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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
libsqlite3-0 is now included in th gregale repository, so if you install Maemo Mapper 1.4 through the gregale repository, it will automatically install the libsqlite3-0 dependency.
Sorry to be so uninformed, but, I don't know how to find the Maemo Mapper download of which you speak at the Gregale repository. In actual fact, I don't really understand what the Gregale repository is. A google search takes me to the download tab but I see nothing about Maemo Mapper. I only see downloads for SDK (whatever that is), Maemo 3.0 SDK installation, etc.

Would you mind providing a link to the Maemo Mapper download that will include libsqlite3-0?

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Originally Posted by nspeer View Post
Would you mind providing a link to the Maemo Mapper download that will include libsqlite3-0?
Try the link at the beginning of this thread.

That will automatically set up the gregale extras repository. Sorry for the confusion.
Posts: 197 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Try the link at the beginning of this thread.

That will automatically set up the gregale extras repository. Sorry for the confusion.

Thanks for your reply and all you do for us all with Maemo Mapper.
One more question if you please. I am still running V 2.2006.39-14. I know I need to upgrade to 3.2006.49-2 if I want to run Maemo Mapper v 1.4. However, my research on this forum uncovered the fact that many users have had difficulty installing apps after they upgraded. As a NOOB who is Linux deficient, I don't want to rock the 770 boat too much and I don't want to have to jump thru a lot of hoops to get my "upgraded" 770 back to where it started before I upgraded it. That said, would I be missing the boat if I installed v 1.35 Maemo Mapper, or would I just be putting off the inevitable (since future apps will possibly only run on 3.2006.49-2).

thanks again,

Last edited by nspeer; 2007-02-28 at 21:48.
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[QUOTE=gnuite;36919]The "latitude" and "longitude" that are used in the directory hierarchy are not measured in degrees - it is measured in tile numbers, where 0, 0 represents the "upper-left corner" of the world.

In the mercator projection, the world is a square. Maemo Mapper divides the world into pixels, each pixel of which represents a pixel at zoom level 0. The world is 2^25 (33554432) pixels wide and high.

"Tiles" are 256x256 wide, so at zoom level 0, the world is 2^17 (131072) tiles wide and high. You're near the prime meridian.......QUOTE]

Right, thanks for that Gniute - does that 'handle' translate as Geo-Knight, if so you deserve a place at the round table!

I've done some more research ref MapCruncher.

It turns out that the xml it produces to point the mash up/preview to an html page has everything needed to put the tiles into the correct folders for MM to read them. It uses a QuadTree method to reference directly over the VE tiles for the area of your 'mashed' map (the one you begged/borrowed/stole then scanned or downloaded!) For example, the file starts thus:

"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<CrunchUp xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" Version="1.6" RenderDate="23/02/2007 15:41:07">
<Bounds zoom="16" X0="32534" Y0="21789" X1="32562" Y1="21817" /> the bounding box of your mash at max (specified in render process) in VE X, Y tile position.
<MapCruncherAppVersion version="3.0.2">
<SearchFodder>MSRMapCruncherOutputGUIDVersionDAC </SearchFodder>
<Layer DisplayName="New Layer">
<TileNamingScheme Type="VE" FilePath="" FilePrefix="Layer_NewLayer" FileSuffix=".png" />[I]path to you local mashed tiles[/I]
<DefaultView lat="51.4712408228935" lon="-1.20940700487637" zoom="12" />
<SourceMapRecord DisplayName="Test" MaxZoom="16">
<MapFileURL url="" />
<MapHomePage url="" />
<MapDescription />
<LatLon lat="51.4258096996177" lon="-1.28220415252848" />Bounding box in deg.dec
<LatLon lat="51.5166719461693" lon="-1.13660985722426" />
<RangeDescriptor TileX="0" TileY="0" Zoom="1" QuadTreeLocation="0">
Reference for the view at zoom 1, ie in MM = folder '0'/'0'/0.png
<RangeDescriptor TileX="1" TileY="1" Zoom="2" QuadTreeLocation="03">
<RangeDescriptor TileX="3" TileY="2" Zoom="3" QuadTreeLocation="031">
<RangeDescriptor TileX="7" TileY="5" Zoom="4" QuadTreeLocation="0313">
<RangeDescriptor TileX="15" TileY="10" Zoom="5" QuadTreeLocation="03131">
<RangeDescriptor TileX="31" TileY="21" Zoom="6" QuadTreeLocation="031313">
<RangeDescriptor TileX="63" TileY="42" Zoom="7" QuadTreeLocation="0313131">
equates to MM as folder /'7'/'63'/42.png
and so on to zoom level 17

So now all that needs to be done is write a script to rename the QuadTree files and put them in the correct, MM expected, folders.

I will have to get studying......

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Maemo Mapper v1.4.1 was released with in-program documentation. Use the "Help" button in the menu to access it.

Download and Install Maemo Mapper v1.4.1

There are many other minor additions in this release, most of them having to do with the main and context menus. For example, there is a new "Go to" menu that allows you to center the view on your GPS position or other locations. See the changelog for full details.
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On my N800, when I launch Maemo Mapper, nothing happens other than "Maemo Mapper - loading" is shown in the upper right corner of the screen for approx 20 seconds, with the little loading icon.

The application manager install shows version 1.4.1-3.

I installed by clicking the Maemo Mapper install link on the initial forum post, then the flite and proj install links, respectively.

I've tried removing flite and proj, and uninstalling and reinstalling Maemo Mapper, with no luck.

I also tried powering down the N800, and repowering it on, with the same results.

My Application Catalog shows:

Nokia Catalogue
Nokia Catalogue (3rd party software)

I have Gizmo Project, Media Streamer, MWeather, VNC Viewer, Gaim Internet Messenger, Calendar, X Terminal, and Canola installed, in addition to Maemo Mapper.

Any thoughts/tips?

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Originally Posted by Drel View Post
On my N800, when I launch Maemo Mapper, nothing happens other than "Maemo Mapper - loading" is shown in the upper right corner of the screen for approx 20 seconds, with the little loading icon.

Any thoughts/tips?
The only thing I can think of to try is clearing out the gconf setings by running this command in xterm:

gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/maemo/maemo-mapper

That might not do too much good, though, if this is a fresh install anyway.

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I have the same problem. I had to reflash my n800 today, so this was a completely fresh install. Running from the command line resulted in a segmentation fault.
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Hi gnuite,

I have a N800 and have the exact same problem as Drel.

I get "Maemo Mapper" loading and nothing happens.

Version downloaded from the link in your post of yesterday 07:11 PM. #95

I tried the gconftool-2 and it did not help.

Joe O

Last edited by joeo; 2007-03-03 at 19:54.
dcarter's Avatar
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I too had the problem with fresh installing the latest version,
so I uninstalled it,

and installed the previous version (1.3.x, not the last 1.4.x)
note I didn't uninstall flite or proj.

After installing, I started Mapper and it did just fine.

Then, I went to the garage and updated to the latest version.

Now it works fine.

A bit round-a-bout,
but mapper IS the best navigation system I know of......


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