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I ran across the Iron Cook's Spicy Gadget Roll blog this morning, where Cook (aka Phi Nguyen) has a lengthy appreciation/review of the Nokia N800, complete with 35 minutes of videos and 28 photos. The photo comparing the N800's size to a ballpoint pen and credit card was so clever, I'm showing it here rather than just lifting the idea (I've cropped it slightly).

I also liked how Cook took six websites (engadget, digg) and showed what you get with 800-pixel-wide viewing, and what you would have to scroll to see. (Looking at all of these together shows how the sites that write about small devices make sure their content is on the left. Wish more sites would wake up to this need.)

So much video I didn't get to watch it all, but that aspect puts this at the top or near the top of my recommended sites to learn about the N800.

-- Roger Sperberg

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