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Posts: 80 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Originally Posted by Wes Baldwin View Post
Some possibly useful information: I have Claws-mail 2.8.1-3 running on an
N770 with the 2006 OS (specifically 2.2006.39-14). I downloaded it from, then tried to install it
using "Install from file" in the Application Manager's menu. Result: a
message saying it couldn't install because it needed libsm6. I then
opened an xterm, did "apt-get install libsm6", and again tried installing.

Double tapping on a message won't open it, but selecting it with a tap and
then pressing the center button in the scroll pad on the left does. Also
helpful: the info about icons under Help, the manual and FAQ at, and the info in this thread (esp. about IMAP folders).

A great app, infinitely better than the default email client.
When i first tried to install claws (on N770) i had the "libsm6-problem". With this tip i retried it, but then got an error that my


ist to old. but when i try to upgrade hildon-libso apt-get says everything is up to date :-(

Any ideas where i can get ALL libs to get clwas running on a N770 (with OS2006)

I removed most of my repositories in the applicationmanager, because it alsways stopped when "refreshing".
Posts: 46 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2007
I modified yesterday the repository for the 770 to solve this problem. Now you can normally install claws on your 770 without problem at :
Posts: 148 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
Originally Posted by jlbrd View Post
I wrote this script who convert the emails in "~/apps/email/Mail/Inbox/" to a sub-directory "osso_to_claws" in a existing email box folder. This script must be launched in a xterm and must receive the name of an existing mailbox folder.
Example : You have in claws-mail a mailbox named "foo". For this mailbox, a directory "foo" exists in your home directory : ~/foo/
Launch the script by :
directory_where_script_is/ foo
Below the content of the script, create a new file with this content (or download back.txt and rename to don't forget to apply a "chmod +x" before launch it.

if [ -z "$1" -o ! -d ~/"$1" ] 
echo "please enter the name of an existing mailbox folder"

rm ~/$1/osso_to_claws/ -rf
mkdir ~/$1/osso_to_claws/
for file in `ls ~/apps/email/Mail/Inbox/`
	cp ~/apps/email/Mail/Inbox/$file ~/$1/osso_to_claws/$i
	i=$(($i + 1))
echo "emails saved on ~/$1/osso_to_claws"
WARNING: This script remove the sub-directory osso_to_claws in mailbox directory before recreate it.

After start Claws again, tap-and-hold on the mailbox root folder, and choose "Check for new folders". a folder "osso_to_claws" should appear containing your Osso emails.

This script rename and copy all files in "~/apps/Mail/Inbox/" with a name as "foo^Inbox^1.hdr" into "~/directory_name_received_on_parameter/osso_to_claws/" with a name as "1", "2" etc.

Say us if this script work for you (it work on my tablet).

I downloaded that backup.txt but I can't see it in folder I just saved it. Not in Xterm or in Filemanager. I can't rename from .txt to .sh and so I can't use it.

I did that Colin's command and used proper name in the command (silly me, just noticed how it should be) and it copied all to Claws but when I open the Claws and see all those folders they are empty. Still in Xterm there's all those mails in folders. Could it be that Claws can't see those files or can't open those? Jlbrd, do you have those copied mails OK in your osso-folder?
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Hello to Everyone

Please can anyone help me as I have installed the latest version of Claws Mail and find it a VERY good program, but the problem I have is that I have set it up for AOL imap in the UK and when I open the program I get a message "Claws has detected a mailbox but it is incomplete use rebuild folder tree".
I then rebuild the folder tree and have no problem receiving mail but when I want to send a mail a message says "Error - Could no queue message for sending" also I am unable to save mail, do I need a local folder on the N800 to save to as AOL saves drafts on my PC.I have looked at and tried different setting with no luck.
The inbuilt program works ok both receiving and sending
This is my first experiance with a linux based computer.

Many thanks in advance for any help given

Kind Regards
Posts: 46 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Markku : The editor used as external editor is leafpad. If you want install it then copy/paste the code then save the file as Warning: If you save the file in Documents directory, the real location is /home/user/MyDocs/.documents (the ".documents" directory is hidden). In xterm, you can launch it by :
cd ~
chmod +x Mydocs/.documents/
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Mar 2007
Originally Posted by Flomet View Post
Hello to Everyone

Please can anyone help me as I have installed the latest version of Claws Mail and find it a VERY good program, but the problem I have is that I have set it up for AOL imap in the UK and when I open the program I get a message "Claws has detected a mailbox but it is incomplete use rebuild folder tree".
I then rebuild the folder tree and have no problem receiving mail but when I want to send a mail a message says "Error - Could no queue message for sending" also I am unable to save mail, do I need a local folder on the N800 to save to as AOL saves drafts on my PC.I have looked at and tried different setting with no luck.
The inbuilt program works ok both receiving and sending
This is my first experiance with a linux based computer.

Many thanks in advance for any help given

Kind Regards
Does Claws see a Queue folder? If not, create one, and in its properties, set its type as Queue, it should help. If there's no Sent folder, create it too (and set its type to Outbox).
Posts: 148 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
Originally Posted by jlbrd View Post
Markku : The editor used as external editor is leafpad. If you want install it then copy/paste the code then save the file as Warning: If you save the file in Documents directory, the real location is /home/user/MyDocs/.documents (the ".documents" directory is hidden). In xterm, you can launch it by :
cd ~
chmod +x Mydocs/.documents/
I did that and it copied files but they went straight to main folder and osso_to_claws sub-folder is empty. I'm still wondering that if those files are in different folder that was meant why those files doesn't show at all? I checked in Xterm that there's in mail folder those copied files. Is it only copyin or is there also converting happening in that script? This gets interesting indeed
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Originally Posted by jlbrd View Post
I modified yesterday the repository for the 770 to solve this problem. Now you can normally install claws on your 770 without problem at :

Thanks for the information. Now it works. Claws seems to be quite good
Posts: 46 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2007

On my 770 I have :
/home/user/apps/email/Mail/Inbox who contains :
toto^Inbox^nn.hdr (seems to contain header only)
toto^Inbox^nn (seems to be a complete message)
where nn is the message number from 1
"toto" is the name of my mailbox in osso-email. You have certainly an other name but it is not important.

Additionally change the last line of the script by:
echo "$i emails saved on ~/$1/osso_to_claws"
Now the script display the number of messages copied.
After in xterm :
cd ~
./MyDocs/.application/ mydir
The script print :
53 emails saved on ~/mydir/osso_to_claws
Now this directory contains the files previously in "/home/user/apps/email/Mail/Inbox" but renamed with only the number (from 1 to max).
It's important that mydir is an existings directory in /home who is the directory of an existings mailbox created in claws-mail.

Please verify if you have files in /home/user/apps/email/Mail/Inbox

Posts: 148 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
Originally Posted by jlbrd View Post

On my 770 I have :
/home/user/apps/email/Mail/Inbox who contains :
toto^Inbox^nn.hdr (seems to contain header only)
toto^Inbox^nn (seems to be a complete message)
where nn is the message number from 1
"toto" is the name of my mailbox in osso-email. You have certainly an other name but it is not important.

Additionally change the last line of the script by:
echo "$i emails saved on ~/$1/osso_to_claws"
Now the script display the number of messages copied.
After in xterm :
cd ~
./MyDocs/.application/ mydir
The script print :
53 emails saved on ~/mydir/osso_to_claws
Now this directory contains the files previously in "/home/user/apps/email/Mail/Inbox" but renamed with only the number (from 1 to max).
It's important that mydir is an existings directory in /home who is the directory of an existings mailbox created in claws-mail.

Please verify if you have files in /home/user/apps/email/Mail/Inbox

Done that and osso_to_claws folder is still empty. Here's some information from Xterm:
MyDocs/.documents/ MyDocs/.documents/ 17: osso_t o_claws/118: not found
119 emails saved on ~/Sonera/osso_to_claws
Can you see what's wrong in that procedure? I mean "not found" part.

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