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Hi, I just had a couple questions about the N800, I'm looking for something small to take travelling and was wondering if the N800 would meet my needs.

I'm looking to get something that I can transfer pictures off my camera and send them to family and maybe post to a travel blog or something. Also I need to be able to maintain a website, I just use Notepad to edit the HTML code, but I need to be able to connect to an FTP server and transfer the files back and forth. Can the N800 do this?

Another thing that would be great would be Skype or Gizmo, I live in Canada, but I'm travelling Australia and Asia, could I use one of the services to call home providing I have access to a WiFi access point regardless of where I am?

The last thing I might want to use it for is games or video, just for the 14 hour flight, is there a lot of software available for the N800?

Sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure I purchase the right device, there just seems to be so much to choose from now.

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Hi, I'm relativity new to the N800, but I'll try to answer you as best as I can.

If your camera has an sd card then you should definably be able to e-mail them to family.

There are plain text editors editors available, and there is also a standard one that ships with the N800.

I think there is a way to FTP, but you might have to find a program to do it.
or maybe SSH or VNC into your home box...sorry, I dont know anything about either.

There is talk on the forums about Skype becoming available for the N800, but I dont think it is out yet. I just went to Japan 2 weeks ago, and I used Google talk and the built in mic to chat with the family back home. If you have you family register(free) with the Nokia service you can use the built in web cam, but I found that the video was too laggy for me.

The main site to find software for the N800 is then the downlads tab.

Hope this helps you make up your mind, one thing you might want to consider getting if you plan to type alot on it is a bluetooth keyboard, for me text entry with the stylus is a pain.
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That brings up a good question: has anyone tried a bluetooth camera with the N800?
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Thanks for the reply. I usually just use IE or FireFox and connect to the ftp server through the browser, do you know if the version of Opera on the n800 would support this?
acydlord's Avatar
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i just tried browser based ftp, the version of opera we've got seems to only allow ftp downloading/browsing, no uploading. i know i saw an ftp client in one of the application repos. @texrat i tried to sync with a nokia camera and i think and olympus with no luck.
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The 'curl' command-line application can also do ftp upload.
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Originally Posted by acydlord View Post
@texrat i tried to sync with a nokia camera and i think and olympus with no luck.
Interesting (and saddening). I would hope you'd get the same behavior that you get when bluetooth-linking to a phone: the ability to navigate its file folders. Did you receive an error, or just a dead end?
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Do you have an OBEX server installed? I have the "sobexsvr" app installed and my camera-phone was able to upload some pics to my N800. (I can't test my camera because it's @ home). With sobexsvr, I just turn on my Bluetooth, and devices pick it up and upload to it easily.


Edit: The sobexsvr only allows for object pushes. No file browsing as Texrat wanted.
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Originally Posted by frethop View Post
Edit: The sobexsvr only allows for object pushes. No file browsing as Texrat wanted.
Eh, guess ya can't have everything. At least there appears to be a solution! But I'd hope that camera browsing shows up eventually...

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