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Posts: 540 | Thanked: 288 times | Joined on Sep 2009
I've had every device since 770, would like a bigger screen on N900 too but otherwise very happy with it.
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Posts: 205 | Thanked: 159 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Ive got a 770 but i cant use it because it cant find any network.. So only using my n900.
Posts: 306 | Thanked: 566 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Romania
i had n900 before n810 and i bought only for damn host mode
Posts: 751 | Thanked: 522 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ East Gowanus
I have the N800, N810 and now an N900. The N810 I have loaned to my sister to use for Skype, the N800 is my bedside alarm clock/internet radio and the N900 is my main mobile. For users who were like me and perfectly content with the N810 apart from the fact that it lacked a phone application the N900 is basically the holy grail device.

Maemo 5 on the N900 is simply a much more polished experience than Diablo. The screen size reduction sucks but the addition of a usable point and shoot camera and the powerful processor really make up for that. Apart from screen size I really do miss the hardware full screen toggle like another poster mentioned.

BTW I don't think you will find too many prior tablet users complaining about the N900 much, all the noise is nearly all newer users who did not know what they were getting into with maemo and Nokia.
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Posts: 90 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Thanks everyone for the replies so far, it's nice to hear all your comments and insights. Great to see so many of you are owners of the previous devices.
Posts: 225 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Had a 770..
Moved to the 770..
Now I use the 770 daily..
Pretty happy with it..

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Posts: 34 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ London
I have owned a N800 for over 4yrs. Still use it for Wayfinder and Carman in my car. sometimes Canola. do not really use it for much else.

Use my N900 as phone and for internet.
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Posts: 549 | Thanked: 502 times | Joined on Feb 2008 @ Bowling Green Ohio (united states)
I use to have a N800 untill i accidentally nuked the bootloader (nolo) while tinkering with poky linux (wrote to the wrong flash node while extracting the jffs2 image) - never doing that again!

So now my N900 is my new hacking/development device
I'm an advanced user and a bit of a modder.
I am involved with Mer, Deblet, and NITdroid.
My ports/creations/hacks: GNOME (for Deblet), Cdeb2», Ubuntu, playable flash games in the "Get Started" app, DBS, ect...

enhanced fedora port has been canceled in favor of NITDebian (TBA)
Posts: 38 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Feb 2008
First Got in to the NIT back when the N800 was about 8 months old. Used it for everything back in the day including geocaching and on the road computing. Moved up to the N810 when the N800's screen gave up the ghost. Used both as my main in car PCs for internet radio and GPS/Traffic Data. I Moved to the n900 because i had sratched the sreen of the N810 really badly while working. It is not to bad to use if you are not planing on using it in the sun. I have plans to make the N810 a Carman / Canola System in my Truck when i get the OBD2 scanner and a proclip mont.

I real think the move to Maemo5 was a good one, N8x0 was getting a bit long in the tooth. I hope to find a use for my N810 but the N900 has pretty much taken over all its duties. The screen could be bigger but i am young so it is not too bad. The thing i wished it had the most would be a 4 row keyboard. I spent so much time learning to type on the N810 that I am finding it hard to type on the N900 sometimes. If you are looking in to buying one the best thing to do is go and play with it for an hour and see if you can live with it. That is what i had to do to get my self to buy one.
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Posts: 83 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ queen creek , AZ
i have the n770, n800, n810 and now my n900 .. i love them all

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