
Poll: Should Tableteer include a "maemocade" section?
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Should Tableteer include a "maemocade" section?

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Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
I've just posted the following message on the maemo-developers list. Write here your opinions (positive and negative), maybe they will be taken into account by Tableteer developers. I'm going to open a poll too, hope it works (it's my first poll

to Nokia: simple method to gain a gaming audience on 770/800
Originally Posted by insert_nick
I'd like to advance a proposal, mainly to Nokia's Tableteer site

There's no need to explain why a better gaming experience on the internet
tablets could boost user-base: of course, for a "high-level" portable
gaming experience we'll buy a GBA/DS/PSP/GP2X etc.; I know 770/800 is not
a gaming platform, but if we have a 770/800 in our pocket, and we're in
gaming mood, and we have no money for a new good game for our GBA these
times, why not benefit of our ITB's (Internet Tablet) nice display and
touch screen?

Let me soon underline that I'm not going to ask for a better hardware for
games, or a better button pad, etc.: nothing needs to be changed, but
gaming experience on ITB can be *extremely* boosted with a relatively
simple initiative, better if supported by Nokia itself for its success -
let me explain it, I hope I succeed in making you see its potential how I
do, and take action.

You all know how the Nintendo Wii has gained poularity, and sells. With
this nice console in their living room, plenty of users have access to the
Internet in a very straightforward way, just like the ITB does on the go
(incidentally, this reminds me the main current trends of Microsoft and
Apple: Microsoft at home, Apple on the go).

The Nintendo Wii can be considered, imho, a great alley for Nokia Internet
Tablets sells and popularity: can you see why?
I own a Nokia 770: let me say that gaming experience, out of the box, is
very poor. Tak has done a very good job with emulators porting, but this
cannot be considered a solution: first, most users don't own so much
arcade boards and nes cartridges in order to legally play their favourite
games through emulators; second, the hardware keys simply cannot be used
for a smooth gameplay; third, the average user will not easily find and
follow the route to emugaming on its tablet.

So, why the Wii can be an alley? Because you can see that lots of Flash
developers are creating plenty of very nice and enjoyable games... with
Wii in mind. As the Opera browser can display Flash content, they adapt
their old games or create new ones scaling down needed resources, fitting
a TV display, and - above all - making them playable *with just the
mouse*. This is the real point: just-mouse games!

Wait: this means not that I'm going to propose we should use those games
on the ITB (even if some of those work almost perfectly on my 770, if I
set "quality: low" for Flash content display). My suggestion really is:

--->>> steal the "" idea! [1] <<<---

It is a site collecting Flash games adapted to be used on the Nintendo Wii
console; there's also a voting system, top-rated list, newest ones list,
search by name field, etc.; developers can submit games (to promote their
sites, or whatever) and the games are free to use, and easy to find. No
installation required, no repository in the Application catalogue needed,
no dependencies, nothing: want to play? click and enjoy! Are you bored?
Close your browser, or browse back and try another one

I hate Flash sites. But when it comes to games, a Flash plugin can really
turn a web browser in a simple yet powerful
sandbox-embedded-gaming-platform. So, we already have built-in in our
tablets this nice web browser and this popular "embedded-game-platform"
plugin: and they're the same choice made by Nintendo, one of the best
gaming companies of the world, for their newest console; they're some
versions older on ITBs, though, but they are not that bad (and sometimes
"old" means "faster" too).

As many "mouse-only concept" free Flash games are popping out following
the Wii trend, Nokia should take advantage of that and gain some
popularity from those users who could enjoy a portable device capable of
providing access to plenty of *free* nice games (have I underlined the
word "free" enough?
Not only free, but easy to "install" (well, no installation is required at
all), easy to "uninstall" (well, no uninstallation is required at all),
easy to store and load when offline (they are just swf files, the built-in
file manager can access them from a memory card just like a mame frontend
does on zipped roms archives), easy to adapt for developers (it's Flash
after all).

So, if still you have no idea of what is my proposal, here it is finally:

The default main page in the browser on ITB is the Tableteer: we already
have a big link to the "Fun for Kids" section, where some games are linked
to be downloaded and installed. Good, let's share the "Fun for Kids"
label, even if we all know those "kids" can eventually be more than 30
years old sometimes
There, I can see fitting the link for a service similar to,
where developers can submit their games, specifically adapted for use on
the Internet Tablets. Of course, there will be a clear separation between
"Nokia 770" games and "Nokia N800" games, where 770 ones will be Flash 6
compatible, scaled down with simple gfx and optimizations for better
performance on the slow 770 CPU, loaded with Flash in low-quality mode (no
antialias) by default, adjusted for absolute mouse positions (as the
touchscreen requires), and eventually better fitting the display size. I
suspect these are not so difficult tasks for good Flash developers, but I
could be wrong: by the way, even if difficult, it could be worth (increase

Besides, Wii and ITB owners could play the very same games in their
living-room, and on the go: so the ITB could be a must for Wii owners and
extreme gamers who love to play some free games when they can't access
their Wii I'm thinking here to games where a code makes the player
jump to some level of the game, or games where training is never enough.

So that's all folks: I hope this long message can convey my idea to the
right readers. Here are some notes and the links following.

Note: is not the only site offering Wii-wise games, e.g.: [2].

Note 2: as an example of a Wii-wise game working nice on the 770 you can
browse to [3] (put Flash in low-quality mode for best performance).


The Following User Says Thank You to insert_nick For This Useful Post:
Karel Jansens's Avatar
Posts: 3,220 | Thanked: 326 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ "Almost there!" (Monte Christo, Count of)
I voted yes on principle (any N800 community is a good thing), although at the moment I'm more than content with Nethack on NaB00, and probably will for the forthcoming decade or so.

What can I say? I'm just not a very good gamer...
Texrat's Avatar
Posts: 11,700 | Thanked: 10,045 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ North Texas, USA
I think more games will really help popularize this platform. The more exposure the better IMO.
RogerS's Avatar
Posts: 772 | Thanked: 183 times | Joined on Jul 2005 @ Montclair, NJ (NYC suburbs)
I agree absolutely! Flash-based games, or other self-contained apps*, are perfect for the Internet Tablets.

This is something that takes advantage of
- the WiFi/internet capability of the tablet
- the great screen resolution
- the 800-pixel-width of the screen
- the generic and not proprietary nature of the OS
- the already there browser and Flash plugin

I think there are probably hundreds of Flash games at miniclips and other sites that would run fabulously on the N800, if the proportions were adjusted to the Internet Tablet (and UMPC) 800x480 screen.

And I agree that it needs Nokia to lead the interference to get this going.

*I don't mean word-processor-scale, but something like a language-lesson or the NASA History at
N900 Guide Brief intro to the Nokia N900 (
Maemoan since July 2005 )
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Check out

They provide free online Flash games that are optmized to run on mobile devices like the 770 and N800. With the built-in WiFi and Flash-plugin, I think Nokia should do more in promoting the N800 as an online Flash game mobile platform - they should mention websites like this on their N800 website.
TTgowings's Avatar
Posts: 248 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ MI, USA
I am a gamer (not a good one) and I have a 360, Wii, DS, PS2, Xbox, GBA SP, heck I stiI am a gamer (not a good one) and I have a 360, Wii, DS, PS2, Xbox, GBA SP, heck I still have my Dreamcast hooked up and use it regularly. l have my Dreamcast hooked up and use it regularly. I think Nokia is missing a big opportunity with gaming on the N770/800 but possibly on purpose ? since they've anounced they are releasing a new N-Gage this Sept. I've only had my 800 for a few days now so I've not had a chance to explore many of the games yet but the ones I have, have been pretty rudamentary so far to say the least and with such a beautiful 800x480 touch screen its a real shame. Even for Nokia or a 3rd party dev to put out a simple DS game such as Clubhouse Games with WiFi/Lan/Internet support would be a big boost of support for their cause and to really put the N800 into mainstream consumerism. I do understdand where you are coming from about flash derived games/gaming but most of those games hold an attention span for all of about 2 mins, thats not to take anything away from all the hard work from the very talented creators and dev teams mind you, some flash based games have and are being made into actual games such as Line Rider a hugely popular flash based game which is currently being ported for the Wii and DS. Right now you almost have to wonder if the next Nxxx isn't gonna be a hybrid of the N-Gage and the N770/N800 ?
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Originally Posted by reiperts
Check out
Thanks, nice resource. The games are not optimized for 770/N800 screen, but they're coded in order to let portable platforms to run them without trouble. The zoom works, but I need to refresh the game page before zooming otherwise the flash applet zooms in its content without zooming the frame.

Best would be something similar, but more targeted to 770 and N800 users. Let's see if something pops out

Last edited by insert_nick; 2007-02-06 at 15:01.
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Originally Posted by insert_nick View Post
Thanks, nice resource. The games are not optimized for 770/N800 screen, but they're coded in order to let portable platforms to run them without trouble. The zoom works, but I need to refresh the game page before zooming otherwise the flash applet zooms in its content without zooming the frame.

Best would be something similar, but more targeted to 770 and N800 users. Let's see if something pops out
You're right about the size (kind of cute though) - I think all they need to do is to display the games at double the size and play them in full-screen mode. But the good thing is that the games runs smoothly on the N800.
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
The Gamoku Team has been so kind to add a zoom feature to their service, in order for us Internet Tablets' users enjoy the Flash games with our big resolution display.

Go to the Gamoku site, set your browser preference with no navigation bar in fullscreen, go fullscreen, choose a game. Under the game, you can see the Zoom option, click it and if cookies are enabled they will remember to zoom everytime you load a game.

There's also a trick to "autocenter" the game in the screen: when you're in fullscreen and have loaded the game, and it is already 2x zoomed, just tap in the background on the right of the game, and press the DOWN button: the game will pop in focus, centered and ready to be enjoyed ;)

(Tested on a Nokia 770 with ITOS 3.2006.49-2)
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
I've found nice javascript games, many of them working on 770, here:
Nokia 770 with ITOS 3.2006.49-2, aka maemo 2.2, aka gregale

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