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How many threads do you plan to open?
Maybe we should consider some kind of sub forum just for you.
3) Flash: Who cares? This is a proprietary Adobe technology and there is nothing I can't do on my iPhone, where I have never had Flash.

So if I am a consumer , for 500 euros (around $712), I can have an n900 that costs $413 more than a iPhone 3Gs ($299 for 32gig) and offers at most 1/4 of the functionality of an iPhone application wise.
Who cares? Everyone who use internet.
500€? I bought mine for 365€ with shipping included. iPhone 3GS for $299? And what about two year of expensive contract?
This quote above is really enough for me to say that this review is too much subjective.
"i don't need it if my iPhone doesn't have it", you all saw that psychological study about iPhone owners, right?
Oops, he did it again:
2) Backgound Apps: Apple does not allow background apps and probably won't till the next processor upgrade for 3 reasons:

- performance
- performance
- performance
Yeah.. N900 struggles with poor performance.
And again:
1) Keyboard: While "a nice to have", you quickly realize you don't use one as often once you get into using touch controls. Even the Nokia guy says in the above video "I don't type much". The introduction of touch gestures into the interface changes how users choose to do tasks.
Yeah, nobody needs keyboard because one Nokia employer doesn't type much. Pure logic. I type much.
But the best part of this review is:
Here is an impressive real world example of how much more powerful the 3Gs is over the 3G loading a very popular game called "Rolando":
Wait, what was the title?

Last edited by kopte3; 2009-12-19 at 02:49.

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Hotshot's Avatar
Posts: 305 | Thanked: 71 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ 'Nam
I stopped reading after he said he NEVER HELD(than finshed it to make an point) an n900 ummm pretty strong write up from a person who never held the device he is bashing. I say that to say this if you don't do a real review because you don't own or used the device than your(the person who wrote the blog) words will fall on deaf ears I honestly get tried of Iphone fanboys (not you) thinking the Iphone is the 2nd coming its not its a phone that makes things so easy to use it had no choice but to sell a lot of units. Iphone=Icandy the N900=open to do whatever you want it to a true power user IMO. End of the day I cant take anyone serious when they bash things and never used it before cause like I say with specs they always look better on paper

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Ironically I read another article where a guy said pretty much the opposite when it came to cost pointing out that while an iPhone may be "cheaper" with a contract, the fact that you are locked in for two years with the crappiest of all carriers (recently reported by consumer reports) at a high cost data plan ends up making the iphone cost well over $2000 when all is said and done.

Secondly it's another guy who really doesn't NEED all the things an N900 is capable of so he obviously doesn't get it. I mean the fact that I have written my own webserver in perl and can host webpages off it, among other things, really shows who truly NEEDS an N900 and those who just want one without ever real;y knowing what they are holding.

This entire post written on my N900 virtual keyboard.
If you don't know how to check your N900's uptime, you probably shouldn't own it.
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This is quite funny, actually. It's like comparing a car that you lease versus one that you own.

The whole thing dismissing Flash though, wow. That's funny. Yet it seems like both camps subscribe to the "it's necessary to compare it to the other camp offerings" ad nauseum.
Posts: 110 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Moon
wow, good points? where ?!?!?!

he aims at getting some brownie points from apple that's for sure
Software is where Apple focuses a majority of its talent. Their programmers are among the brightest in the world
H3llb0und's Avatar
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Is that guy delusional or what?

But he did make me laugh out loud a few times I'll give him that
Texrat's Avatar
Posts: 11,700 | Thanked: 10,045 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ North Texas, USA
Yikes. The punctuation and spelling errors, poor grasp of the general subject and naive S60 bashing sure don't help his points.

There are much, much better critiques of the N900 and Maemo ecosystem out there. This one is amateurish.

Edit: wait-- he wrote this in August???

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Last edited by Texrat; 2009-12-19 at 03:17.

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Posts: 562 | Thanked: 123 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Daly City
"As a consumer just looking for the best deal and usability, it is not a tough decision. $99 bucks all in! And my public WiFi traffic stats from New York City Parks show that this is exactly what consumers are doing. More than 50% of the devices connecting to my Public WiFi networks are either an iPhone or an iPod Touch. Nokia is not even on the list and Android and Palm make up less than 1% of connecting devices."

so what's with that? O_o a lot of ppl can't buy an n900???? is this what he meant?...

"To be fair, the above comparison requires a 2-year AT&T contract, but Apple also offers an iPhone 3G (8GB) for as little as $99 with contract or $299 without. And while the iPhone 3Gs (32GB) costs $699 outright, sans AT&T, it is still more usable, productive, fun and $13 bucks cheaper than the n900"

how bout 10 bucks of unlimited web of t-mo(no contract) + the announced plan to upgrade to 7.2 mbps(who got the fastest 3g network now?) ??? hmm..

"However, all things are not equal between Nokia and Apple, Apple has some of the tightest hardware and software integration ever seen in mass production consumer electronics of this class and hence the best battery management in the industry."

hardware?? can you compare the the iPhone's camera to CARL ZIESS 5MP camera of n900....+ dual led FLASH! O_o

"3) Flash: Who cares? This is a proprietary Adobe technology and there is nothing I can't do on my iPhone, where I have never had Flash."

this makes me laugh until now... lol... who cares?... yah u DON'T care coz your iPhone's DON'T do that... it can't do anything coz u never tried yet... hahaha.... F***...=]
Posts: 114 | Thanked: 25 times | Joined on Nov 2009
There are a couple of sites that based on flash that I daily use on my netbook. One of them is a site where you can listen to audibooks online- it is based on flash. I listen books at home, while driving, at work- now with N900 Im the happiest person in the world because I do not need to setup my netbook in the car, have the whole house listen what I am listening etc. I just connect to Inet over 3g/wifi and listen to book within 30seconds- try it on "YourPhone". Does apple have a device called ISuk?

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