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Posts: 207 | Thanked: 84 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ bournemouth
Ok fellow Maemolites, I finally managed to meet up with our Nokia rep today for the first time since I got my N900 in December, and I threw some questions at him that I thought I'd share, I didn't manage to ask much as he only dropped by to give us a demo Nokia X6 (which are awesome by the way), plus this is all from memory, but is pretty much what was said, so here goe's.

Q/ What's the deal with the new Nokia Media Transfer Concept

A/ The N900 used in the demo was a 'modded' version housing a new high-speed wireless transfer chip, gonna be similar to Bluetooth V4.0

Q/ V4.0?? already, what happened to V3.0??

A/ its just a proof of concept at the mo, but real damn cool

Q/ Ovi maps? when do we get free services?

A/ Not to sure yet, but development is going strong, if we don't get it in the PR 1.1.1 update most likely the following version.

Q/ Speaking of updates why was the UK missed out in the latest firmware??

A/ I'm not entirely sure??

Q/ Why is my media player struggling with Chapter support in H.264 files??

A/ mine does it also, Its a known bug that will be fixed in the next update

Q/ The OVI store is kinda slow at the moment, any reasons??

A/ The merge with Meego has slowed development as Nokia want s all APPs to be compatible with both Maemo and Meego, but Ive seen some really impressive games and demos recently so the wait will be worth it.

Q/ Meego!! Yessssssss N900 bound??

A/ Hmmmm, from what vie been told is that the technical requirements for Meego fit the N900, so as long as the development goes well and all the features pegged for Meego work on the N900 then yes, it should get it. BUT!! there has been no official word yet, from what I know.

Q/ But you just said APPs are slow to release because Nokia wants them to work on Maemo and Meego, but if the N900 gets Meego, thats pointless right??

A/ True, but other devices are in the pipeline line.

Q/Other devices?? Share some info??

A/ No.. wink!!

Q/ haha, answered in true Rep style.

So that its, not the greatest questions on my behalf but I was working and he's visit was brief, If I'd known he was due in today I'd prepared better.

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The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to starman For This Useful Post:
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2010
Thanks for posting!
Ronaldo's Avatar
Posts: 682 | Thanked: 208 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ UK
good stuff man, not fussed about getting meego but i hope we get all the apps since its running on same base
Posts: 184 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ US
Why would Nokia want to develop new devices when they are unable to support devices released just few months properly? I am puzzled ...

Any user who is having usb port trouble with this high end N900 and is experiencing Nokia's response to this disaster will not touch any Nokia devices with a foot long pole.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to flydeep For This Useful Post:
Posts: 186 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Austin TX
Thanks for the speculative update.

I hope your horse is worth betting on.
bandora's Avatar
Posts: 1,338 | Thanked: 1,055 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ California, USA / Jordan
So that's cool.. According to your source, Ovi maps will be available in PR1.2? I mean that sounds reasonable since PR1.2 is going to have QT4.6 and Ovi Maps is going to be entirely QT.. Hmmmm..
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 84 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ bournemouth
Originally Posted by bandora View Post
So that's cool.. According to your source, Ovi maps will be available in PR1.2? I mean that sounds reasonable since PR1.2 is going to have QT4.6 and Ovi Maps is going to be entirely QT.. Hmmmm..
my source? hahahah you make me sound like a dodgy rat who's grassing out the mafia hahahah lol
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benny1967's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bandora View Post
So that's cool.. According to your source, Ovi maps will be available in PR1.2? I mean that sounds reasonable since PR1.2 is going to have QT4.6 and Ovi Maps is going to be entirely QT.. Hmmmm..
the source also says " if we don't get it in the PR 1.1.1 update" - but 1.1.1 is already out. so... i dont know.
Posts: 207 | Thanked: 84 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ bournemouth
Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
the source also says " if we don't get it in the PR 1.1.1 update" - but 1.1.1 is already out. so... i dont know.
yeah, i sorta mentioned that to him, he just brushed if off, i think he confused himself with the firmware names
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mece's Avatar
Posts: 1,111 | Thanked: 1,985 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Åbo, Finland
Maps thing sounds really promising. That's something that definately is needed to make the N900 popular. I hope it's all true.

Who was the Nokia rep anyway?
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