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Originally Posted by emesem View Post
Yeah, I also read the whole but I'm not quite sure if I do it myself. Because I don't want to fear about my device again . I rather think I go with the shell script you provided (which is also mentioned in the other thread).
I think following the instructions from the link is risky, because if there is a mistake, I'm not sure if flashing works anymore. Short: I fear to make mistakes and I don't have enough linux knowledge to be sure it works (too much risk). And what I just saw - I don't have a MicroSD card which is needed .

But in the first place I also didn't want to read long threads to find out what is useful. But the thread turned out to be quite good. Then my hope was, there is a "mainstream" way in the meantime which is bulletproofed.

And I don't go and create a wiki page as long I'm not familiar with what I'm writing about . Which isn't that dumb I think.
In this thread very good advice. I used modified ( this:
#create folder on microSD card
mkdir /media/mmc1/TempDocs
#Copy all data from MyDocs on SD card. In this case you
#will not lost anything, even maps
cp -r /home/user/MyDocs /media/mmc1/TempDocs
#get root control. You will need rootsh package
sudo gainroot
#Go to user home directory
cd /home/user
#unmount (disconnect) of large 27Gb disk.
umount MyDocs
#collect information about disk to "sf" file. It is text file
sfdisk -d > sf
#redact Disk information in file. Originally recommended vi.
#but I don't like vi. nano more user friendly.
#I upload nano to Extras-devel today.
# 83 mean ext3
nano sf # You should manually set 1st partition to 83
#Put new information on disk.
sfdisk --force /dev/mmcblk0 < sf
#create file system. It is like "format c:" in windows
mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p1
#Connect back new partition. it will be 27Gb ext3.
#Partition will be available "/mnt" folder
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
#copy all files from /home on new partition
cp -a /home/* /mnt
#again disconnect this partition
umount /mnt
#reboot computer
reboot; exit

#go to folder /home/user
cd /home/user
#edit information for second partition from ext3 to FAT.
#If you will not have any FAT disks camera will not work.
nano sf # set 2nd partition to c
#Save new information on disk
sfdisk --force /dev/mmcblk0 < sf
#format second partition in FAT32
mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/mmcblk0p2
#Connect back second partition
mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0p2 /home/user/MyDocs
#copy previously stored files to new partition.
cp -r /media/mmc1/TempDocs/MyDocs /home/user/MyDocs
#edit start UP script
nano /etc/event.d/rcS-late

You should add
/bin/mount /home/user/MyDocs
before the line:
# We can safely continue booting now.


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Posts: 118 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
I've done it like your description told me to. With a little more patience I would have done it faster. Because I made soft-resets (putting out battery) because I thought the device is frozen. But now I think it was just to busy with copying, so it wasn't able to respond.

Anyway, have you any recommendation how to use the disks? I don't want to put files in MyDocs because it has only 2GB now. And if I want to use the Maemo filemanager to sometimes access the files it somehow ends up in MyDocs.

1. How can I create a directory in /home/user and be able to see it with the Maemo filemanager? (with the setup created by guide in the previous post)
2. Is it better to have this "data" directory on the microSD?

Last edited by emesem; 2009-12-19 at 20:11.
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by mikhmv View Post
Exist code for "release space" in root.
I didn't try it yet. Cannot give any warranty on it. It is from link:

I put explanation in the code after "#" (all line after # don't executable and you can copy code with it)
#Create folder in /opt for /usr/share
mkdir -p /opt/usr/share
#enter in /usr folder
cd /usr/ 
#cycle. FILE will have different value depend from step 
for FILE in games include local src var
#move folder (games include local src var) to /opt/usr
 mv $FILE /opt/usr/
#create soft link for moved folders
 ln -s /opt/usr/$FILE /usr/
#end of cycle

mkdir -p /opt/var/cache
cd /var/cache/
for FILE in apt
    mv $FILE /opt/var/cache/
    ln -s /opt/var/cache/$FILE /var/cache/

  cd /usr/share/
for FILE in fonts icons locale mime nokia-maps pixmaps sounds themes tutorial-applet zoneinfo
      mv $FILE /opt/usr/share/
    ln -s /opt/usr/share/$FILE /usr/share/

i just used this scrip because my rootfs partition was at 100%
after that i was able to uninstall several apps.

the big problem now for me is, my Theme setting always resets after
shutdown / start of the device

i mean, i have selected the "Digital Nature" theme for me, but after
i used this script and restarted my device, i was automatically set
to the "Nokia Nseries" theme. But, the background images and Widgets are still present. Its only the look and feel setting.

After this effect i doubt if there are more problems that are taking effect after i have used this script above?

personally if it is avoidable, i dont whant to reflash my device because of the changes this script has done

does anyone know what to do to make my device operate properly again?
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 119 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Originally Posted by emesem View Post
1. How can I create a directory in /home/user and be able to see it with the Maemo filemanager? (with the setup created by guide in the previous post)
2. Is it better to have this "data" directory on the microSD?
1. I don't think it is possible
2. I store my data in /home/user folder
You can install Midnight commander (mc) from extras-devel. This is similar to old Norton commander and FAR
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Italy
Maybe I'm doing something wrong but the above script doesn't work on my device. I'm getting the following error:

line 7: syntax error: word unexpected (expecting "do")

but the line 7 contains exactly the word "do", I've just copy-pasted the text in a file so I shouldn't have added typos...
I've tried both scripts (with or without symlink check) but I'm getting the same result.
Any suggestion?


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