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Khertan's Avatar
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And personally i use mfe because my phone isp block imap data on his network.

Sending works from home. Seems that it use the smtp setting and not mfe for sending
Posts: 151 | Thanked: 82 times | Joined on Sep 2008
I also had trouble with Nokia messaging. Everything worked ok except that I was unable to send emails. The messages would simply sit in the outbox.

I've had to switch to IMAP to get emails sent out and it works fine.
Posts: 188 | Thanked: 34 times | Joined on Dec 2009
I just sent myself 4 messages in 4 different ways here are my results.

Nokia messaging using my hotmail account - no error message went out from phone but has not showed up in my inbox yet and its been about 3 minutes.

Nokia Messaging using my gmail account - worked perfectly went into my inbox almost instantly

Gmail using the N900 gmail settings for IMAP - worked perfectly only took about 30 seconds or so to show up in my inbox. Failed first time due to my user name being entered wrong in the outbound settings, but after fixing that it worked.

Hotmail using Mail for Exchange - message said sent but I do not see it in my inbox yet and its been about 4 minutes.

I'll update later to say if the MfE and the Hotmail nokia messaging messages ever show up.

Edit: Over 30 minutes later I never got the message from nokia tied to my hotmail address. That is a shame, the mail for exchange message never made it ether but I expected that as I am only use it to sync with a 3rd party server for my calender I dont even remmeber setting up any kind of email service.

Last edited by ViciousXUSMC; 2010-01-20 at 09:54.
dmcconachie's Avatar
Posts: 117 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Edinburgh
I have this problem too. Everything works as it should for Hotmail, Ymail and Ovi mail. I receive Gmails as normal but sent items just don't go anywhere.

I do notice when editing the message that the icon just below the subject line is not there when trying to send from gmail. It is for the other three.

Tried deleting the entire NM account and setting it up again. No difference!

Very frustrating!!
jcompagner's Avatar
Posts: 290 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by Fayez View Post

Also, to answer your question about IMAP direct to GMail, I did a quick Google search and it looks like it does NOT support push...
google does support push just fine with imap-idle but modest build for the N900 has that disabled!

if we just had imap idle then real push would work for pretty much all imap servers in the world. but nokia seems to focus on there messaging service why they spend time and resources on that is beyond me....
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Originally Posted by qw3rty View Post
@Colnago No, none of the emails I ever sent with NM ever worked. I don't really know if there's something wrong with those settings, when I try to edit NM I don't find anything relating to that.
When you say "NM", do you mean the native email app that comes with the phone, or the Nokia Mail client that you have to download/install from Nokia?

As far as Gmail supporting "push", when I had the Droid, and using the built-in "GMail client", messages were received in less than 2-3 minutes, irregardless of the polling schedule. Whether that will work on the 900 side...
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Czerwionka, Poland
To those who cannot send messages using GMail account tied to Nokia Messaging account:
checks SMTP server on your Nokia Messaing account. After logging to to, click on "Edit settings". Then click on button "Email server settings".
It should be:, port 465.

In my case, smtp related fields were not filled in. Result: emails were sent from Nokia servers but with header set to my GMail address. Side effects: no mails in GMail sent folder, using reply to option was breaking threads.
dmcconachie's Avatar
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mail servers all fine for me on NM site but still can't send via gmail
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i had the same issue. after reading above i deleted my mfe account (set to sync calendar only) and mail then worked fine.

all i really want is push email and calendar,notes,tasks sync. will focus on reliable mail first

anyone have mfe cal sync working ok for gmail alongside nm for email? or indeed finding that mfe sync for gmail is as good or better than nm.

am guessing mail is getting confused over two account using same addr.

not using imao due to lack of imap idle ie push.
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Martinsicuro, Abruzzo, Italy
Same problem with Gmail and Nokia Messaging. Now solved!!!

When I subscribed the service (2008), I used username and password of Gmail account. Last year I changed the password of Gmail account on Gmail settings and after on Gmail settings of Nokia Messaging. So, there are different passwords for the service (old password of Gmail) and for the account (new password of Gmail). Conflicting passwords?

The fact is that on server settings of Gmail/Nokia Messaging, outgoing mail server settings are absent. I tried to add port number and server address, but an error message appeared. So, I deleted the account of Gmail on Nokia Messaging and after I added the same account. Now the outgoing mail server settings are present and I can sent the email.

Sorry for my bad english, I hope you understood.

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