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I have a widget on my desktop computer that is a photo frame that cycles photos. The photos are pulled from a website or loaded from a local directory. Different frames are available as well as no frame at all. It has options for random/sequential and time delays.

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benny1967's Avatar
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TrackSol, is your desktop widget for Windows or for GNU/Linux? If GNU/Linux, somebody could steal parts of the existing code

Also, what I'd be looking for is a kind of "intelligent" photo frame application (may well be a widget, why not). It should pull images from pre-defined sources, online or offline. The images should be taken at the same day and time (in my hemisphere) so they reflect the current season and time of the day. I would see christmas photos in december, and a beautiful sunrise in the early morning...

In a second filter mode, images should be selected by keywords/tags; keywords could be entered manually (boring) or taken from recent posts in selected newsfeeds. This would make the photo application cycle through photos from Italy while my friends spend their holidays there or look for N900-images while it's hot in the blogsphere.

The application should allow me to set each filter exclusively or combine them ("show pictures tagged "italy" that were shot on sept 28th around 8:30").

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endorphinum's Avatar
Posts: 90 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Hamburg, Germany
Good morning TrakSol and Benny,

I had a flickr fullscreen widget as Mojo developd on the old version
of my project. As i have updated the whole core at the
moment these widgets (just like weather data) do not work anymore.

But i am certain that i will finish this next weekend so that you can
have your flickr photos in fullscreen on your device.

fiferboy's Avatar
Posts: 475 | Thanked: 771 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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