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Originally Posted by mrebanza View Post
Since the Maemo 5 OS is perfectly built with all the drivers to run the N900 wouldn't it be more practical to simply port the dependency's from Android OS into Maemo 5??? That way we can run Android apps but don't have to give up Maemo's beautiful GUI and features!!!

Released as a sort of a N900 Maemo Droid Remix?!?!!!
you're of course welcome to work on that... some of us, however, want the option to use actual android instead of step 4 of 5 only
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Originally Posted by twoboxen View Post
...instead of step 4 of 5 only
(Sorry for the rant, don't take it personal..) Don't forget that due to innovation and research, there will eventually be a step 6 after step 5, so why not skip step 5, too?

Oh, and I had lots of fun with step 3 in the last two years, too! Like celebrating time_t==1234567890. Won't be able to do this with step 4 or step 5 again

Waiting is for people that go by bus.

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Originally Posted by twoboxen View Post
you're of course welcome to work on that... some of us, however, want the option to use actual android instead of step 4 of 5 only

I really would like to work on this . . . I am new to linux development but I really think that a custom firmware built to run droid apps would make the N900 a SUPER DROID PHONE rather than just another android device....Lets face it If we wanted an android we would just buy one - At the price of the N900 you can easily buy a Nexus One, Droid or any other Android on the Market. The thing that makes the N900 and the Maemo OS Special is that it is a full Linux OS capable of doing anything. I really like the Maemo Window Manager and the GUI and I like Firefox and Pidgin and a Full Adobe Flash Player. I like how you can Add software sources to the Maemo Apps and Update Center just like Ubuntu that is completely awesome. I like the FREEDOM AND OPENNESS of Maemo. I just think we are missing alot in the app department. If
Maemo could simply run Android Apps it would have a BIG leg up on Android . . . I could do everything Android can do plus a whole bunch more. And since they are both open source and Linux based I don't see how this would be a problem and/or terribly imposable would it???!?!?

Like I said isn't it nothing more than a dependency issue??

I would love to give this a try can i run an SDK in Ubuntu . . . anybody that is interested please give me some info on were to start

Oh here is a cool little non-Nokia device I found that is set to be running Maemo

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Originally Posted by mrebanza View Post

I really would like to work on this . . . I am new to linux development but I really think that a custom firmware built to run droid apps would make the N900 a SUPER DROID PHONE rather than just another android device....Lets face it If we wanted an android we would just buy one - At the price of the N900 you can easily buy a Nexus One, Droid or any other Android on the Market. The thing that makes the N900 and the Maemo OS Special is that it is a full Linux OS capable of doing anything. I really like the Maemo Window Manager and the GUI and I like Firefox and Pidgin and a Full Adobe Flash Player. I like how you can Add software sources to the Maemo Apps and Update Center just like Ubuntu that is completely awesome. I like the FREEDOM AND OPENNESS of Maemo. I just think we are missing alot in the app department. If
Maemo could simply run Android Apps it would have a BIG leg up on Android . . . I could do everything Android can do plus a whole bunch more. And since they are both open source and Linux based I don't see how this would be a problem and/or terribly imposable would it???!?!?

Like I said isn't it nothing more than a dependency issue??

I would love to give this a try can i run an SDK in Ubuntu . . . anybody that is interested please give me some info on were to start

Oh here is a cool little non-Nokia device I found that is set to be running Maemo
I have to say i would personally much rather have this as well (an before you ask I am far to stupid to work n it ). While I love the concept of dual booting - it can and does become limiting. For the most part booting into android would be so that a particular app could be run, in doing so you lose the functionality of the maemo 5 OS and vice versa. Being able to run android apps from within maemo would be the best of both worlds for me.
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I would really like to see someone port Dalvik to Maemo, like what was happening here with Ubuntu, but that project stalled, apparently due to important missing pieces:

If one looks at the source code for Android there are some major pieces missing in the git tree. 1. No Google Maps application 2. No Marketplace 3. No Google login service code. Number three is a big one. Without this code, you can not use most of the Google applications that require Google for its back end.
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your absolutely right . . . . Google does not want their third-party Google Account based Apps to be shared . . . aka they are not open source . . . .

The only legal way to use Google Apps is if you own a Google Branded Devices . . . If the hardware distributors/manufacturers are not paying google for Android then you can't (or aren't supposed) use Google Maps App, GMail App, Youtube App, and the "Android / (might as well just call it what it is) the Google Marketplace aka the Android App Store (but that does not mean all the other mobile developers wouldn't what their Apps on as many devices as possible).

So a lot of those internet tablets you might have seen from overseas that are powered by android are really toys because they don't offer much more than a touch screen web browser (LOL some toy but hey it's 2010).

Than mean Google doesn't want any Android Device that isn't sponsored by Google to be successful.

Their are now Alternative Android App Stores that are NOT powered by Google with is a great sign. Hopefully the N900 could Add these to the repositories after supporting Java Based Android Apps.

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Hey folks,

No new developments as of yet. The touchscreen and keyboard are working better, but still no connectivity even if everything is compiled into the kernel (Which maemo 5 doesnt like apparently). I've tried inserting the kernel modules before booting android with no luck either.

If anyone knows of anything special needed to get the wifi, bluetooth working (e.g. loading firmware), I'm all ears. Or if you just want me to post my patch file I can do that too.
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Originally Posted by bdogg64 View Post
Hey folks,

No new developments as of yet. The touchscreen and keyboard are working better, but still no connectivity even if everything is compiled into the kernel (Which maemo 5 doesnt like apparently). I've tried inserting the kernel modules before booting android with no luck either.

If anyone knows of anything special needed to get the wifi, bluetooth working (e.g. loading firmware), I'm all ears. Or if you just want me to post my patch file I can do that too.
Please post your patch file, I'm sure there's enough knowledgeable people here who can help.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 26 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Madrid, Spain
Originally Posted by bdogg64 View Post
Hey folks,

No new developments as of yet. The touchscreen and keyboard are working better, but still no connectivity even if everything is compiled into the kernel (Which maemo 5 doesnt like apparently). I've tried inserting the kernel modules before booting android with no luck either.

If anyone knows of anything special needed to get the wifi, bluetooth working (e.g. loading firmware), I'm all ears. Or if you just want me to post my patch file I can do that too.
Posting the patch file would be great, I'll try to look into it myself, too.
Also, you might want to try and ask on IRC. 'Googlers' have helped people trying to port android to different devices before.
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Is there any hope for nitdroid running on the N810. I understand its bootable but will it ever be usable or is there things missing that may never be found?
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