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Amazon finally shipped today, from preorder in Oct, hopefully be here next week. Now I have to install scratchbox...
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just received mail from nokia shop sweden. Start shipping to customers week 50 in sweden. 1-5 days (express/regular)
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Los Angeles, CA, USA
Amazon is using a weird method for supersaver shipping: Fedex Smartpost. It looks like Fedex to your city, then USPS to your door... the tracking number shows up on both tracking websites.
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ León, Spain
Nokia Shop in Europe ships standard packages with UPS to the country and then with small ground agencies.
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Hello All,

I ordered with Dell on 11/5 during the 441.99 deal period.After multiple customer service compliants/phone calls/emails light at the end of the tunnel.

My order status changed to shipped late yesterday and with expected delivery date today (next day delivery). Will update as soon I receive it.

Cant wait!!
Posts: 44 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Feb 2009
Dear All,
This is the official deal with the orders in which the November 5th discount was used and most likely any other order where a discount was used. According to Dell, it is directly Nokia's fault. Whenever a company offers a product at a highly discounted rate, it is usually because the manufacturer is giving them a certain quantity of the product at a discounted price so they can turn over the savings to the consumer. This is exactly what happened in the case of the November 5th orders or any other orders where that discount was used. Furthermore, Nokia has assigned only a certain quantity of each batch (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) to the orders where the discount was used and the rest of the handsets produced go to people who paid retail for the device. Therefore, even though someone may have placed their order on the 5th, someone can in fact order on the 19th and get their device first, if they paid full price, because the allotment of handsets in the first batch for the discounted orders has been used up. Terrible marketing from Nokia. Thoroughly infuriates me, but this is the truth. Anyone with an issue needs to contact Nokia directly and demand a policy change, as I already have.
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Nokia N900 cell phone not shipping for Christmas from
Amazon despite guaranteed arrival and all terms met for upgraded shipping for the N900 cell phone. Amazon apparently doesn't care and claims customers were ordering so fast and simultaneously that its system wasn't correctly reflecting stock for the N900 that was showing as current for December orders.

Changing Amazon order at all, including trying to upgrade shipping via rep, changes estimated ship date from December/January to approx end of February 2010. And what about the Nokia ovi rebate for customers purchasing before December 30, since it's got to be in by Jan 10, 2010. Mess and a half.
Posts: 65 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Eugene, Or
Originally Posted by fishybythesea View Post
Nokia N900 cell phone not shipping for Christmas from
Amazon despite guaranteed arrival and all terms met for upgraded shipping for the N900 cell phone. Amazon apparently doesn't care and claims customers were ordering so fast and simultaneously that its system wasn't correctly reflecting stock for the N900 that was showing as current for December orders.

Changing Amazon order at all, including trying to upgrade shipping via rep, changes estimated ship date from December/January to approx end of February 2010. And what about the Nokia ovi rebate for customers purchasing before December 30, since it's got to be in by Jan 10, 2010. Mess and a half.
When did you order?

I ordered the 18th and will receive mine tomorrow.
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2009
early the 18th-on nearly the 22nd, amazon sent general email stating now arriving after Christmas between end of month to first week of January 2010
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2009
glad you got yours though

black hole, choc santa is a priority, delete this thread, egg on toast, fokia n900000000000000 :d, i love peter, mental instatution, n900 is a hoax :p, n900 is soylent green, not-garbage thread!, november release, peter is hot, peter was here, serenity now, spam, this is daycare, this thread is dead, urge to kill rising, when will it arrive!, whiners unite, your face is a daycare, zamunda

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