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casper27's Avatar
Posts: 844 | Thanked: 521 times | Joined on Jan 2009 @ UK southampton
As the title says my N900 is not appearing when I search for computers on the same local network at home. Im having to use Vista for the time been(I know ).
I can see the other 2 computers on the network and can map dirs straight to them, I can even see and control my N800 on the same wireless network. I have dir sharing and everything else enabled so file transfers and streaming is working on all other devices including N800. It does not seem to be a problem on the laptop side and was wondering if I have missed something on the N900 that I need to enable? Does it have Samba-Support?
Any and all suggestions apart from ditch Vista(Not possible till I get my lappy back).
pycage's Avatar
Posts: 3,404 | Thanked: 4,474 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Germany
There is no samba support on the N900.
You might want to look into WinSCP for accessing the N900 from Windows.
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casper27's Avatar
Posts: 844 | Thanked: 521 times | Joined on Jan 2009 @ UK southampton
Thanks i've been using that. It was more of a quick way through file manager to transfer/stream files. Seems strange the N800 could do it after OS2008. Wonder if it will be part of the next firmware update.

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