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Posts: 502 | Thanked: 4,478 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Finland
I wonder is there any hope to make N900's pressure sensitivity to work with GIMP?

I use a lot MyPaint(Painter) for sketching and painting and GIMP(Photoshop) for retouching and manipulating images, but I miss GIMP's ability to use N900's pressure sensitivity.
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2010
Hello, there are a number of flash paint programs that the N900 can run. Is quite nice and usable

sumopaint (almost a carbon copy of photoshop) runs a little slowly (it has layers, history pallete etc). Hopefully flash 10 (or an overclock utility) will improve them.

I typed in flash paint in google, there where quite a few more, but it was late. These were the two I tested.

Of course they both miss out on pressure sensitivity, which is something I love about 'colours' on the nintendoDS
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2009
@phase315 -- read more about the KDE Project at , or another example is . Then, read this regarding the licensing of KDE and most other software you'll find for the N900 and other N-Series devices. Most of it is migrated in to work on the N900 but was developed elsewhere for other uses:


Last edited by jchammons; 2010-02-25 at 05:41.

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