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Originally Posted by tso View Post
a couple of things i have experienced after some time of use now.

1. maemo loves to crash all running programs if ram+swap gets maxed out.
I'm using 64MB ramzswap + 64 MB swap file. Still no crashes at all.
2. i can't see any change when using ramzez to change from 10% to anything else, and that ramzez defaults back to 10% rather then showing the current setting used adds to the confusion...
I do not understand. 10% of what? You have to specify the uncompresed size, then it will use the ram it needs to hold the compressed pages.
hmm, it would appear that a reboot is needed to apply the ramzez settings change...
Why reboot? "/etc/init.d/ramzez restart" is enough
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Originally Posted by tso View Post
a couple of things i have experienced after some time of use now.

1. maemo loves to crash all running programs if ram+swap gets maxed out.

2. i can't see any change when using ramzez to change from 10% to anything else, and that ramzez defaults back to 10% rather then showing the current setting used adds to the confusion...

hmm, it would appear that a reboot is needed to apply the ramzez settings change...
Yes, this is true. Although a kernel module unloading should do the trick.
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hey locusf
I'm having a problem installing your application. I've gone to the garage and clicked on the ramzez 0.3 diablo armel.deb I'm getting incompatible application package. can u give me a hand?
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Originally Posted by maacruz View Post
I'm using 64MB ramzswap + 64 MB swap file. Still no crashes at all.
cranked it up to half ram now, no extra swap file, seems to work somewhat better.

I do not understand. 10% of what? You have to specify the uncompresed size, then it will use the ram it needs to hold the compressed pages.
there is a gui program that allows one to select a percentage of ram one want to use. Options are 10, 20, 25, 30, 50.

Why reboot? "/etc/init.d/ramzez restart" is enough
thanks, i'll keep it in mind
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Originally Posted by tso View Post
cranked it up to half ram now, no extra swap file, seems to work somewhat better.

there is a gui program that allows one to select a percentage of ram one want to use. Options are 10, 20, 25, 30, 50.
Ah, I understand now. Anyway, keep in mind that those aren't %RAM to use, but uncompressed swap size expressed as %RAM, so 50% is 64MB swap size (n810 has 128MB) which really uses about 20 MB RAM.
The "crashes" were caused by the linux kernel killing processes because running out of memory. You had only 13MB uncompressed (10%) of swap, so any memory hungry program you ran and BAM!, out of memory.
I recomend you adding a 64 MB swap file, since ramzswap also consumes memory and reduces available ram, and in my usage experience it is easy to start using those additional 64MB (running mediabox, tear and a couple of xterm is enough)
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kinda funny, as maemo have earlier warned about low ram, and suspended operations. But these "crashes" are something new.

meh, i think i'll stick to about 24MB swap on the card, as that seems avout enough to not get problems with tear trying to swap itself or something.
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I have found that maemo usually swaps out about 40MB of rarely used ram pages. That's why I insist in 64MB, and for that reason 24MB is certainly a too small swap size to maximize performance.
By using ramzswap you win speed and responsiveness when reading those pages back (switching programs), and much reduced mmc wear (if that bothers you), at the cost of a little less ram.
Just try several settings and find what maximize performance for your usage. As I already said, 64+64 is ideal for me.
"free", "cat /proc/swaps" and "cat /proc/ramzswap" will provide you with all information you need
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the 24MB allows the system to swap out the least used stuff, while at the same time it will not make maemo start swapping to much when tear goes loading one heavy page to many, without having everything shut down on me like ramzez do right now no matter what setting i use for it.

if i have to use ramzez alongside a normal swap area, i can just use the normal swap and ignore ramzez, as i was hoping that ramzez would allow me to forgo ordinary swap...
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I guess maemo monitors the swap file by name (haven't tryed with a swap partition), and that's the reason the kernel shuts down apps instead of maemo giving a warning.
About the 24MB, what I'm trying to tell is that if you up the swap file size to 40 MB, maemo still won't have enough space to swap too much, while maximizing the available ram.
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Fails to install Ramzez .3 or .2 on N810 WiMAX 5.2008.43-7.
Error "Status: Not installable.
Unable to install ramzez, Incompatible application package".
Is there a fix for this?

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