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Battery issues seem to be largely software related. I haven't been paying it much mind since the bulk of my usage is at work or home (where I can charge it). I got rid of AP news widget which originally gave me performance issues as well as battery. Also got rid of the facebook widget after a while (since its kind of useless). I do use pidgin a lot or the telepathy-haze plug for AIM/gtalk, web browsing, email, transmission.

I have moments when I go "**** this battery is so easy to run down!" considering how much stuff you can run on the phone. I also have been imcreasingly saying "**** how do I have so much battery life still!

The browser seems to have some CPU issues. Having to use full versions of websites is a blessing and a curse. Flash is definitely a battery killer but sometimes I'm not sure why the browser is pegging the CPU so hard. I think email (IMAP at least) is bad also because of how poorly the client handles IMAP mailboxes and HTML emails.

BTW this is now like my 4th day with no computer! Hehe, getting by pretty well with just my N900.
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lol, my battery cant do that in offline mode
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Originally Posted by dantonic View Post
Well, I can't believe how good the battery is for some of you. This is my 3rd or 4th full recharge. this is what today looked like for me, after a full charge.
Connected whole time to wifi and a couple of hours of it to the 3g internet connection. the whole time the gsm network I was on said 3g.
-brightness setting to the first two bars.
-vibrate off.
-facebook widget on one of the desktops.
-about 30 minutes of talk.
-approximately 2 hours of internet and im chatting.
-accounts costantly connected: msn, aim, skype, gtalk.
-xchat connected for about 6 hours in 3 channels, 2 separate servers.
-gmail set up on modest to update every 5 mins.
-gps map routing for about 30 minutes. took about 5 pics with geotagging, and sent one to flicker, e-mailed all 5 to a couple of people.
**EDIT** omweather also on the whole time set to update hourly.
it is now 11 hours later and I'm at about 10% left.haven't gotten low battery warning yet but I will soon.

I don't know if this is normal, but I would have liked a bit better battery. for the device to last me the whole day I feel like I have to limit my usage.
**edit** OK going onto 12 hours now, and this past hour mostly browsimg and typing this message. I also updated the omweather app.
I must add that when I Go to bed and set the device to offline mode, it seems to drain almost nothing. the battery the next morning is exactly or just about where I left it.

are you working for nokia??? gps map routing for about 30 minutes would kill off about 20% of battery
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eh, the battery seems fine to me. I don't use the crap out of it or anything, but I can go 24 hours between charges. It's connected to Wifi and EDGE constantly, with the FB and AP widgets and email running all the time.

That said, I have run into situations where the Wifi bug hits and wipes out the battery in short order, but that's the exception, not the rule.
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I dont know what to say here.
I have to charge twice everyday. I agree I'm connected online 24X7, but I dont run any widgets. I'd rather open the website. On an average day, I use it as follows:
30 mins of cellular calls.
60-90 mins of gmail/skype calls (24X7 connected on them)
Use wifi in office and home, while 3G when am traveling.
1 hour of music play
browsing atleast a couple of hours
All my volumes are high
though I have the gprs switched off to save some battery.
checking my gmail is set on every 5 mins
a little instant messaging and sms

With this moderate usage, it lasts app. 10 hours in the daytime, making me charge it twice a day.
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Originally Posted by Sameep View Post
I dont know what to say here.
I have to charge twice everyday. I agree I'm connected online 24X7, but I dont run any widgets. I'd rather open the website. On an average day, I use it as follows:
30 mins of cellular calls.
60-90 mins of gmail/skype calls (24X7 connected on them)
Use wifi in office and home, while 3G when am traveling.
1 hour of music play
browsing atleast a couple of hours
All my volumes are high
though I have the gprs switched off to save some battery.
checking my gmail is set on every 5 mins
a little instant messaging and sms

With this moderate usage, it lasts app. 10 hours in the daytime, making me charge it twice a day.
Apart from the bold passages, the use is moderate.
VOIP calls are said to be energy hogs.
Did you Skype-Call with 3G or WiFi?

Please note this user's experience:
Originally Posted by Venomrush View Post
About the account plugins, one thing I found was that if you signed in to many accounts plugins like MSN + Yahoo + Skype + Gtalk + SIP etc. it drains the battery. I had the 5 mentioned above, my battery was draining quick, full charge only lasted 8 hours on medium use.

Since I disabled the accounts plugins except SIP when not needed, a full charge can last me a good 20+ hours now on medium usage. I think the account plugins is the main cause of the battery issue.
Originally Posted by Venomrush View Post
I found SIP calls is also another battery killer.
Was calling for about an hour on SIP, it ate half of the battery bar..
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Originally Posted by schnebeck View Post
show me your
~# lshal | grep battery.reporting
(in xterm or via ssh)

What I notice is that my is increasing after using the device now for 8 days (1260 -> 1275mAh). I also notice that I never reach the design capacity after overnight charging. I reach a quite constant level of 1220mAh.
Meanwhile my device last longer than a workday, longest running session was 18h and then I still had 10% remainig capacity.


this is right after an overnight charging. I unplugged it 45 minutes ago, rebooted, changed some settings.

~ $ lshal | grep percen
battery.charge_level.percentage = 83 (0x53) (int)
~ $ lshal | grep battery.reporting
battery.reporting.current = 1058 (0x422) (int) = 1267 (0x4f3) (int)
battery.reporting.last_full = 0 (0x0) (int)
battery.reporting.unit = 'mAh' (string)

thanks for any input
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Originally Posted by az9 View Post
how were you able to connect to MSN?
I installed the telepathy haze plugin located in Extras-testing or extras-devel, one or the other...
Install that at your own risk!
btw my battery was just as short lived before I installed that plugin and xchat.

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I can confirm Venomrush's finding that having alot of account plugins will lower battery life. It was fine with gtalk only, but after I leave Skype on the battery does decline faster.
Originally Posted by ysss View Post
They're maemo and MeeGo...

"Meamo!" sounds like what Zorro would say to catherine zeta jones... after she slaps him for looking at her dirtily...

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Originally Posted by oneFinn View Post
Open up the X-terminal and type:

lshal | grep percen

you should get:
battery.charge _level_percentage = xx
may be a stupid question but how do i open the X-terminal

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