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zwer's Avatar
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Since vBulletin doesn't support ignoring threads started by proven trolls, here is a simple Greasemonkey script to get you rid of such threads on

That + user ignore in profile settings should get you rid of all those pesky trolls and attention whores.

Whenever a new troll arrive and just refuses to die, all you need is to edit the script and add troll's name to the comma-delimited list at the end of the script. OrangeBox is, obviously, added by default.


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Should make the user list show up in a preferences setting so you don't have to modify the script directly .
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Originally Posted by zwer View Post
Since vBulletin doesn't support ignoring threads started by proven trolls, here is a simple Greasemonkey script to get you rid of such threads on

That + user ignore in profile settings should get you rid of all those pesky trolls and attention whores.

Whenever a new troll arrive and just refuses to die, all you need is to edit the script and add troll's name to the comma-delimited list at the end of the script. OrangeBox is, obviously, added by default.

See, you can't win. I can always come back with a different name - if I wanted to. However, since I'm not a troll I will not come back should the majority of the users decide to petition the moderators to close my account.
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Originally Posted by fatalsaint View Post
Should make the user list show up in a preferences setting so you don't have to modify the script directly .
Unfortunately, Greasemonkey does not allow adding GUI for the script editing, and I don't think I have enough time to write a fully-blown FF extension just to keep the pesky trolls in-check. Little text editing never hurt nobody
qwerty12's Avatar
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Originally Posted by OrangeBox View Post
See, you can't win. I can always come back with a different name - if I wanted to. However, since I'm not a troll I will not come back should the majority of the users decide to petition the moderators to close my account.
Yes, and we could always edit the script - if we wanted to (*cough*).

zwer has thought this out. Hey, maybe it could be like Adblock Plus: Maybe we could set up "lists"...
Posts: 377 | Thanked: 97 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ US
Why is it so hard to go into the User CP, click on edit ignore list and add a username there?

It may not ignore the whole thread someone you don't care for posts in, but it will not display his/her post to you. Does almost the same thing your script as your script, which 90% of people here including myself don't know how to implement, or don't really have the need to implement it.

Some of you guys are way too sensitive. Seriously.
qwerty12's Avatar
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Originally Posted by That One Guy View Post
Why is it so hard to go into the User CP, click on edit ignore list and add a username there?

It may not ignore the whole thread someone you don't care for posts in, but it will not display his/her post to you. Does almost the same thing your script as your script, which 90% of people here including myself don't know how to implement, or don't really have the need to implement it.

Some of you guys are way too sensitive. Seriously.
Er, because you can still see threads started by said person?
Posts: 377 | Thanked: 97 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ US
Now you're nitpicking. Sure, you can see a thread started by a user on your ignore list, but you can't see what the user says in that thread.

I mean, do we need a "script" to tell us what threads we should not open? Are we that far gone that we can't use our 12 (in my case) brain cells to look at who made the thread, and pass it up?
Posts: 3,428 | Thanked: 2,856 times | Joined on Jul 2008
Originally Posted by That One Guy View Post
Now you're nitpicking. Sure, you can see a thread started by a user on your ignore list, but you can't see what the user says in that thread.

I mean, do we need a "script" to tell us what threads we should not open? Are we that far gone that we can't use our 12 (in my case) brain cells to look at who made the thread, and pass it up?
It's more of a self-control thing.... when this thread keeps popping up on the "new post" screen and keeps popping up and keeps popping up.....


Especially those of us that try to keep our New Posts empty.
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phreck's Avatar
Posts: 176 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ USA
Originally Posted by That One Guy View Post
Why is it so hard to go into the User CP, click on edit ignore list and add a username there?

It may not ignore the whole thread someone you don't care for posts in, but it will not display his/her post to you. Does almost the same thing your script as your script, which 90% of people here including myself don't know how to implement, or don't really have the need to implement it.

Some of you guys are way too sensitive. Seriously.
whats it like living under a bridge?

do you get upset when film makers portray you incorrectly? too much hair, not enough drool etc....
that would bug me too, for this i sincerelly apologise.

it must be hard being a troll.
How can we help you when you wont help yourself?

break out the lysol, troll floggings, troll spaying

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