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johnnyrockets911's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Andre Klapper View Post
As written in , the issue is fixed internally and the fix will be available in the next update. I can confirm here that it works.
Wait, are you a MfE developer too?

Also, is there somewhere the public can download a mini-update with the fix?
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Originally Posted by vitaly_repin View Post
In my opinion this is (concrete plans about the future) 100% marketing issue.
Well, I disagree, but I certainly respect and appreciate what you've been doing in this thread.

I have read the discussion in this thread on the topic you have raised here. It is more generic than MfE. Much more generic. Could you create a separate thread in this forum to discuss this and put a link to that thread here?
I will, but not right now - I want to be able to back up what I'm saying with concrete examples of what I'm talking about. I think we're trying to bridge somethng of a cultural divide here, and my simply asserting that things should be different probably isn't going to be the best way of doing that.

Originally Posted by johnnyrockets911 View Post
Wow, you are willing to chat with users about issues. I have never seen a company do that. That is very impressive! Wow!

It is impressive. My point, such as it is, is that I have seen it before, as a matter of routine with Linux distribution vendors, and I know that it works. Sometimes it's easy to forget that not everyone has the same free software background.

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Originally Posted by vitaly_repin View Post

Are you sure you don't have any MfE account configured already?

Server search - there is no question about feasibility. I mean, it is feasible.

Currently supported sync windows: 1day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month (!), All messages.

And as far as I remember this list is done in this a way not (only) because of User Interface designers but also because this is the list supported by Exchange. 90 days was requested and I am unsure this is supported by Exchange.

I know, trust me. I have tried all the available competing solutions on the market. This is part of my job.

I suppose to check whether M4E is really in the account type menu of the mail setup is actually there is also part of your job. If so, I guess actually checking is better than repeating someone's assumption. I too assumed it would be there.

Last edited by sxr71; 2009-11-27 at 00:07.
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Originally Posted by christexaport View Post
I don't have my device yet, but Vitaly said after setting up an account, it won't allow you to do another. Could it be you don't see the other setup option because you've already set yours up?

I'm curious on this one, myself. Is SR overlooking something, or is Vitaly mistaken in the Mfe setup implementation? No one's perfect. But what are we talking about here, user error/overlooking or Maemo/Mfe setup features missing that they believe or expect to be there?

No need to bring up competition. I don't think Maemo is about winning a race. They want to serve the users. Try to focus on showing how useful the features are to YOU and others, not Apple and other "competitors".

Apple has a great fart simulator as well, which means nothing to Maemo if users don't find it useful. But if someone needs a fart simulator for a mission critical task, it makes more sense. So explaining use cases where it is needed is far more helpful.

I'm SO glad you're here, btw, SR. You're giving some good input different from what others are saying.

See what I mean by reading comprehension? If you had an adequate level, you would know that setting up Exchange mail is the first thing I do when I get a phone. Just to make sure you understand, a new phone does not have accounts configured yet.
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Originally Posted by vitaly_repin View Post
Coming back to this topic.

Check these specs:

What we can do for email is: "No filter- synchronize all items", "1 day back", "3 days back", "1 week back", "2 weeks back", "1 month back".

The list of the sync. windows currently supported for email: 1day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, All messages.

So, all the options supported by MS Exchange (server side) are covered. See nothing which can be improved here.
Again, I told you 1 month + server search is acceptable.
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Originally Posted by sxr71 View Post
I suppose to check whether M4E is really in the account type menu of the mail setup is actually there is also part of your job. If so, I guess actually checking is better than repeating someone's assumption. I too assumed it would be there.
Originally Posted by sxr71 View Post
See what I mean by reading comprehension? If you had an adequate level, you would know that setting up Exchange mail is the first thing I do when I get a phone. Just to make sure you understand, a new phone does not have accounts configured yet.
Originally Posted by sxr71 View Post
Again, I told you 1 month + server search is acceptable.
What's the purpose of acting like a douchebag to everyone else in the thread? Including a Maemo developer even.

The very own MfE developer posted clear pictures showing that the account type setting shows up. So either A) It's not that simple, and having an antagonistic attitude like yours helps no one. Or B) YOU'RE doing something wrong. Lose the attitude and try actually leaning how to use the device.

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Originally Posted by johnnyrockets911 View Post
What's the purpose of acting like a douchebag to everyone else in the thread? Including a Maemo developer even.

The very own MfE developer posted clear pictures showing that the account type setting shows up. So either A) It's not that simple, and having an antagonistic attitude like yours helps no one. Or B) YOU'RE doing something wrong. Lose the attitude and try actually leaning how to use the device.
It does not appear. That's why he should use the device instead of relying on pictures of expected functionality.

This is exactly what happens:

It says "checking Nokia servers for service availability" and then when you go through the settings it only shows POP and IMAP - THAT'S IT. No Nokia messaging. No M4E.

The ONLY access to M4E on a US device is in the control panel.

You all should use the actual device. That's the first step to making the software better.

Last edited by sxr71; 2009-11-27 at 01:11.
vitaly_repin's Avatar
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Originally Posted by sxr71 View Post
I suppose to check whether M4E is really in the account type menu of the mail setup is actually there is also part of your job. If so, I guess actually checking is better than repeating someone's assumption. I too assumed it would be there.

Exactly. I have checked, made a series of screenshots which shows that it IS in the account type menu of mail setup and put them to flickr. So what?

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Originally Posted by sxr71 View Post
See what I mean by reading comprehension? If you had an adequate level, you would know that setting up Exchange mail is the first thing I do when I get a phone.
Sure. And you can do it from 2 places - from control panel applet and from e-mail application. Do you want to have another entry point? Than this is question not to me but to our UI guys, but I will communicate any idea of yours to them.

Just to make sure you understand, a new phone does not have accounts configured yet.
Yes. So, you either configure MfE accounts from mail client (most of the users do it this way according to my observations) or from control panel applet.

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Originally Posted by sxr71 View Post
Again, I told you 1 month + server search is acceptable.
Yep. 1 month is already on board starting from the first alpha release of the sw. in fact.

Search is not on board. Point taken.

The Following User Says Thank You to vitaly_repin For This Useful Post:

activesync, certificate, email, exchange, fremantle, ignore tex14, maemo 5, mail for exchange, mfe, n900, provisioning, sync, thanks vitaly!

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