touch screen

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
friendship! Friendship??
if you wish to have mercy... LOL.. but i'd finish him off, just because i want to hear the announcer's voice say FATALITY hahaha...but imagine Eldar in a MK game, fighting Dr. Jaaksi, or better, the N900 itself..haha.. nice to see another MK awsome series..Sub-Zero is da man!

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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
friendship! Friendship??

^Lord Raiden as a toddler *tee-hee*
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Last edited by JayOnThaBeat; 2009-09-23 at 18:01.

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It seems that this move by Eldar is a move to get Nokia to send him better prototypes and firmware etc by strong arming them. "I'll release info and stuff from my stolen/leaked stuff, unless you give me exclusive access".

Pretty shady stuff.

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Originally Posted by bugelrex View Post
BUT in my experience, for large projects, random crashes or easy to reproduce crashes WEEKS before release never end well. Ask any C/C++ developer with more than 10 years experience and you will get the same answer.
Okay, let's ask me.

Easy to Reproduce Crashes: I can easily fix those in less than an hour.

Random Crashes: How random? How often? How catastrophic? Depending on your answers and assuming it's a software issue, the time-to-fix usually ranges from 5 1/2 hours to ∞ - 1. But this topic is too big for this discussion.

Have you ever been part of a successful software project? Good developers don't freak out like you're suggesting. In your context, absolutes like "never end well" are FUD. WEEKS is a long time, and it doesn't frighten a good development group if they're in bug-fixing mode. Sh*tty management is what usually frightens a good development group.

If it's your code, bug fixing shouldn't be difficult. Good design is where all the real work is, right? So, children, the moral of the story is: Worry less about bugs and worry more about design, then things will always (okay, mostly) end well.

Back to the topic:

Nokia needs to find out what happened, having a high profile shoot-from-the-hip blogger as an extended part of your QA department doesn't seem like a good thing. That's what we're here for. And my prototype should be arriving any day now...
N9: Go white or go home

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Maybe Nokia needs to have a look at which Russian IP addresses tried to grab, and have succesfully grabbed, firmware updates past months. With that (3G?) IP address it won't be too hard to find out the IMEI. Nor hard to track down this person, and prosecute him.

Because... stealing, is theft... and stealing something which is not released yet hence rare, such as Half-Life 2, is usually heavier punished than stealing something from an electronics store.

Anyway, this thread contains all the relevant information to lose your respect for this person...
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I guess it's sad that I entered into a slight Twitter convo with him and it went nowhere fast when I asked about what firmware he had and prove it with a snapshot.

His deflection of that the N900 is just like the N97 was weak. Then he accused me of thinking that the N900 was "special"... which to me - unlike many here - it's not special to me. I'm curious, but I'm probably one of the few that isn't sold on the N900 yet; despite me really needing a replacement for my iPhone 3G.

Anyway, I have no respect for somebody with such a dubious inability to supply the normal stuff that people tend to supply on reviews. What version firmware, screenshots, and a reputable account of how they got the hardware/software.

Simply put, I know that hardware sometimes "lands" in people hands. But you have to be honest about even that. If it's not yet the finalized/finished product, you have to state that in all fairness. I review gadgets for companies and for my own site; so I know this stuff intimately.

And every now-and-then, I get some beta, sometimes alpha product, and I cannot fully say that my words are reviews as much as they are a critique of the product at that time.

This person is full of hot air, a rather bad attitude and no proof. My respect... withheld.

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Doesnt sound like this guy IS a part of the QA dept. Sounds like he managed to get hold of a prototype from "somewhere" and he has already twitted that nokia would shut it off if they could
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Gerbick, daperl... we don't generally see eye to eye on very much.

But you two are both 100% correct and I agree with every single word you wrote here. Kudos.

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eldar, nokia n900 preview

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