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Posts: 190 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Bee-u-tee-ful Garden Home, Oregon
Yeah, I do wish it would luck rigid - esp. for the price.

BTW, here is something to try from the developers list:

Simply copy the file into the 770 (do a find, it's in /var/lib/install) and while I haven't tried the key mapping part, keyboard activity will now keep the screen from dimming. Whoo hoo! I love it. Now, where is my HID support (or could we hack a mouse too??)
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Hi, is there a possibility for using a german QWERTZ keyboard with the Nokia 770? It runs, but the allocation is QWERTY.
And, how can I use the Function Keys like "Mail", "Home", etc.

Thank you,

Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
Where are people getting the Nokia BT KB? I have fondled the Stowaway BT KB. Ran away in horror. Stiff keys, plus the damned thing is on a center platform so it WOBBLES when I try to type on it. Baloney!

-- edited to add:

From the KB FAQ:

Can I also use the Nokia Wireless Keyboard with my PDA or PC?
No you cannot. The Nokia Wireless Keyboard can only be used with compatible Nokia phones.

Last edited by Mike Cane; 2005-12-22 at 21:13.
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Found my at the Fry's Electronics here in San Diego, in a special display of Nokia peripherals. It was the last one.

I have used it with the Treo 650 using a 3rd party (not Nokia) driver for another Bt keyboard. Mostly works, but I can't get to the numbers shared with the upper set of characters.
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I just found a place in NYC that purports to sell it. I will sashay by there shortly to see if I can fondle it -- and if it will pair and work with the 770.

I just hope they're open. The Transit Strike has felled many a business here in NYC...
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I'm very happy with my Stowaway (apart from the Opera textarea issue, but that doesn't hit my usage patterns too much) - the advantage of it over the Nokia is that it locks open - meaning it can be used on your lap etc.

Also, I don't find the keys too stiff (although I'm still getting used to the layout!)
Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
I'm glad you like the Stowaway, but I hate it. So it's no solution for me. Ah, if only the Zippy 610 had a BT model!!
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Virginia Beach, VA USA
So just how well does the SU-8W work with the 770? I'm seriously considering picking one up. Do all the keys work (function access to the number keys, etc... not including the phone specific keys of course)? Is it worth it, or is there a better choice?
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2005
It works very well, I have no complaints. Yes, the number keys work.
Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
Pointless to ask, but I will --

Is it very flat?

How its keyfeel?

Do you make many typos?

Still wish I could find one in NYC to fondle.

-- via free 770 @ Bryant Park.

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