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Originally Posted by christexaport View Post
Where did you find that image, The Nokia Review? I don't understand what you meant in your post. In my browser, the time says 42:50:xx and counting. Am I missing something?
The homepage of a safari browser. This is the screenshot, taken right after the thumbnail refreshed. Notice the time in the corner and the time of the thumbnail.
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wow this really has go peoples heads going. There are currently only 2 good things posted in that area. I'll keep an eye out to see if anything pops out.

Leeyam, good thinking...

I'm trying too see if I can find a map. It's a long shot but maybe the C35 and Z04 are grid references
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Most grid refs for streetmaps etc use one letter and one number to define a vertical and horizontal alignment - ie A:25 etc. I am guessing that Z04 is the map ref (possibly zone 4 of Vatsari) and that C35 is the grid ref. however there is no map yet that I have found that can correlate this. Perhaps a future clue will help?
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Maby a hint, if z04 = Zone 4

The area is divided in four zones in which different aims are emphasized. The first zone is limited on the shores of the Lake Inari. This is the area where recreational use is emphasized. The second zone is in close contact with the previous one. The second zone is more wilderness-like, but is utilized more than the third and fourth zones, which form the core area of the wilderness where the wilderness preserving values are emphasised....On the 3rd and 4th zones all building of structures will be avoided
found by googling vastari 4 wilderness zones....
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Originally Posted by The Nokia Review View Post
The homepage of a safari browser. This is the screenshot, taken right after the thumbnail refreshed. Notice the time in the corner and the time of the thumbnail.
If this is the correct time, then I must say that this has been planned way before the first contest. as the URL for that image was always in the orginal code of the site.

With the clue that WOMWorld told me regarding "keep an eye on the site" I recon we need to make we at the site on or after that time.

Now just to work out what time ZONE we working with he he he
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We can do this lol..
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Ok so my observations of the video. It could have been covered already...I dont know. It may have some meaning, or may not.

So I dont know if this adds any thing...

I took a look at the picture here
And noticed there is a difference between the video and picture next to "project".

In the picture it says "Project:MAEMO// That is not on the video.
Could they be trying to give us a URL?

The other thing is...I think there are more video than what we think. If you look at the time in the picture it says
CAM/01 RM05>> T_C 10:15:21:15
I cant get the video it to go that high.

BTW I think RM05 is room 5
There must be a way to get the different CAM views.
I wish we could slow the screen flickers down.

Then again the pic and the video are two different life forms.

I'm probably way off

Last edited by bazz; 2009-11-04 at 13:18.
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Originally Posted by The Nokia Review View Post
We can do this lol..
My brain is starting to hurt....
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Tampere, Finland
Originally Posted by bazz View Post
In the picture it says "Project:MAEMO// That is not on the video.
Could they be trying to give us a URL?
Text "Project:Maemo//" actually is visible in the vid as well. The vid has those "flashes" every now and then and if you look at those flashing moments frame by frame with some video editor you can see the text

Originally Posted by bazz View Post
Then again the pic and the video are two different life forms.
I'm guessing that the pic is there just to make sure that users without flash plugin see something and not just a blank page. So the 19:30:24 thing is probably nothing.

About the whole thing:
I may be missing something (as I haven't really followed this thread) but my guess is that the idea of this whole thing is just the competition which opens if you find the site and look closely (and spot the penguin). IMHO, all other information (like Vätsäri etc.) are there just to make people curious and excited.

Of course I'd love to be wrong as this actually is quite exciting
So, whoever is behind this thing, more clues please. I know you're reading this
Posts: 526 | Thanked: 99 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by bazz View Post
Ok so my observations of the video. It could have been covered already...I dont know. It may have some meaning, or may not.

So I dont know if this adds any thing...

I took a look at the picture here
And noticed there is a difference between the video and picture next to "project".

In the picture it says "Project:MAEMO// That is not on the video.
Could they be trying to give us a URL?

The other thing is...I think there are more video than what we think. If you look at the time in the picture it says
CAM/01 RM05>> T_C 10:15:21:15
I cant get the video it to go that high.

Then again the pic and the video are two different life forms.

I'm probably way off
Hi Bazz,
Welcome to the thread. I advice that you read back a few a pages to get a quick catch up. The past view pages will probably give you some in sight into the times and other videos that have since been released...

maemo project, marketing, n900

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