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Yes i am on the right website, perhaps my comments are not very nice.
But think to what i wrote and be honest.
I did forget i have a N810, N97, N95. Look at when i did join this site and you will understand.
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Yes i did start home computing on ZX81.
This was a Sinclair not a Nokia.
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Originally Posted by albson View Post
Yes i did start home computing on ZX81.

...and the inferiority complex has been eating away at you ever since
Posts: 262 | Thanked: 232 times | Joined on Aug 2009
Originally Posted by albson View Post
Yes i am on the right website, perhaps my comments are not very nice.
But think to what i wrote and be honest.
I did forget i have a N810, N97, N95. Look at when i did join this site and you will understand.
I just don't understand how you could be here from 2005 and think Android is a better OS or disparage the N900 GUI after seeing all the screenshots and videos.
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Originally Posted by livefreeordie View Post
but on the other hand I really don't know what will happen. Either Nokia will start climbing again on its own, or there will be a general stock marḱet downturn that'll ruin any chances.
If you look at the profit they made, and the products they're rolling out, I don't see a reason why to be over-negative. It is not as if NSN will again write such a loss in 2009Q4 for it was a one-time loss therefore leading to a one-time emotional reaction. Recession has nothing to do with that. Its taking the heat and going on. Although its difficult to take FUD into account.

If it wasn't for the recession, the decision would be really easy. All the analysts are seriously underestimating Maemo. Especially the US seems strangely fixated on S60, which is going away even on Symbian. As for NSN, new business areas like Windows laptops and Nokia Money should start compensating for its problems at some point as well, assuming they're successful.
Maemo, like Nokia Money, is a long-term project; not short-term. The fruits of its labor won't be visible right away whereas you're playing the stock market based on short-term prospects.
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Originally Posted by albson View Post
Nokia should invest into good UI for smartphone. .
that's what they are already doing with both Maemo and symbian where you been for the last 12 months, maybe you should go look up on the subject before commenting.

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Am I missing where they've made profit when what I've read... Nokia-Siemens and NAVTEQ amassed a loss?
Posts: 262 | Thanked: 232 times | Joined on Aug 2009
Originally Posted by allnameswereout View Post
Maemo, like Nokia Money, is a long-term project; not short-term. The fruits of its labor won't be visible right away whereas you're playing the stock market based on short-term prospects.
I know. My problem right now is that I do in fact want to invest long term, but with the market so uncertain right now I don't want to suddenly see my investment halved even temporarily.

IMHO, it's not necessarily smart to invest long term at a time like this, when you can make much more money by jumping in at the bottom (if you can predict it). I don't want to day trade, so I'll be sitting out for a while.

Edit: Oh, and I might add that the more FUD the better. Now that I'm out of the market, I'm hoping for a downswing in Q4/Q1 and massive amounts of anti-Nokia FUD, so I can buy shares early next year really cheap

Last edited by livefreeordie; 2009-10-15 at 18:38.
Posts: 87 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Helsinki
eh? I read Navteq was 43 million euros on black.
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Originally Posted by albson View Post
Nokia should invest into good UI for smartphone. Only at this condition they will succeed in this market. Today N97 ( even Mini) is not at the level of iphone and other
existing smartphone with different OS ( like Android).
They do try to do something with N900 but again this is a flop for users point of view.
Glad you have an opinion but no premises are stated to support your rather bizarre, bold conclusions.

Yes, a HIG is very important. You can see a lot of work was put into that for Maemo 5, and the evolution of that we'll see in Maemo 6.

I nsist that they do not understand the market at all except for Geek ( this is a very low market).
they have a huge market penetration in non-geek markets!! Ever heard of S40? This is a market Apple and RIM will never reach, nor are they trying to.

My view of succes today is more oriented on Android phones. Poor market share today but a market with very high potential .
crazy! Android has no backwards compatibility whatsoever! Together with little to no market share that is not a good thing. Nokia is making their backwards compatibility with UNIX-based OS, and with Qt on both S60 and Maemo. Granted, does not mean automatic success. I'm not saying that. Each have their + and - in todays market... yet saying Nokia's strategy has no chance whatsoever is what you try to sketch, and thats a rather over-negative viewpoint out of sync with reality... nor well argued with premises supporting your conclusions.
Goosfraba! All text written by allnameswereout is public domain unless stated otherwise. Thank you for sharing your output!

buy high, loss, nokia down, sell low, trouser trout

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