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N810 port working on my N900 but need some dependency, but not very very hard to find
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can't believe I never tried this just did and it works.
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Originally Posted by OID View Post
From debian repository TMW 0.29.1 work nice, but you need convert all data PNGs to indexed pallete for better performance
I'm trying to create official N900 packages based on the Debian build files, but I encountered some issues:

* Had to disable OpenGL since TMW doesn't support OpenGL ES yet (only plain OpenGL).
* Had to remove ttf-dejavu-core dependency and have it include data/fonts in the package (and remove tmw-data.links).
* Had to change the location of the binary from /usr/games to /usr/bin, or it would not be in the path on the N900.
* There was no "dh_prep" command, I replaced it with the older "dh_clean -k" command.

Now I've got the following packages (I also Maemo-optified them):

However, some problems remain:

* I am not able to activate the chat input by using the Enter key (and there isn't any other way I believe).
* When running fullscreen, there is no way to quit the game apart from using the off button of the phone and choosing "End current task".
* It defaults to running windowed 800x600. Source needs to be patched to default to full screen and 800x480 (for now I edited my ~/.tmw/config.xml and added a screenheight entry).
* The default font size is too small, it should probably default to the largest size.
* The .desktop file should still be moved to /usr/share/applications/hildon to show up among the applications.

So in saying it worked fine for you, did you solve any of these remaining problems? It'd really be nice if we could add TMW to Maemo Extras at some point.

Last edited by thorbjorn; 2010-01-09 at 21:05.

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* I am not able to activate the chat input by using the Enter key (and there isn't any other way I believe).
For me it has worked after I re-assigned the key in setup dialog. I chosen Enter again and now I can activate chat. Yes, with Enter key .You may want to try the same and see what being stored as key to config and maybe provide it by default to n900 users, etc.

there is no way to quit the game
There are dozen of ways:
1) Use camkeyd, it so convenient to invoke task manager.
2) Or hit Ctrl+BkSpace, also calls task manager.
3) You can switch off fullscreen mode
4) You can start camera and quit it, returning to task manager.
But yes, quit could be more convenient and obvious though.

I also set up 800x480 and it worked for me. I used 0.29-1 version from devel repositories, not that one from manasource site.

Idea: maybe it's good to adjust default config file for n900?

In general it works and I can chat, attack monsters, etc, FPS is not very great but quite playable. At least I can walk around Hurnscald, kill couple simple monsters, etc .

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Quick note on the enter key: N900 for whatever reason sends a numberpad enter code instead of main keyboard enter code. It has to be remapped in most any program that recognizes those as different keys.

This looks pretty cool, good luck getting it fixed up!

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Originally Posted by PowerUser View Post
I also set up 800x480 and it worked for me. I used 0.29-1 version from devel repositories, not that one from manasource site.
They should be pretty much exactly the same. I eventually managed to upload tmw to Extras Devel. :-) Thanks for your feedback! Indeed we need to patch this game to change some of the defaults. For example running fullscreen in 800x480.

About the framerate, I'm hoping OpenGL can help there, but first I'll have to learn how to port from OpenGL to OpenGL ES. :-)

Originally Posted by Flandry View Post
Quick note on the enter key: N900 for whatever reason sends a numberpad enter code instead of main keyboard enter code. It has to be remapped in most any program that recognizes those as different keys.
Good to know, thanks!

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This is a very promising port :-)

Good luck guys, I can't wait to start testing
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I've managed to find some time to do a new release, fixing the following issues:

tmw ( unstable; urgency=low

* Fixed a crash when switching between fullscreen/windowed.
* Set default Enter key to use Numpad Enter.
* Set default resolution to 800x480 and fullscreen.
* Set default font to be set to Large.
* Set default GUI alpha to be 1 for performance reasons.
* Set default overlay detail to low.

A few issues still remain, and I also could use help from somebody more familiar with Maemo packaging. But I haven't gotten around to looking into a good way of working together on a package yet...

* There is still no launcher icon (.desktop file still in the wrong location)
* The package is still not optified correctly (I'm not sure what to add to the build commands)
* Not ported to OpenGL ES yet (so OpenGL still unavailable)

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Just use maemo-optify-deb and don't wory about extra optification?
For any repos or anything else I might have working on my N900 see:
A quick list of what I have in the repos
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ruskie, as far as I know maemo-optify-deb only works on the .deb file after it has been built (and it currently also breaks TMW as it turns stuff into symlinks, which TMW doesn't follow, though following symlinks could be turned on of course). To properly optify this package, the optification needs to be part of the build scripts that one uploads to the autobuilder. Ideally I guess TMW needs to be built with the right prefixes.

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