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Originally Posted by DarkFulgore View Post
Of course the n900 needs mms, it is a standard amongst phones nowadays. mms is all software and nothing hardware to the n900 so i can't see why it wasnt on it in the first place!!!
I do agree, allthough i think the initial thinking was one of - Email / Social networking is overtaking the need for MMS.

There has been a fair shout - and mms functionality is being added - not sure what all the fuss is about!
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Originally Posted by bsving View Post
but the number of users of SMS vs MMS is more 1 to 1, allmost everybody use MMS, but not very often.
I think that's a bit of an exaggeration (or wishful thinking) - there's no way MMS is 1 to 1 with SMS. Nobody I know uses MMS whereas everyone uses SMS. It's hard to see MMS as being an important feature in these circumstances, but then this opinion is only based on the people I know and other people may have a group of friends who use it a lot.

But still, it's nowhere near as popular as SMS.

Originally Posted by bsving View Post
MMS cannot be compared with e-mail. MMS links directly to your phone, no user names, no log ins, no nothing.
Last time I tried to use MMS, it failed with some obscure network related error and I never got it to work properly. Not to mention each message would have cost me close to 30p a go at the time. MMS is a flakey technology that depends on the networks for support and in my experience rarely worked, and wasn't cheap.

E-mail on the other hand is robust and reliable technology, and costs practically nothing if you have a decent data plan.

Originally Posted by bsving View Post
Without MMS, the N900 will go down the drain, it will be rediculed.
The only thing that should be ridiculed is your post.

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Originally Posted by x61 View Post
I have no desire for MMS... in fact, I can say I sent less than 10 MMS ever since I own mobile phones. I learned LONG time ago that the N900 will not contain MMS but I went ahead a purchased it anyway because the lack of it is not an issue for me...

If I did not have family that uses it and have no other options on their phones, I would not either. I use it about twice a week and comes in handy since half of my family lives in England and they like to send quick impulse pictures. They use it a lot too.

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Originally Posted by jeffsf View Post
Remember that the vast majority of phone users out there don't have an e-mail capable phone that they have been able to successfully connect to an email account. MMS is far from "a useless feature" quite yet.
That is the whole point. There is a reason that is one of the main negatives pointed out in reviews and prospective users. The majority of people that have phones use it and it is very convenient, which it the most powerful reasons for having it -convenience.

It is coming (I guess), so no problem.
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Originally Posted by bsving View Post
You are partly right. The use of SMS vs MMS is also in the ballpark 99 to 1, but the number of users of SMS vs MMS is more 1 to 1, allmost everybody use MMS, but not very often. Still it is one of those things you have to have on a phone.
I work as a consultant on a project which gives me a certain insight on SMS/MMS traffic at a GSM operator, and while my experience might not be relevant in other countries, at this particular provider, I can only say MMS volume (and number of users) is near-insignificant to the number of SMS messages (AND users).

MMS cannot be compared with e-mail. MMS links directly to your phone, no user names, no log ins, no nothing. There is simply nothing more practical than MMS when sending small videos and pictures, and grandparents loves it.
Yeah, the N900 is a typical granny-phone

The best part of the rant was

Nokia certainly had the time, especially considering its delayed shipment of the model.
If you're one month late, it means you have an extra month to do other stuff. This, in turn, will mean you will now be TWO months late, but that will mean you that two MORE months to do extra stuff... This guy must have done the dev plan for Duke Nukem Forever !
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and what if nokia themselves don't know when the fw is expected.
that was the case with the release date. they wasn't sure.
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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
Yeah, the N900 is a typical granny-phone
You missed the point entirely! Grannys use granny-phones, and granny-phones have MMS, and grannys loves getting MMS, and granny don't give a **** about "social" media like Facebook and similar.

I mean, is this really so hard to ge into your sculls? If that is the case, then you have to get your heads out of your *****es and look at the real world for a change

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The MMS issue is a major marketing issue, not because some people use it, but because the lack of MMS was the #1 Iphone ridicule for something like three years. Now the united Iphanboi community can point fingers at their Nokia adversaries and laugh, well deserved after their long MMS wait. Basically Nokia can be portraited to say "The MMS bummer that made everyone laugh at the Iphone-Is-A-Smartphone claims for three years, let us copy that!" If you fail to see that this is a rather big marketing bummer, then you aren't trying...

On the whole granny issue, let us not forget that grannies send MMS messages to N900 owners. There's two sides of the whole MMS traffic, and the N900 owners are the only grandchildren that do not "bother to read the messages from Granny". I wouldn't send a MMS for any reason, but that doesn't stop my mum from sending me the blasted things.

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Originally Posted by bsving View Post
You missed the point entirely! Grannys use granny-phones, and granny-phones have MMS, and grannys loves getting MMS, and granny don't give a **** about "social" media like Facebook and similar.
Geez, it was a joke. Why all the rage to a line that ends in a smiley ? Chill, people, chill.
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Because some people still have their grannies (lucky beggars - mine are long gone) and want to send photos to granny in a way she can receive. (Sending anything to my granny would require it to be flame-proof, I fear).
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kathy needs mms, mms are past tense, what is a tag

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